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This Month in Exeter – 1919

Page added 1st December for the newspapers in December 1919

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Western Times


These newspaper snippets are from the Western Times, and the Exeter, Plymouth Gazette and Express and Echo. It is updated monthly, as we traverse the events of the First World War. The months are in reverse, with January 1918 at the end of the page. Thanks to the British Newspaper Archive


December 1919

Motor 'Bus Breaks Down at Exeter

On Friday afternoon shortly after five, Mr. Garnish's motor 'bus, which runs between Chagford and Exeter, broke down just after it had started the return journey from the City. Heavily laden with passengers and goods, had reached Cowick-street, at the junction of Buller and Cecil roads, when the axle snapped and further progress by the motor bus was an end.
Western Times - Tuesday 02 December 1919

His Identity Practically Established

The case of the mystery man at Exeter, first reported in the "Express and Echo" on Monday, has aroused considerable interest, especially in view of later developments.
There seems to reasonable ground for supposing that he is, as he claims. Michael O'Leary, V.C.
Further information now available shows that was first discovered last Thursday evening lying in a fit in the middle of the road near Kennford by ex-P.C. Hatherleigh, who was cycling. Mr. Hatherleigh attended him, and when he was well enough walked with him to the Alphington-road tram terminus, put him the car, and paid his fare to Paris-street, also giving him a few coppers.
The man was next found in another fit in Paris-street, and was taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on Thursday night. On Monday shortly after our reporter saw the man in the hospital, arrangements were completed for his transfer to the Ministry of Pensions Neurological Hospital, Palace Gate, Exeter. He was taken to the hall of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, and while awaiting the arrival of the nurse who was to escort him to the Pensions Hospital he vanished. At that time he appeared to be perfectly normal. He was traced to the General Post Office, but where he went afterwards nobody seems to know.
At 11 o'clock on Monday night he was found again in another fit in Rolle-street, Exmouth. Once more he was quite unable to give any account of himself, except to say that was Michael O'Leary, V.C. Dr. C. H. L. Rixon, senior medical officer at the Palace Gate Hospital, was communicated with, and Tuesday the man was brought to Exeter.
The Palace Gate Hospital is one which specially deals with shell-shock cases, and Dr. Rixon states that the symptoms displayed were typical. He is satisfied that the man did not know what was happening to him, and that really had no knowledge as to how he got from one place another.
Among other particulars he ascertained from the man that was Michael O’Leary, V.C., and that he was originally going from Dublin to a neurological hospital, which he named, in London. Dr. Rixon communicated with this hospital, and was informed that they were expecting Michael O'Leary, V.C., and that he had not arrived, although a bed had been kept for him for over a week.
In view the fact that he was the books of the hospital in London, the man was sent to London from Exeter yesterday.
Western Times - Thursday 04 December 1919

Empty trams

Business people who make frequent use of St. David's Station, Exeter, continue to complain about the tramway service. The cars seem to have a knack of failing to coincide with the requirements of the public. People on emerging from the station frequently see an empty tramcar going towards the city. It is true that the interval which elapses between the departure of one tram and the arrival of another at the station is by no means a long one, and that cars have to leave St. David's Station at certain times to ensure passing cars travelling in the opposite direction at the appointed places. But the fact remains that empty tramcars mean loss of revenue, increased cost of running, and public dissatisfaction. Possibly, a readjustment of stopping place arrangements might help matters. Doubling of track throughout the section is at present out of the question.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 06 December 1919

Excess Charge for Petrol at Exeter

At the Guildhall, Exeter, yesterday, the City Profiteering Committee heard a complaint lodged by Mr. W. Talbot. 64. Park-road, Exeter against Messrs. Stanfield and White, St. Sidwell's Exeter, with reference to a charge for 1s for a pint of petrol. The Committee, after hearing both complainant and respondent, decided that an excessive charge had been made, and declared the price which would yield a reasonable profit was 8d. and ordered respondent to refund 4d to complainant.
Western Times - Tuesday 09 December 1919

Motor Light Cases at Wonford Sessions

At Wonford Sessions at the Castle of Exeter yesterday, before Messrs. H. C. Rowe (in the chair) and W. Turner. Reg Leaves was summoned for driving a motor lorry at Alphington on 28th November without lights—defendant admitted the charge, and was fined 10s.—Reg Chas. Headon was summoned for driving a car at Pinhoe without a red rear light, and was fined 5s.
John Wallington was summoned for, on November 30th driving a motor car at Pinhoe without a red rear light. The defendant said his lights went suddenly dim, and he thought perhaps wires had become disconnected. He tried his best to regain some light. Eventually, some more current was obtained.—Under the circumstances, the case was dismissed.
Western Times - Wednesday 10 December 1919

Stealing spokes

Three boys, aged, respectively, 10, 12, and 15, were brought up the Exeter City Children's Court, yesterday, for stealing spokes of a wheel belonging to Mr. Charles Smith, farmer, East Wonford, Exeter.— Constable said the boys had gone into a field where there was a pair of old cart wheels, and had taken the spokes home for firewood. The damage was estimated at 5s.—The boys pleaded guilty, but one of them said while the Heavitree boys were generally ones who created the damage, the boys of Heavitree bridge had to face the music.
Western Times - Tuesday 16 December 1919

Dense Fog.



A dense fog hung over Exeter and district the whole of yesterday and greatly interfered with business and traffic. At scarcely any  time, except for a brief period about noon, was it possible to see more than a few yards. Gas and electricity had to be used continuously for illuminating purposes in a large number of business The police on point duty had considerable work in regulating the vehicular traffic in High-street, Fore-street, Queen-street, Paris-street, and other principal thoroughfares. The electric trams found it impossible to keep to the scheduled times, and early in the afternoon there was a good deal of congestion between the Guildhall, and the New London Inn Square, quite half a dozen cars being in this section of the system at one time. Drivers of the trams, well as motorists and those in charge of horses had to proceed with the greatest, caution; hooters and bells giving warning of moving vehicles made a rare din. At the railway stations the weather was reported be the worst for the train services for the year. Owing to it being impossible for engine drivers to see signals, detonators had used. Shunting operations in the goods yards were carried on with the aid of lamps, which were also used by the porters on the  passenger platforms. A number of trains were running late.
As a consequence of the fog there was a collision between a motor car, driven by Reginald Sercombe and in which Mr. C. T. Roberts, of Exeter, was riding, and an Army car driven by George Westlake, R.A.S.C. in Magdalen-road, Exeter, yesterday morning. Mr. Roberts was thrown against the glass windscreen of his car and sustained cuts about his face and hands. He was taken to the Home Memorial Hospital, near by, where his injuries were attended to by Dr. Raglan Thomas. It was ascertained that, although the cuts were numerous, they were not a serious nature, and Mr. Roberts was able to proceed his house. The car was badly damaged.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 17 December 1919

