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A list of the Masters of the Guild of Weavers, Tuckers and Shearmen from 1525 until 1968.
1525 Richard Dixston, tucker
1540 Henry Bellingham, shearman
1542 or earlier
John Lane, weaver
John Dixston, tucker
John Clevehanger
William Lamb, Weaver
1543 Richard Burden or Bourden, tucker
1549 or earlier
John Bell
Henry Clarke or Clerke
Richard Baron
1558 Simon Jane, shearman
1559 Ambrose Howell or Hoyle, tucker
1560 Richard Taylor, clothier
1561 or earlier
Richard Mauncell or Mawnsell, tucker
Humphrey Voysey, tucker
1562 Walter Martin or Martyn
1563 Thomas Helmore or Holmer, weaver
1564 Nicholas Harris, tucker
1565 William Doddridge, weaver
1566 William Oddam, Weaver
1567 Robert Clarke, tucker (1568 or 1569)
George Doddridge, weaver
1570 James Torriton, weaver
1571 Thomas Miller alias Reynolds, tucker
1572 Nicholas Harris, tucker, Second term of office
1573 William Tucker of Heavitree, weaver
1574 Silvester West, weaver
1575 William Doddridge jun., weaver
1576 James Torriton, Weaver, Second term of office
1577 Thomas Jurden or Jordon, weaver
1578 John Gill, Weaver
1579 John Skinner, tucker
1580 Anthony Halstaff or Halstave
1581 John Dinham or Dinnam, weaver
1582 John Stansby, tucker
1583 Thomas Martin
1584 Thomas Jurden, Weaver, Second term of office
1585 Silvester West, weaver, Second term of office
1586 John Alsopp, tucker
1587 Thomas Heard or Herde, tucker
1588 William Flea or Fley, Weaver
(1589 or 1590)
William Maunder, weaver
1591 Philip Geane, tucker
1592 William Pope
1593 Robert Clarke, tucker, Second term of office
1594 Robert Maddock, tucker (1587)
1595 Martin Dinham or Dinnam, tucker
1596 James Taylor, tucker (1587)
1597 John Alsopp, tucker, Second term of office
1598 John Rewe, tucker
1599 John Isaac, weaver (1593)
1600 William Maunder, weaver, Second term of office
1601 Philip Geane, tucker, Second term of office
1602 William Pope, Second term of office
1603 John Bond, tucker (1582)
1604 Robert Downe, Weaver (1573)
1605 James Taylor, tucker (1587), Second term of office
1606 John Alsopp, tucker, Third term of office
1607 Michael Jacob, tucker
1608 William Reade, tucker (1 594)
1609 Humphrey Cade, weaver (1584)
1610 James Samford, weaver (1592)
1611 John Bond, tucker (1582), Second term of office
1612 Richard Mason, tucker (1600)
1613 Richard Jacob, tucker (1593)
1614 Robert Downe, Weaver (1573), Second term of office
1615 James Taylor, tucker (1587), Second term of office
1616 Thomas Smythe (1587)
1617 Augustine Drake, tucker (1598)
1618 Nicholas Dinham (1582)
1619 Thomas Reade, tucker (1601)
1620 William Reade, tucker (1594), Second term of office
1621 Richard Maddock, tucker (1606)
1622 Humphrey Cade, weaver (1584), Second term of office
1623 Richard Cater or Catter, tucker, (1603)
1624 George Shapcott, tucker (1602)
1625 William Hayne, tucker (1606)
Marmaduke Bevercombe, tucker, (1604)
1626 John Fawle or Phawle, Weaver, (1605)
1627 Robert Truscott or Trescott, tucker (1607)
1628 Nicholas Dennis, tucker (1614)
1629 William Spiller, tucker (1613)
1630 Thomas Hoyte, tucker (1608)
1631 John Reade, Weaver (1616)
1632 Nicholas Gregory, tucker (1615)
1633 Peter Commings or Commins, weaver (1621)
1634 Richard Jacob, tucker (1593), Second term of office
1635 Nicholas Markes, tucker (1614)
1636 Richard Hooper, tucker (1611)
1637 James Samford, weaver (1592), Second term of office
1638 Anthony Webber, tucker (1603)
1639 Henry Dashwood, weaver (1621)
1640 George Hoyte, tucker
1641 Robert Carrel or Carell, weaver, (1621)
1642 William Fill, tucker (1604)
1643 Charles Hopping, tucker (1627)
1644 Richard Mountstephen, tucker, (1626)
1645 Benjamin Oliver, tucker (1624)
1646 John Hill (1640)
