A probable meaning of Heavitree is that of a heafod treow,which means 'the head tree' or execution place. The tree of the gallows was used to hang the rope, and on which the heads of criminals were sometimes displayed. The Wessex King Cenwealh established a chapel at the position of the head tree in Wonford in about 660.
Heavitree was part of the manor of Wonford, but its location on the main road to London saw it expand. The area was also a favourite for the wealthy to settle in the 18th and 19th centuries as the city became crowded, and to escape cholera and other disease. Heavitree provided w('streets_and_areas/ with workers, food and other services. It was not until 1913 that Heavitree UDC was incorporated into Exeter with the Exeter (Extension) Order.
Richard Hooker the 16th century author of the 'Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity' and Cliff Bastin, the Exeter Arsenal and England footballer were born in Heavitree.
A longer article is in preparation
before 1905.
Pleasure Gardens Centenary. Click on photos to enlarge
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