Xmas Arrangements at Exeter Post Office

Commencing on the 19th December to the 24th December, parcels for the post should be posted to Queen-street S.0., and at the head office.
The town sub-offices will be open on Wednesdays as on usual week days, but will close the 25th. 26th and 27th December There will four deliveries letters and parcels on the 22nd December, and two on the 23rd and 24th December, viz., at 7 a.m. and 2pm. One delivery only on the 25th, 26th, and 27th December.
The head office letter box will be cleared at 8 p.m. for the up night mail on the 23rd and 24th, and the clearance of the town letter boxes will be made the usual times. The head office counter will be open on Christmas Day 3.50 a.m. to 10 a.m., and on the 26th and 27th from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon.
Western Times - Wednesday 17 December 1919

Train timetable

The delays associated with the departure of the 8.30 a.m. train from Exeter to Plymouth on the L. & S.W.R. system becomes more inexplicable than ever, and are the cause of increased dissatisfaction among those who have to use this train. No satisfactory reason has jet been advanced for the alteration recently made in the time of its departure from 8.35 a.m. to 8.30. It was pointed out some time ago that the advance of five minutes in the time departure from Queen Street, Exeter, was not apparently, justified, for despite the earlier start the train, paradoxically, was scheduled to arrive at some minutes later. Seeing that the train is run in response to public requirement, people are surely entitled to reasonable consideration—even these times of strange events and inconsistencies. It is not as though the late departure of this particular train was occasional. Indeed, punctuality is its most rare attribute. For instance, yesterday, it was 30 minutes late getting away from Queen Street, to say nothing of the apparently long wait which followed at St. David's Station. The Travellers this train have been extremely tolerant, but tolerance has a limit, and human endurance is not everlasting. It would, perhaps, temporarily allay some of the present manifestations of discontent if the Company made a public announcement setting forth reasons for the delays that almost invariably occur in connexion with this particular train. A poor excuse would be better than no excuse at all, because it would show that the matter had been considered. As things are present, travellers have the unpleasant experience of having to pay dearly for accommodation in a train with no assurance that they may expect a reasonable return in the shape comfort, convenience, and, above all, punctuality of service, for their outlay. To-day, more than ever before, time means money, and, consequently, loss time involves loss money—a vital factor in phases of life.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 18 December 1919


Death from natural causes was the verdict of the Exeter City Coroner, yesterday, relative to the death of a four-year-old boy named Albert Sidney Brooks, son of a carter, of Churchill-place, Cowick-street,  St. Thomas. The evidence was that the boy had measles, and was in bed for a week when he suddenly became worse and died. Dr. Atkins attributed death to bronchial pneumonia.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 19 December 1919


Lord Poltimore's Price for his Land Not Accepted

At the Schoolroom, Pinhoe, on Friday, a public meeting was held to further consider the question a war memorial for the parish. The Committee had approached Lord Poltimore with the object of acquiring two acres of ground for the purpose of a recreation ground, but the price offered by his lordship was considered be too much for the committee to entertain the idea of purchase.— Mr. T. Finning, hon. treasurer, reported that the receipts amounted to £180 0s 1½d and the payments £71 5s. 7d. leaving a balance of £108 14s. 6½ d. With promises of contributions amounting to £85, the total amount available would be £193 14s 6½d—It was decided to erect a public memorial.'
Western Times - Friday 19 December 1919


Because of Wife's Smoking and Drinking at Exeter


In the Divorce Court yesterday, a decree nisi was granted to Arthur James Tyrrell, a Regimental Sergt. Major of Telford-road, .St. David's, Exeter, on the ground of the misconduct his wife Winnie.
Petitioner, who holds the Military Cross, said the marriage was in 1908, and they lived at Telford-road, and were quite happy. He went overseas, and last May his wife wrote from Devonport acknowledging two his letters, and saying it was best they should part, as she had not felt the same towards him since their Christmas row. Petitioner said this row related the complaint made of her excessive cigarette smoking and drinking. The letter added that he had been one of the best husbands, and deserved somebody better than her. The following day he received the key to the home at Exeter. He went to Exeter later, and found the house in great disorder, cigarette ends and spirit bottles all over the place. Subsequently he had sell up the home, and he received information that respondent had stayed with a Sergt.-Major Tucker at Blandford. Tucker had been with the petitioner in the Service Battalion Devonshire Regiment, and they had been quartered together at Aldershot.
The President said he was sorry to see a Sergt.-Major of the Devonshire Regiment implicated in a transaction of this sort.
Western Times - Friday 19 December 1919


Bulls at Liberty Near Queen Street Station Goods Yard

The exciting adventures of two young bulls; on being detrained at Queen-street Station, Exeter, from Axminster, were the cause of the appearance at the City Police Court on Saturday of Henry Savery, an Exeter drover, who was charged with removing the bulls without properly securing them. Neither cf the animals had been ringed, and Savery and his companion placed a patent ring in the nose one of which, when being taken from truck promptly bolted and jumped over a wall. Savery let go his hold on the bull and also jumped over the wall. Railwaymen joined in the chase, and a shunter in trying to stop the bull with his pole, dislodged the patent nose ring. Then matters were complicated by the second bull making tracks to join its companion, and together the animals ran among the rails with railwaymen in pursuit. The animals were headed towards the gate and the sloped approach to the public road. It was impossible to stop the frightened bulls until some cows were brought to the road. Then they quietened down and were captured and taken away easily. The Chief Constable said the drover had evidently done all he could, and the Bench acknowledged the fact by merely ordering him to pay the costs.
Western Times - Monday 22 December 1919

Mud on roads

The Surveyor's Department of the Exeter Council cannot complimented upon the attention given to the streets of the city during spell of wet weather. Many of the pavements in the main thoroughfares yesterday were in a very dirty and slippery condition, and adverse comments were frequently heard not only from citizens who have to pay the exceedingly high rates but from numerous people who came to the city for business. The roads in some parts were also thickly covered with mud, and little or no attention appeared to have been given to the thoroughfares laid with wood blocks. A sprinkling of gravel in the High-street, Sidwell-street, and Queen-street at intervals would have been much appreciated by those in charge of horse-drawn vehicles. I saw one animal attached to a van fall by the Arcade, and was told by a driver that so slippery was the road in the locality that men experienced the greatest difficulty in keeping horses on their feet, especially when turning. When the cost of street cleansing is so high the owners of horses and vehicles, who are, generally speaking, large ratepayers, are entitled to consideration.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 24 December 1919

Devon War Memorial

Steady progress is being made in connexion with Devon’s war memorial. At a meeting of the Executive Committee, a report was presented giving particulars of the cross it is proposed to erect on St. Mary Major's Green, the the Cathedral Close, at Exeter. The memorial, wooden replica of which has already been constructed for purpose of giving a rough idea of the original, is to be of Devonshire granite, and 30ft. high. The simplicity of the design is a feature. An interesting part of the scheme is a proposal to effect an improvement to the green by transforming the present unkempt enclosure into a lawn or garden, equipped with shrubs and flowers, and, perhaps, a few seats. For years the St. Mary Major's Green, as this part of the Cathedral precincts is generally known, has been nothing more than an untidy patch of lank grass. It very unfavourably with the remainder of the Cathedral green. I hope the Dean and Chapter will accord their approval to the scheme for bringing this spot into harmony with the rest. A fear has been expressed that an “invasion" from the West Quarter might be anticipated if St. Mary Major's Green is thrown open to the public, and that damage might be done to plants and flowers. With the Dean, I think the “invasion" may be risked. Northernhay, a much larger place, is not spoliated, and there should be no difficulty in preserving the county war memorial site from the depredations of thoughtless people or irresponsible children. Public regard for the symbol and what it represents will be its surest safeguard.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 24 December 1919