1647 Thomas Fludd, tucker (1627)
1648 Robert Truscott, tucker (1607), Second term of office
1649 Edward Pince, weaver (1640)
1650 Thomas Bradshaw, tucker (1633)
1651 Argenton Twiggs or Twigge, tucker (1622)
1652 Robert Roberts, tucker (1621)
1653 Paul Bale or Ball, tucker (1634)
1654 Robert Forster or Foster, tucker, (1632)
1655 Morgan Filley
1656 Thomas Crispyn or Crispin, tucker (1632)
1657 John Archipole, tucker (1629)
1658 George Shapcott II, tucker (1648)
1659 Robert Wedge
1660 Thomas Samford, weaver (1647)
1661 Nicholas Kennicott, weaver (1651)
1662 Robert Pitcher, tucker (1638)
1663 William Dyer, weaver (1653)
1664 Nicholas Floud, tucker (1638)
1665 Edward Pince, weaver (1640), Second term of office
1666 Richard Hooper, tucker (1646)
1667 Gilbert Leigh or Lee, tucker (1640)
1668 Argenton Twiggs, tucker (1622), Second term of office
1669 John Pince, weaver (1660)
1670 Daniel Skibbow, tucker (1641)
1671 Roger Endabrooke, weaver (1663
1672 John Boyland, tucker (1655)
1673 William Hill, fuller (1663)
1674 Joseph Pince, weaver (1660)
1675 Thomas Heath, fuller
1676 Angell Sparke, clothier (1663)
1677 Humphrey Bawden, tucker (1652)
1678 Mathew Ferris (1663)
1679 William Lobb
1680 John Keese, fuller (1663)
1681 Thomas Baron or Barrons, tucker, (1657)
1682 John Yeovatt or Youatt
1683 Thomas Hopkins, fuller (1663)
1684 Andrew Jefiery, fuller (1663)
1685 Robert Foster or Forster (1666)
1686 Noel Pearse, tucker (165 5)
1687 Thomas Crispin, tucker (1632), Second term of office
1688 William Wreyford (1673)
1689 Thomas Townsend, fuller (1668)
1690 Henry Newcombe, fuller (1669)
1691 Thomas Potter, fuller (1669)
1692 William Holmes (1675)
1693 John Carne (1663)
1694 Peter Menheir, woolcomber (1673)
William Spry (1677)
1695 Thomas Somers
1696 John Cheares, fuller
1697 Richard Cooper (1677)
1698 John Keese jun. (1682)
1699 Jonathan Lavington (1680)
1700 John Youatt (1682)
1701 John Adams (1678)
1702 Hugh Bidwell, fuller (1678)
1703 William Guswell, weaver (1679)
1704 Nicholas Munckley, fuller (1682)
1705 Francis Bidwill or Bidwell (1685)
1706 Thomas Jeffery, fuller (1690)
1707 John Holditch (1677)
1708 Edmund Cock, fuller (1687)
1709 John Clace
1710 Peter Roberts (1692)
1711 John Hill
1712 William Marker (1688)
1713 Peter Menheir II
John Alford (1690)
1714 Benjamin Heath (1693)
1715 George Bingham (1694)
1716 Andrew Lavington (1709)
1717 Henry Toms alias Thomas (1681)
1718 Richard Holditch (1692)
1719 John Chears or Chearse II (1710)
Mathew Lee (1705)
1720 Christopher Elliott (1698)
1721 Roger Follett (1694)
1722 William Cooper, weaver (1718)
1723 Thomas Bastard, weaver (1711)
1724 Henry Wilcox, sergemaker (1 710)
1725 Nicholas Munckley jun., fuller (1714)
1726 Edmund Cock jun. (1719)
1727 Digory Cock, fuller (1719)
1728 Caleb Youatt, sergemaker (1709)
1729 John Holmes, weaver (1719)
1730 Benjamin Spry, fuller (1716)
1731 Philip Bastard (1705)
1732 Samuel Tremlett, sergemaker (1720)
1733 Thomas Pyke (1710)
1734 Alexander Arundell, weaver (1726)
1735 John Baker, sergemaker (1728)
1736 Thomas Bastard, fuller (1708)
1737 Nathaniel Elias Cosseratt, fuller (1724)
1738 William Kennaway I, weaver (1 71 5)
1739 Joseph Allen, fuller
1740 Charles Stoodley, weaver (1711)
1741 Thomas Jeffery, fuller (1690), Second term of office
1742 Mathew Lee (1705), Second term of office
Henry Wilcocks (1710), Second term of office
1743 Caleb Youatt, sergemaker (1709), Second term of office
1744 John Holmes, weaver (1719), Second term of office
1745 George Lee, fuller (1742)
1746 Abraham Kennaway I, fuller (1742)
1747 David Hilman, fuller (1742)
1748 Edmund Cock III (1743)
1749 Peter Menheir III, weaver (1743)
1750 Benjamin Spry, fuller (1716), Second term of office