Young Newton College Boy Disappears


The story of the mysterious disappearance of a red-headed boy at Exeter is reported by the City Police. Although he has been missing since December 19th, the matter has only just come to light.
It appears that on the date mentioned, a fifteen-years-old boy named Bryan Murphy, student at Newton College, Newton Abbot, was on his way home for Christmas holidays in company with his younger brother. Has home is at Glenealy, Langston-road, Havant, Hants. On arrival St. David's Station, the boy left his brother, and said he was going to see that their luggage was being looked after. Since that moment, nothing has been seen heard of him.
The trunk was subsequently found at Newton Abbot. This is not the first time Murphy has been missing. On a previous occasion he ran away from home. His father, who was an Engineer Commander in the Navy, who died about eighteen months ago, and his mother is very anxious as to his safety.
Murphy is stated to have a great interest in history, and also to very fond of searching for fossils. It is thought that he may be wandering about in pursuit of his hobby, or that he may have obtained employment somewhere in the locality of Exeter.
According to the description circulated by the police, Murphy is fifteen years of age, 5ft. 2¼ ins., has red hair and a freckled face. When last seen he was dressed in a dark grey suit, a khaki mackintosh, and a dark cap with pale blue stripes.
Western Times - Tuesday 30 December 1919

Colsons advertExeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 16 December 1919


November 1919

Injured on quay

Harry Warren, an Exeter Council employee, while removing iron railings on the Exeter Quay Saturday, sustained injury to his head through the slipping of an iron bar he was using. Warren was removed to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, and after being treated was made (an) out-patient.
Western Times - Monday 03 November 1919

Bishop of Exeter's


Damage estimated at about £300 was incurred by fire at the stables and garage attached to the residence of the Lord Bishop of Exeter in Barton Place Cowley-road, Exeter, yesterday morning. The building included a three-stalled stable and loft adjoining the farm buildings. The outbreak was first discovered at 9.30 a.m.,  and a pony in one of the stalls, and his lordship’s motor car in the garage, were both got out without injury. The Bishop and Lady Florence Cecil were home at the time, and seeing that buckets water and the small hose available were not sufficient to deal with the fire the Exeter Fire Brigade were telephoned for, and Superintendent Pest was quickly set to work and drew water from of the river on the opposite side of the road, and the promptitude of the Brigade saved the farm buildings. The roof of the loft was burnt off, but in about an hour the fire was got well under. The origin of the outbreak is unknown but it thought a spark from the chimney of the dwelling house may have entered the loft and ignited the hay which was stored there. A cycle, chaff-cutting machine, harness, and other stable requisites were destroyed. The damage is covered in the Commercial Union Office, and the property is owned by Col. G. Gibbs, Tyntasfield, Somerset.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 05 November 1919


Yesterday's two minutes' silent interval in the hurry and bustle of modern life was an impressive period, although one hears that in some parts of Exeter people complained that the sounding of church bells was not sufficient to enable many of those who were indoors to know exactly when the interval started. Well, I believe was intended to have maroons powerful enough shake the houses, but the railway companies refused to carry them. But people indoors probably had clocks to go by, and as the period of silence had been very well advertised, there can really be little foundation for the complaint. One could not help being struck by the reverent attitude of the crowds that stood in Exeter streets. There was no scoffing, and all seemed greatly impressed by the solemnity of the occasion. Some suggestions were made that it would be excellent idea if Armistice Day were similarly observed every year. Really, the observance was an approach to the “Angelus," on the sounding of which, three times day, people in some Roman Catholic countries stop their work and for a brief period pray.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 12 November 1919

Platform confusion

People who frequently take trains at St. David's Station, Exeter, complain of the confusion which prevails regarding platforms from which the various trains will depart. Yesterday morning the bay from which the Exe Valley trains usually run was occupied by a goods train loading the guns and details of the R.G.A. stationed at Topsham Barracks for transit to Trowbridge. Yet, until about five minutes before the scheduled time for the departure of an Exe Valley train, no one, not even the officials, appeared to know from which platform it would go. Eventually the train was run up at No. 5 platform, and about three minutes were available for get there over the passenger bridge from the usual platform. Inconvenience is, however, more often experienced in connexion with South Devon line train, and with regard to all trains seems to generally be necessary to ask where they will depart from, and not take it for granted they will start from any particular platform two days in succession. Could not some sort of notice be exhibited in a prominent position on the station about ten minutes before the departure of every train, stating from which platform it will leave, instead of the information being imparted to the porters, who very often are too busy in dealing with luggage for the various platforms to remember to call out the departure platform.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 12 November 1919

How 6,000 Young Exeter Folk Celebrated Armistice Day

"Very well, Johnny: if you won't do as I tell you, you shan't go to the fireworks tonight!”
That provisional threat must have been used in very many Exeter households, yesterday, and with great effect. Johnny had made up his mind that he must be there. And so had Tommy and Dick, and Reggie, and Jack—hundreds them. Their one great fear was that rain or snow might upset the programme. But the weather was kind, although cold, and when the hour of six was reached, one had only to be out-of-doors for moment anywhere within a quarter-of-a-mile radius of the London Inn Square to realise that it was Children's Night. Scores of them could be seen trooping in from all directions towards the Fire Station, New North-road, the great general rendezvous. Their happy laughter took all the bite out of the keen atmosphere they hastened along, running, skipping, and walking discussing all the while in high-pitched voices the probabilities and possibilities of the evening's entertainment.
The instruction was that children under twelve years of age must be accompanied by an adult, and the procession which formed up in New North Road consisted almost, exclusively of young lads at or above that age. The older people preferred to take their charges straight to the County Ground. The treat was being given by Messrs. Colson and Company in honour of Armistice Day, and Mr. E. S. Plummer himself supervised and took the foremost part in carrying out the arrangements. Mounted police were at the head; then, came the Cadets, with brass, bugle, and fife-and-drum bands; then great masses of children; then the Salvation Army Band; then more children, and last, a big contingent of the Boy Scouts of the city. Major H. de Vere Welchman, Rev. J. A. S. Castlehow, Ensign Hoggard, and Supt. W. Pert rendered invaluable assistance in marshalling the procession. Mr. Pest turned out great bundles of long-staffed pennons, which had done duty on many a big day in the past, and distributed them amongst the youngsters, and there were lots of flags, big and little, all along the line. The children were advised that they must in attendance by 6.30 o'clock, and they took good care to there in plenty of time. Even so, there was a multitude torches to be lighted and handed out, and the procession was a bit late in getting under way. But a quarter of hour, more or less, made no difference to this happy, cheering, singing company.
Earlier the day some thousands of older people had preserved absolute stillness and silence at the ancient Guildhall for the space of two minutes by way of paying tribute to the memory of the fallen. It would have been impossible for anyone to obtain absolute stillness and silence for a quarter of that period from these excited young folk—aye, even the King himself would have failed, for they would have cheered him till he gave up the attempt. Cheers greeted the bands on their arrival, cheers greeted the firemen with the flags and yet more cheers were forthcoming when the torches were lit. And what a fine show they made, singly and in bunches and with, here and there, a great mass of blazing matter suspended on a wire between two poles. It was reminiscent the old Carnival night, except that instead of the children being noisy, rowdy nuisances, they were the principal actors.
Such crowds watched the long procession pass into the High-street and down the main thoroughfare, over the Bridge and on through Cowick-street to the County Grounds! It seemed as if half the population of Exeter lined the route on either side—and the bigger half, too, if there is such a thing. It was a famous spectacle. Bands playing, torches burning, flags waving, crowds cheering; the children moved along in a blaze of glory.
Out at the. County Grounds thousands of mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers were waiting, and a mighty cheer rent the air when the head of the procession—which had long been heralded the yellow glare from the torches—came into view. Promptly. Mr Plummer put into action the wonderfully realistic "salute of 21 guns," and there followed a delightful display of great rockets, and Roman candles, and serpents and flares. Over ten thousand people watched the spectacle, and the inevitable "Oh's" and Ah's" and cheers from the children were good to hear. Mr. Moulding, the City Surveyor helped Mr. Plummer to discharge the fireworks. They cost over £100. Towards' the close twenty-five great flares were lit, and they illumined the whole district for half-a-mile around. The programme concluded with the singing of the National Anthem, in which everyone joined. It was a great night, and one that will live long in the memory of the young people in whose interests it was arranged, primarily.
Western Times - Wednesday 12 November 1919

Child Dies as Result of Burns Heavitree

An inquest was held at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital, last evening, on Gladys Peggy Cooper, the three-years-old daughter of Peggy Cooper, South View-terrace, Heavitree, who died of burns.—Mrs. Cooper said at half-past one on November 4th, deceased was aloe in a room at the back of the shop. There was a fire in the rate (an open one), but no guard. Suddenly witness heard her daughter scream, and rushing in found deceased on fire. Witness had never seen deceased play with the fire, and it was her opinion that something in the fire had exploded, and ignited the deceased’s clothing.—Mr. Calliford, who rants the deceased’s assistance, said he wrapped her up in a rug and table cloth.—Dr. Rolfe said there were extensive burns on the body. Death was due to shock and sceptic absorption.—The Coroner (Mr. W. Linford Brown) returned a verdict of “Accidental death,” and said it was a pity a guard was not placed to the fire.—Mr. Cooper said it was a very small fire.
Western Times - Wednesday 12 November 1919

Champion Rockets Heavitree

Alfred Finning and Walter Addicott, both of South Lawn-terrace, Heavitree, lads, were summoned at Exeter Police Court yesterday for discharging fireworks in Albion-place, Homefield, Heavitree, on 6th November.– Acting Inspector Snell said the discharge of the rockets caused a report which could be heard miles' distant. Defendants, who pleaded guilty, were each fined 2s 6d.
Western Times - Friday 14 November 1919


Receives Medal for Rescuing a Cat from a Roof
Before the business of Exeter City Police Court commenced yesterday, Mr. W. Parkhouse explained that it was the desire of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, that the Mayor should present to Master Thomas Bennetto, of Old Tiverton-road, Exeter, the medal awarded by the Society recognition of his bravery in saving the life of cat. It would be remembered that in October the cat climbed to the chimney of a tall house, and was too frightened to get down. It remained there all day, and in the evening Bennetto, at considerable personal risk, climbed up and brought it safely to earth. The medal was not one which was thrown about for nothing, and those who received the award could feel proud of the fact that they had performed some very brave act in the service of animals.
Master Bennetto, replying to the Mayor, said he was a pupil at the St. John's Hospital School, and was also a member of the Boy Scouts.
The Mayor (Alderman T. Bradley Rowe) said he was very pleased that one of his first duties as Mayor of the city was to present a medal to a brave boy. It was a very plucky thing the boy had done, and it was also very kind action, and the award of the medal showed that his fellow citizens liked the kind of work he had done.
Western Times - Thursday 20 November 1919

Soldier's Serious Loss

A discharged soldier who is disabled result as a result of very serious wounds in the leg, has sustained what is him very heavy loss. On Saturday, November 8th. he was returning to Exmouth from Exeter, where he had been to fetch a pair of special surgical hoots which had been repaired. These he left on the train. Discovering his oversight on leaving the station at Exmouth, he returned to fetch his parcel, only to find that the train had returned to Exeter. The railway officials telephoned, and the train was searched on its arrival at Queen-street. The boots, however, had gone. These boots can be of little use to anyone, but the man for whom they were specially made, and unless they are recovered he will have to replace them out his small pension. It is hoped that the person who found the boots will return them to the office of the Devon Pensions-Committee, North-street, Exeter, in order that they may be restored to the owner.
Western Times - Thursday 20 November 1919

Offertory Boxes Broken Open at Several Churches

Further particulars to hand concerning robberies at Exeter Churches, as reported in yesterday morning's issue, show that during the past few days the boxes at quite half a dozen city churches, including Heavitree, St. David's. St. Stephen's. and St Mary Majors, have been broken open, evidently by means of a chisel. These raids are carried out periodically, and are believed to be the work of one person.
The majority of Exeter churches remain open during the daytime, and robbery of offertory boxes not difficult by a person accustomed to the use of tools.
At each of the churches mentioned no one of a suspicious description had bee noticed.
What money the boxes contained is unknown. At most churches it is now the rule to clear the boxes at short intervals. It would be better if the boxes were cleared daily.
Western Times - Tuesday 25 November 1919

Belmont Park and housing

I paid a visit to Belmont Grounds, Exeter, yesterday, to see the Army hut which is being erected there as object lesson of what can be done with such structures in the direction of meeting the housing difficulty. I found quite a number of citizens were also interesting themselves in the structure which, however, is not yet ready for public view. Brickwork for fireplaces and chimneys has been constructed, and the roofing sheets —asbestos, presumably—are ready to go on. The hut will have plenty of daylight—there are six windows on each two sides. It was suggested the hut would be liable to damp and soon decay. One visitor whom spoke, and who said had spent considerable time Canada and the U.S.A., considered the hut very much like the wooden shacks used in many parts of those countries. He declared that the shacks were very comfortable, and that he would as soon live in a wooden house than in a brick built one. He scouted the idea of their being damp, regarded the ventilation in the hut on view as excellent, appeared satisfied the hut would last for many years, and held that such structures should go far to help solve the housing problem. I am looking forward to seeing the finished; article, with its sanitary and heating arrangements, and furniture installed.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 25 November 1919

St. Thomas, Exeter.