1751 Samuel Tremlett, sergemaker (1720), Second term of office
1752 Moses Hutchings, weaver (1730)
1753 Mathew Lee II (1751)
1754 Richard Lascelles, fuller (1746)
1755 William Kennaway jun., weaver (1739)
1756 John Baring, fuller (1751)
1757 Francis Robbins, weaver (1733)
1758 Francis Bidwell, weaver (1729)
1759 Mathew Frost, weaver (1754)
1760 Nathaniel Elias Cosserat jun., fuller (1755)
1761 John Holmes jun (1756)
1762 Christopher Burnett, fuller (1718)
1763 Robert Kennaway I, sergemaker (1759)
1764 William Holmes, weaver (1759)
1765 Edward Bartlett, weaver (1733)
1766 John Battersby, fuller (1763)
1767 George Hayman, fuller (1739)
1768 Nicholas Brooke, fuller (1764)
1769 Mathew Lee III, fuller (1764)
1770 John Eustace, weaver (1764)
1771 Charles Baring (1765)
1772 John Boutcher, weaver (1770)
1773 Nehemiah Upcott, weaver (1770)
1774 William Spicer Dix, fuller (1765)
1775 Edward Bartlett jun., weaver (1750)
1776 John Frederick Katenkamp, fuller (1771)
1777 William Kennaway III, serge-maker (1773)
1778 Arundel Philip, fuller (1771)
1779 Samuel Coade (1775)
1780 Thomas Huckell Lee (1776)
1781 William Fryer (1777)
1782 Abraham Kennaway II, fuller (1777)
1783 Anthony Gibbs, weaver (1778)
1784 John Jeffery Short, fuller (1778)
1785 John James Hirtzell, fuller (1780)
1786 George Hirtzell, weaver (1783)
1787 Edmund Jeffery, fuller (1753)
1788 William Benjamin Kennaway, fuller (1784)
1789 Thomas Kennaway (1785)
1790 William Kennaway III (1773) Second term of office
1791 John Baring jun (1789)
1792 Richard Lascelles jun., fuller (1784)
1793 John Cole (1783)
1794 Robert Kennaway II (1791)
1795 John Baring sen. (1751) Second term of office
1796 Richard Collins (1784)
1797 Nathaniel Cranch (1794)
1798 Edmund Granger (1784)
1799 John Bowden Cresswell (1797)
1800 Samuel Tremlett II (178 8)
1801 Robert Tothill (1795)
1802 Samuel Churchill (1797)
1803 William Baring Gould (1794)
1804 Francis Turner (1799)
1805 William Vicary (1802)
1806 Jonathan Worthy, fuller (1803)
1807 James Manning (1805)
1808 Abraham Kennaway II (1777), Second term of office
1809 Joseph Powell (1807)
1810 John Milford (1807)
1811 Samuel Frederick Milford (1 808
1812 James Cresswell (1809)
1813 Robert Renell (1810)
1814 Samuel Banfill (1810)
1815 George Hirtzell (1783), Second term of office
1816 Richard Collins (1784), Second term of office
1817 Edmund Granger (1784), Second term of office
1818 William Benjamin Kennaway (1784), Second term of office
1819 John Cole (1783), Second term of office
1820 Edward Lloyd Saunders (1817)
1821 Seth Hyde (1818)
1822 Henry Blackall (1818)
1823 Thomas Snow (1819)
1824 Robert Rogers Sanders (1820)
1825 James Cresswell (1809), Second term of office
1826 William Vicary (1802), Second term of office
1827 Francis Turner (1799), Second term of office
1828 Henry Collins (1826)
1829 William Kennaway IV (1826)
1830 William Crockett (1826)
1831 William Cole Dicker (182.6)
1832 Charles Milford (1829)
1833 Joseph Barnes Sanders (1830)
1834 Sydney Hayne (1832)
1835 James Cresswell (1809), Third term of office
1836 Samuel Banfill (1810), Second term of office
1837 George Chaplin Holroyd (1834)
1838 Edward Andrew Sanders (1834)
1839 Henry Lake Hirtzel (1836)
1840 John Follett (1836)
1841 William Kingdom (1839)
1842 Frederick Dashwood Hirtzel (1839)
1843 Thomas Coulson Sanders (1839)
1844 Henry Blackall (1818), Second term of office
1845 Thomas Maitland Snow (1842)
1846 William Barnes (1843)
1847 George Pye (1843)
1848 James Jones Tanner (1843)
1849 Ralph Sanders (1845)
1850 Thomas Snow (1819), Second term of office
1851 Edward Gard (1846)
1852 Richard Worthy (1846)
1853 Richard Somers Gard (1848)
1854 Daniel Bishop Davy (1850)
1855 William Munby Snow (1850)
1856 Frederick Milford (1850)