The parishioners of St Thomas, Exeter, have a heavy task in front of them. The fabric of the parish church—one the most ancient in Exeter—is in urgent need of reconstruction, the bells want rehanging, the organ requires renovating, and, altogether, it is necessary to raise about £4,000. Led by their Vicar (the Rev. H. G. Chalk,), the churchwardens (Messrs. E. S. Plummer and E. J. Henson), and assisted by an energetic band of church workers, however, the parishioners are tackling their great task with energy and determination. As a first instalment a contract has been entered into for doing repairs which require immediate attention. These are estimated to cost £750, towards which about £270 has been subscribed. Every year a successful sale of work organised by a large band of church workers, and this years event, held yesterday in the Buller Hall, was in aid of the renovation fund. The Vicar, churchwardens, assistant clergy (the Revs. T. A. Hancock and H. E. Smart), Sunday schoolteachers, Church Working Party, and numerous other members of the congregation and friends, co-operated in wonderful fashion, the hall was tastefully decorated, and the numerous stalls contained articles of every description. During the afternoon pianoforte selections were given by Miss Margaret Evros, L.R.A.M. while in the evening Mr. F. J. arranged a concert…
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 27 November 1919

Unknown Man Loses His Memory at Exeter

Shortly before nine o'clock last evening an unknown man was found lying on the pavement in Paris-street, Exeter. He was apparently suffering from loss of memory  and shell shock, and was quite unable give any account of himself. He was eventually taken on a St. John Ambulance stretcher to the Royal Devon and Hospital, where he wad detained.
Western Times - Friday 28 November 1919

Motor 'Bus Breaks Down at Exeter

Last evening shortly after five o'clock Mr. Garrish's motor ‘bus which runs between Chagford and Exeter, broke down just after it had started the return journey from the City. Heavily laden with passengers and goods it had reached Cowick-street, the junction of Buller and Cecil roads, when the axle snapped and further progress by the motor 'bus was at an end.
Western Times - Saturday 29 November 1919



In pre-war days the Ford was one the most popular cars on the market, and, since then, it has been found impossible to estimate the great assistance it has been to both the British and American Armies in the field. Whether in Flanders, France, or Belgium one could always see this marvellous car "doing its bit," and, to use the words of an American driver, "there is nothing like it in the world." Certainly the Ford did wonders on roads which, at times, were well-nigh impassable for cars, and the number of breakdowns were very small compared with higher priced vehicles. Now that the world is once more settling down to its normal conditions, the manufacturers of the Ford prove themselves to be well up-to-date, and the production promises to be larger than ever was before 1914. Business men at once acclaimed the Ford the car suited to their purpose, and this not wondered at when one considers its durability and simplicity, together with its price, which places it within reach of all. A special feature made at the present time the Ford Model One-Ton Truck, vehicle which solve the problem of motor transportation. It is a great money saver, as well as a big labour saver, having all the merits of the car multiplied with greater capacity with greater strength, and Involves no extra cost in operation. This is certainly a vehicle with a future, and promises to become popular with tradesmen the Ford car is with rhetor loving public. Messrs. Yeo and Davey, Ltd.. of Sidwell-street, are the solo agents for and district for all Ford productions, and, a demonstration car is always kept on the premises, this well-known firm will be pleased to give trial runs by appointment. W would remind our readers that orders are coming in fast, and anyone who desires early delivery next year should make a point of, at once, communicating with Messrs. Yeo and Davey.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 29 November 1919

CartoonExeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 28 November 1919


October 1919

A Citizen's Week Arranged in Aid of the Fund

Mr. Plummer presided at a meeting of the Exeter War (Memorial Sub-Committee, Thursday, and the Mayor (Sir James Owen) was also present. The Chairman stated that the city was to be divided into the districts, and subscription lists would be sent out under the direction of the following gentlemen: St. Thomas, Mr. Arthur Guest; Fore-street, Bridge and North-street, Mr Dominy; Trinity side, Ensign Hoggard, St. Davids side, the Chief Constable; North-street and London Inn Square, Mr Plummer; St. Sidwell's, the St. Sidwell's Traders' Association. Mount Radford and Heavitree will also be arranged for. It was suggested there should be a "Citizen's Week" commencing the 3rd November, when special efforts will be made on behalf of the memorial fund, and is also hoped that on the Sunday arrangements will be made by the clergy and ministers to have collections in the churches and chapels. The various Sub-Committees submitted reports of a satisfactory character. Arrangements have already been made for the children attending the elementary schools to assist in raising money, and it was decided to extend this to the other schools. Mr England, of Exeter School, and Mr. Snowball, of Hele’s, with Miss Headridge, have promised their support. The private schools will also, be approached with the same object.
Western Times - Tuesday 07 October 1919

Exeter Technical Evening Schools

Excellent facilities are now provided in Exeter for boys and girls to extend their education in evening classes. Commercial courses have been arranged for the present session for boys and girls at Ladysmith-road School; for boys at St. John's Hospital School, and for girls at St. Sidwell's and St. Thomas (Union-street). There are artisan courses at the Mint Boys' and Newtown Boys' Schools: a domestic course for girls at Holloway-street School; and engineering and building courses at the Junior Technical School in Bartholomew-street. Applicants should lose no time in entering their name with the Acting Secretary (Mr. E. A. Balsom) at the Education Offices in Southernhay.
Western Times - Tuesday 07 October 1919


There was a general resumption of work both on the Great Western and South Western railway systems at Exeter yesterday. All the men who were on strike during last week returned to their appointed duties and worked as there had been no interruption. Of course, it will be some time before things return their normal condition. St. David’s, however, it was difficult to realise, yesterday morning, that the strike had been over only a few hours. In addition to the local "strike service" there were eight through trains from Plymouth or Cornwall to Paddington, and six from Paddington to Plymouth or farther West. The “Limited Express" was run fast to Paddington, while there were additions to the local service. After 12 midnight last night the service reverted to the advertised October schedule. At Queen-street the service was on Saturday, although the Exmouth trains were normal in the afternoon, with the exception that the last train each way did not run. "We are clearing up to-day.” said an official "in preparation for tomorrow, when is hoped the usual service will be in operation." Goods were being delivered yesterday by railway carters, and this, with the shunting operation at the stations, did more than anything to prove to the public that the railways were once more working "full speed ahead."
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 07 October 1919


The most disastrous fire in Exeter since the destruction of the Theatre Royal, in September, 1887, occurred yesterday morning when the Victoria Hall buildings, which are among largest in the city, were nearly all destroyed. Supt. Pett and members the Fire Brigade had a great task, not only in saving as much as possible of the Victoria Hall, but of the Victoria Hotel and Fulford's Commercial College, adjoining the Hall, and the Rougemont Hotel, the last-named being by far the largest building of its kind in the city, standing many storeys high, and only separated from the Victoria Hall by a narrow road. The railwaymen of the city held a crowded meeting in the Victoria Hall on Sunday evening, and, had it not been for the recent strike, Lord Robert Cecil was have addressed a great meeting there last evening with the League of Nations campaign. For some time the main ball devoted cinematograph entertainments while smaller hall and numerous other rooms were in frequent use.
How the fire originated it is difficult to say, but Supt. Pett has not the slightest doubt it broke out somewhere at the extreme end of the main hall, near where the platform was situated. The Brigade was first called at ten minutes to five. The message was, “Rougemont Hotel on fire and blarzng furiously." Supt. Pett in characteristic style, replied. Right! Will be there in a moment." While the Chief was calling the full brigade—an unusual procedure for fire unless it is of a very furious nature —five other calls were received from alarms in Queen-street and South-street Telephonic communication immediately took place with the police, and within three minutes of receiving the first call Supt. Pett and 15 other members left the Station for the conflagration, which proved to be at the Victoria Hall and not the Rougemont Hotel.
Twenty-Two Jets.
What the Brigade discovered on arrival at the Victoria Hall can best be judged from statements made by the Superintendent in an interview with one of our representatives. The whole of main hall was well alight from top to bottom. The flames were also going through the roof, and, assisted by a light breeze, were sweeping behind the Victoria Hotel and Fulford's Commercial College (with fronting on Queen-street) and also towards the Rougemont Hotel. At this time the place resembled a furnace, the flooring, platform, and chairs burning terrifically. The flames were also licking the painted walls, and parts of the ceiling, the rafters, and slated roof were falling in with tremendous crashes.
With the assistance Mr. A. Kneel, the Superintendent the Waterworks, all available pressure was brought to bear and within a few minutes the arrival of the Brigade no less than 22 jets were playing the building from various directions. Five other jets came from the Rouemont Hotel, being connected with the hotel's own fire-fighting system. The roar and crackling of the fire awoke some of the sleepers in the Rougemont Hotel and one of them, Mr. R. Lewis Carlton a representative of the "Times," ran along his section of the building warning guests not already awake. The gentlemen in the hotel lent a ready hand in bringing, the hotel's equipment into use, and assisting in the emergency arrangement which the fire occasioned. There was no panic, and, as events turned out, no necessity to leave the hotel. Supt. Pett having carried out a close survey of the building before a music hall and dancing license was granted, and having been engaged when a big fire occurred in a timber yard and other places were gutted in the locality a few years since, was thoroughly conversant with the proper place of attack for successfully grappling with the. great destruction threatened. So terrific was the heat that it was impossible for the firemen to remain in the main hall for any lengthy period, The only portion this not on fire when the Brigade arrived was a portion of roof near the main entrance over the organ gallery.
Hi Tiddly Tee.
Recognising the value of the organ, Supt. Pett immediately devoted attention it, but his men had only been there only a few minutes when the heat became unbearable and parts of the roof gave way. This made fire-fighters retreat to the main passage. Just as they had done so, there was another great crash, and the organ was literally covered with burning rafters and other portions of the roof. At this stage Supt. Pett said there was a curious incident. When the organ caught alight “musical" sounds came from the pipes resembling "Hi Tiddly Tee." One of the firemen said to Supt. Pett, "That seems like the Lost Chord." Supt. Pert replied. “I don't know whether it is the 'Lost Chord.’ but it is the last sound that Organ will ever make." Almost immediately the organ became a mass of flames and broke into hundreds of pieces. A very valuable cinematograph apparatus was also ruined,
By now the fire had practically devoured the whole the interior of the main hall, but portions of the roof were still burning furiously, and the were rising hundreds of feet into the air also going towards the side of the Rougemont Hotel. Almost directly the Brigade arrived directions were given to the Managers the Victoria and Rougemont Hotels to warn the occupants to dress, should it become necessary for them to leave the premises. Mr. Hallett, of the Hotel, and manager of the Victoria Hotel immediately carried out the instructions, and the occupants, who were numerous, dressed, assisted in various ways, and commenced packing their belongings in case the fire should spread. The organ and the gallery having been completely burnt, and the wine, spirit, furniture, and other stores underneath gutted, the flames gradually crept along the roof to the small hall, and from there to the offices and the rooms in front of the building. The staircase leading to the hall, and a few other portions of the front, were saved but practically the whole of the roofing of the small hall fell in. All the rooms were more or less affected by water and heat. To sum up, the whole of the building was destroyed except a portion of the premises fronting Queen-street, and the main walls. …
See Victoria Hall fire
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 07 October 1919

Military Authorities Called Upon to Pay for Depreciation

At the meeting of the Exeter Court of Guardians yesterday, it was stated that communication had been received from the Health Ministry, stating that all children over three years of age were removed from workhouses, and expressing the hope that the transfer of the Childrens’ Home on Heavitree-hill, used during the war for military hospital, would expedited.
The Clerk submitted to the Guardians the draft of a letter which he suggested should be sent to the Health Ministry, in reply. In it pointed out that as both the building and the furniture were new when handed over for, a hospital, the Guardians were bound to see that they were properly restored before taking possession. They asked that they should have an amount assessed for depreciation, in addition to dilapidations, so as to put the building and contents up to the same value as when handed over to the military authorities.
The draft letter was approved.
Western Times - Wednesday 15 October 1919

German Prisoners at Exeter

Exonians yesterday morning witnessed a spectacle unusual to them, though more familiar to residents in the various work centres in the County. Just after noon, about 20 German prisoners arrived at St. David's, and were marched to Queen-street station. They all looked happy, and well cared for. Big, lusty fellows, most them, they were evidently interested in what they saw of the City. Half dozen of the prisoners wore naval uniform.
Western Times - Wednesday 15 October 1919


PRACTICAL PROOF of the value of “NOSTRALINE” Nasal Specific awaits every victim of Nasal Catarrh, Influence, Head Colds, and Sore Throat who will give it a trial. Use it daily for health and comfort of nose and throat. Of leading Chemists everywhere, 1s 3d (by post 1s 5d). Sold by Broome, Reid and Harris, Queen-street, Exeter: Holman, Ham, and Co., Ltd., High-street, and all Branches; H. Lake and Son, Ltd., 41, High-street and Blackboy-road : E. Lemmon, 47. High-street. Miiton and Son, 256. High-street: Stone and Son. 105, Fore-street, and 11. Cowick-street; J. W. Tighe and Son. 3. High-street; Devon and Stores, Exeter.—Advt.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 17 October 1919


To the Editor of the Western Times
Sir,–May I, through your widely-read columns sincerely thank the many Citizens who so kindly extended their sympathy, assistance, and hospitality on the occasion of the recent great fire—particularly Mr. Widgery and Mr. Bradley Rowe—who in my absence kindly took charge of my mother and little daughter, and conducted them to a place of safety, and Mr. Mrs. and the Misses Takle, who tenderly cared for them throughout the day till well enough to travel?
Gratitude also due to our valiant firemen, the Boy Scout, the Police who instantly responded to his whistle, and jolly Jack Tars who seemed to spring out of the earth to the same call.
31, Queen-street. Exeter. Oct. 17, 1919.
Western Times - Monday 20 October 1919