1857 Richard Durant (1850)
1858 William Cosens (1850)
1859 Christopher Arden (1852)
1860 James Pasmore (1853)
1861 James Lyon Geaves (1855)
1862 William Kendall (1856)
1863 William Thomas Smith (1859)
1864 Sir John Bowring (1861)
1865 Thomas Snow (1819), Third term of office
1866 James Pasmore Savery (1863)
1867 Charles Robert Collins (1864)
1868 William Kennaway (1826), Second term of office
1869 John Charles Bowring (1866)
1870 George Tucker (1867)
1871 Pulford Vicary (1867)
1872 William Barnes (1869)
1873 Wilberforce Savery Pasmore (1870)
1874 Henry Wilcocks (1872)
1875 Horace Charles Lloyd (1872)
1876 William Cotton (1872)
1877 Henry Drew Thomas (1874)
1878 Robert Nesbit Gollop Baker (1874)
1879 Charles Buckley Sanders (1876)
1880 Henry Collins-Splatt (1826), Second term of office
1881 William Horton Ellis (1878)
1882 Edward James Sanders (1879)
1883 Samuel Ward (1880)
1884 Thomas Snow (1881)
1885 Walter Pring (1882)
1886 Edward Andrew Sanders (1834), Second term of office
1887 George Colson (1885)
1888 Richard Kendall Norris (1885)
1889 Frederick Henry Lloyd (1887)
1890 Charles Josiah Ross (1887)
1891 William Lethbridge (1888)
1892 Henry Madgewick Dansey Wilcocks (1889)
1893 Arthur Melville Hood Walrond (1890)
1894 Walter William Tremlett (1890)
1895 William Brock (1893)
1896 William Henry Birkett (1893)
1897 William Henry Birkett (1893), Second term of office
1898 Frederick Templer Depree (1894)
1899 William Carter Richards (1896)
1900 Robert Pople (1897)
1901 Pieter Christiaan Massyn Veitch (1899)
1902 James Langdon Thomas (1899)
1903 Henry Alfred Willey (1899)
1904 Robert Gracey (1900)
1905 Henry Gadd (1900)
1906 Thomas Carter Pring (1902)
1907 Henry Hugh John William Drummond (1902)
1908 Henry Hugh Wippell (1904)
1909 Francis William Harding (1904)
1910 Charles Edward Rowe (1905)
1911 Anthony Hubert Gibbs (1906)
1912 Thomas Bradley Rowe (1909)
1913 William Munby Snow (1850), Second term of office
1914 William Richard Mallett (1911)
1915 Walter Browne (1911)
1916 James Pearse (1911)
1917 Reginald Maitland Snow (1911)
1918 Joseph Charles Wippell (1913)
1919 William Kendall King (1914)
1920 Arthur Cecil Thomas (1914)
1921 William Townsend (1914)
1922 William Brock (1919)
1923 Leonard Pollard (1920)
1924 John Henry Ellet Lake (1921)
1925 Harold Charles Rowe (1922)
1926 Arthur Conrad Reed (1924)
1927 Edgar Stroud Plummer (1924)
1928 Arthur Northcote Pitts (1925)
1929 Charles Josiah Ross (1887), Second term of office
1930 Walter Duncan Hibberd (1927)
1931 Herbert Townsend (1928)
1932 Arthur Ernest Brock (1928)
1933 Thornton Willey (1928)
1934 Ernest Henry Wippell (1930)
1935 Sydney Smith Row (1930)
1936 Howard Ross Tremlett (1930)
1937 Frank Eland (1932)
1938 Thomas Herman Pring (1933)
1939 William Brock (1934)
1940 Thomas Carter Pring (1902), Second term of office
1941-6 Sebastian Richard Eustace Snow (1938)
1946 Arthur James Dunsford (1939)
1947 Herbert Frederick Pollard (1940)
1948 Reginald John Rew (1941)
1949 Kenneth Charles Harold Rowe (1941)
1950 Joseph Howard Wippell (1946)
1951 Robert Wilfrid Townsend (1946)
1952 Cecil Reed Browne (1947)
1953 Kenneth Richard Wilson Eager (1948)
1954 Robert Row (1949)
1955 Alec Hugo Holladay (1949)
1956 Paul Wynne Tighe (1949)
1957 George Ernest Pitts (1951)
1958 John Frank Sutton (1952)
1959 William Henry Chatterley Bishop (1952)
1960 Frederick William Cornish (1953)
1961 Alan Douglas Bruford (1955)
1962 Robert Godfrey Rew (1958)
1963 Jack Alexander Charles Kneel (1958)
1964 Michael John Pollard (1959)
1965 Alfred John Wheaton (1959)
1966 Wilfred Norman Boorne (1959)
1967 Kenneth Richard Upright (1962)
1968 Henry Edgar Eland Holladay (1963)
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