Sudden Death at Exeter

While working in the store of his employer, Mr. Searle, grocer, of Paris-street, Exeter, yesterday, a man named Edmond Parr died suddenly. Deceased, who was 58 years of age, resided at 15, Codrington-street. Exeter. The police were communicated with, and the body was removed to the mortuary and await an inquest.
Western Times - Tuesday 21 October 1919

Exeter Plasterer Who Lost His Legs

William Gaydon, a plasterer, of no fixed address, who appeared before Messrs. R. C. Upright (chairman), and P. Kelland. at Exeter Police Court yesterday, charged with having been drunk and incapable in Forestreet on the previous day, had in his possession, when arrested a sum of Â27.— P.C. Farrant told the Court he was called the bar of an inn by the landlord where the defendant was seated on a stool He got defendant outside, and found he was unable to take of care himself, and he took him into custody.—Defendant said he had been drinking cider, and "lost his legs.”—The Chief Constable (Mr. A. F. Nicholson) mentioned that there were eleven previous convictions. In fining him 10s, the Chairman told defendant it was dangerous thing getting drunk with so much money in his possession, and he ought to be thankful that he was arrested.
Western Times - Wednesday 22 October 1919

Busy Exeter Corner

“It is the utmost importance that drivers should observe signals and keep to their proper side, seeing that sometimes nearly 1,000 vehicles pass there an hour," remarked the Chief Constable in a case at the Police Court yesterday, when Eli Goodenough, of Bude, was summoned for driving a motor car out of Queen-street into High-street on the wrong side, and disregarding the signal of P.C. Norman, the officer on point duty. Besides this large number road vehicles, the Chief said that as many as 250 perambulators had been counted as passing the point in an hour.—Defendant did not appear, but had sent a letter to the Court.—A fine of 10s was imposed.
Western Times - Wednesday 22 October 1919

Gunner Assaults a Sergeant and Corporal

An exciting scene was described at district court martial held at Topsham Barracks Wednesday, when Gunner James Bates, Q Battery, R.H.A., was charged with striking his superior officers, and found guilty of the charges.
It was proved that on October 6th Bates was one a party being marched to school. Sergeant W. Maskill halted the squad to take the name of a man, where upon Bates laughed at him. On being spoken to, he called the sergeant an offensive name, and attacked him. Gunner Williamson, who came to the sergeant's assistance, was also struck by accused, and when Corpl. Charles Scrivens went to find an escort to take Bates to the guard room, the man went after him and struck him in the face. He then went to the barrack room, and stood at the bottom the stairs with a stick in his hands. When Corpl. Scrivens arrived to place him under arrest, Bates punched him in the face. He was eventually overpowered and taken to the guard room. Bates pleaded that he was drunk at the time. This was denied, and the Court found him guilty.
Western Times - Friday 24 October 1919


The Labour candidates for the Municipal honours in Exeter, in the joint manifesto they have issued to the electors, make a great point—we doubt very much whether it will have much influence with the thinking men and women of the city—of the Housing Question, and we are asked to believe that if only we return them the Council Chamber we shall have a scheme that will afford the maximum, comfort and convenience to those having to live in the houses to be erected. The ten Labourites, whose names appear at the foot of the manifesto, say :
"The housing policy of the Council suggests that if a working man and his family are to enjoy the luxury of a parlour and a bathroom they should have a parlour about the size of a decent cupboard, whilst his bath should be taken almost in the backyard. Generally, it seems, the housewife should put to the maximum amount of inconvenience as far the inside features of the proposed houses are concerned."
This may look very well on the surface, but we think well that electors should have the facts placed before them more definitely than has been done by Messrs. Tarr, Sledge and Co.
In the first place, we would point out that the Ministry of Health reserves to itself the final approval of all plans, details, and fixtures for housing throughout the Kingdom. Exeter's plans have had such approval. Further, a comparison of the plans now approved and proposed for the city are in no case exceeded by the largest plan approved for any other authority. As regards the parlour, the effective floor area of this room, owing to its planning, is infinitely superior to many rooms which have a bigger gross area than recommended in the Tudor Walters' report. The bathroom, on the other hand, is an equal size to those to be found in most houses let at rental £25 a year, while the fittings in connexion therewith will found to be probably far superior. It might be as well to point out here that the Women's Sub-Committee to the Advisory Council, in their interim report, make a strong point that the bathroom should not be allowed interfere with the bedroom area. We quote an extract culled from this report:
"There is also much to said for the view that where there is a family of children the need for every available square foot bedroom space upstairs so great as outweigh any inconvenience caused by the bath being placed downstairs."
Now, couple the foregoing with the fact that in this district —with gas stove installed —the kitchen stove would not be available for heating water for six months in the year, a secondary heating system would, therefore, be required if the bathroom were be placed on the bedroom floor. With houses of this type now costing from up to £1,000 each, it is obvious everyone that duplication would be extravagance! Then as the so called inconvenience to the housewife, it must be borne in mind that, in addition to the usual offices recommended and laid down in the Tudor Walters' report, the plans for Exeter provide separate washhouses—a feature, surely, that, so far from inconveniencing, will relieve the scullery from the congestion, steam, slopping of water, and other things to be experienced on washing day and render it a really comfortable workroom for the housewife. In the majority of the houses there is provided, in addition to the usual offices, covered space for a perambulator—a necessary proviso in any housing scheme, and one about which the women have made some very strong remarks their housing reports.
It seems to us that in the last sentence of the extract above quoted the Labour candidates have made assertion without substantiating or backing up in any shape or form. The assertion is possibly made through a misinterpretation of the plans, but we do not think the citizens of Exeter—least those who are capable of reading and thinking for themselves—are likely to be misled by it. Further, the signatories to any manifesto—and this one in particular—should beware of making statements which they cannot justify, or promises which they cannot fulfil, because in a crowd —in this instance the ratepayers —there is always someone with a memory!
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 25 October 1919

Accidents at Exeter

A woman named Lottie Hartlett, aged 50, living in Courtenay-road, St. Thomas, Exeter, was admitted to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from a fractured leg caused by an accident. Dr. Stokes attended to the injury temporarily before the patient was conveyed to the hospital in a cab.
A boy named Reginald Colley, living at Warren Cottages, was knocked down in High-street, Exeter, by a Paignton motorist on Saturday afternoon. The lad was picked up by Acting-Sergt., Elford and taken to his home. Luckily the boy's injuries were nothing more serious than a few bruises.
Western Times - Monday 27 October 1919

The Victoria Hall blaze.Victoria Hall fireRuins of the Victoria Hall, Exeter, which was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The second photograph shows the interior looking towards the alcove and the third facing the platform and organ loft, the main entrance being visible in the left-hand bottom corner. The cellars under the main hall can be seen.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 07 October 1919

September 1919


An attempt to “change seat?" resulted in a boating fatality on the Exeter Canal last evening. A demobilised soldier, Henry Elias Pratt, 22, of 34, Codrington-street, Exeter, lost his life, while his companion Miss Winifred Olive Back, 19, employed at the Grendon Infirmary, Exeter, and residing at 15, Marsh-place, Paris-street, was rescued after a narrow escape from drowning.
Mr. W. E. Tesdale, Torquay, is at present staying in Roberts-road. Exeter, told our representative that at about 5 p.m. was walking down the Canal Banks, and, when near the Welcome Inn, he saw a boat containing a young lady and gentleman being rowed up the Canal, apparently by the former. An attempt was made by the pair to change seats, with the result that the boat upset, and they fell into the water. Mr. Tesdale ran towards the scene the accident, where the young man was striking out as if to swim. Pratt assisted the young woman to within reach of Mr. Tesdale, who got her out the water. The witness was preparing to go to Pratt's assistance when the latter disappeared underneath the water. He did not struggle or cry for help, and did not appear again. Mr. Tesdale said he could swim little but could not dive.
Miss Back seen subsequent to the accident, stated she and Pratt took a boating outing on the Canal. Pratt rowed to Double Locks, and, on the return she rowed as far as the oil stores. Pratt remarked that she must tired by that time, and when they were changing seats for him to take the cars, the boat overturned as described.
Prior to the war Pratt did farm work for his father. He was called to the Colours in 1914, and went to France in 1915, serving as driver in the R.F.A. He had been demobilised about six weeks, and had been expecting a letter through the Labour Exchange to take employment at Okehampton.
The body is at Alphington Institute awaiting an inquest.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 02 September 1919

Runaway Horses at Exeter

Yesterday morning a horse attached to a van which had been left standing in Cowick-street, St. Thomas, Exeter, by Henry Bence, of Cowick-street, bolted, and collided with a baker's waggon belonging to Mr. Guy, breaking both shafts of the latter vehicle, but fortunately not injuring the horse. The runaway continued its journey, and was eventually stopped by P.C. Grabble, The animal, on being pulled up, fell, and sustained cuts on both hind legs.
A horse attached to van, the property Mr Griffen, 26, Stepcote-hill. Exeter, bolted in South-street yesterday morning. The animal continued its career down North-street and subsequently entered Bartholomew-street, where it was stopped by Richard Bennellick. The animal, it is stated, bolted through being frightened by some children.
Western Times - Thursday 04 September 1919

An Overloaded Cab at Exeter

At Exeter Police Court yesterday, George Budd. 62. Paris-street. was summoned for conveying more than five people in a hackney carriage on August 27th. Defendant pleaded guilty. The Chief Constable said there were six persons in the cab in addition to the driver. P.C. Parish said it it was an open cab which was being driven through High-street. Defendant said he did not know he had six passengers until he reached the the White Lion Hotel. One of them got into the cab without his knowledge Budd added that he was returning from Haldon Races. There was a lot of people about, and he did not know where the sixth passenger got into the vehicle. It transpired that the defendant did not carry a copy of the bye-laws in his cab as all cabmen were required to do. The Chief Constable said the Hackney Carriage Inspector was continually cautioning cabmen on this matter. Copies of the bye-laws could be got. Defendant was fined 5s.
Western Times - Thursday 04 September 1919

Deserted by His Wife He Gives Way to Drink

At the Exeter Police_ Court yesterday, before the Mayor Exeter, Sir James Owen (in the chair), Messrs. J. Gould, H. Campion, and M. Connett, James Woodgates, 36, of no fixed address, a private the R.A.S.C., on demobilisation leave, expiring September 19th, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in High-street, Exeter, on the 3rd inst. Defendant pleaded guilty. A constable said Woodgates, who was the worst for drink, asked him about some lodgings and became abusive. He advised him to go away, but Woodgates became more abusive still, and was taken to the Police Station.
Woodgates told the magistrates that had been practically teetotaller all his life. His wife had left him with two small children to look after, and that was mainly the cause of the upset. He was a native Exeter, and had, previous to joining the Army, been employed with a railway company. In answering the Chairman said that up to a short time ago his wife had been in receipt of separation allowance from the Government. He came home a fortnight ago and had not yet obtained employment.
Defendant's brother said had never seen the prisoner the worse for drink before.
The Chairman, imposing a fine of 2s. 6d. inclusive, said Woodgates was being dealt with leniently because of his character and statements. If defendant was not in the habit drinking he advised to keep away from it as he was now entirely responsible for his two children.
Western Times - Friday 05 September 1919

Property Sale at Exeter

Messrs. Whitton and Laing held a property auction at the Bude Hotel, Exeter, yesterday. No. 15, Park-road, Exeter, let at £18 per annum, was purchased by Miss Holder, Exeter, £350; No. 9, St. Johns-road, let at 10s., was knocked down to Mr. N. J. Lake for a client, at £400. No. 17, Iddesleigh-road, rented at £14, was sold to Mr. Grimes, Exeter, at £254. No. 62, Oxford-road, at a rental of £19 19s., was withdrawn at £320, but afterwards sold at an increased price to Mr. A. Pratt. No. 11, Cowick-street, St. Thomas, let at £13, was purchased by Mr. Blackmore, at £207. No. 7. Nelson-road, was knocked down to Mr. Haskings, Exeter, for £420. No. 35, Albion-street, was sold privately prior the auction.
Western Times - Friday 12 September 1919

Exeter's Refuse.

The Sub-Committee, appointed by the Lighting and Cleansing Committee of the Exeter City Council to report the advantages of mechanical traction against horse haulage have visited Sheffield and Nottingham, and, as a result information obtained, recommended the adoption of electrically propelled vehicles in lieu of horse traction for the purpose of collection of house refuge and the consideration of steam or lorries for the haulage of road metal, etc. A garage would be necessary, and one could be easily made at the Exe Island Depot by converting the existing cart shed underwork shops. A charging plant would be required, which could be housed in an adjoining shed. They recommended that five Edison vehicles be obtained at a cost of £1,304 per vehicle, capable of carrying two tons. It is estimated that this mode of collection would mean a saving of £1,900.
The Lighting and Cleansing Committee, after considering the report, recommended the Council to make application to the Ministry Health to sanction a loan for the purchase of (1) three electric vehicles from Accumulators, Ltd., London, the price of £1,304 each; (2) a generator and board at estimated cost of £500 and (3) for the paving with granite setts the approach road to the Depot around the tipping platform there, and for altering the cart shed at the garage at an estimated cost of £2,342.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 13 September 1919

Death of an Exeter Centenarian

The death occurred at 30, Richmond-road, Exeter, on Monday, of Miss E. Reed, who was 100 years old. Deceased was the sister the late Mr. T. Reed, currier, Fore-street, Exeter, who was a member of the City Board of Guardians. She was a native of Chawleigh.
Western Times - Wednesday 24 September 1919

Attempt to Bribe an Exeter Police Inspector.

A D.O.R.A case was heard at Exeter Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. P. Kelland (in the chair). C. Upright, and P. Durden, when James Mudge of 22, James-street, was charged with selling mackerel on the 12th inst. from a hand cart, in Fore-street, Heavitree, without exhibiting a price list. Defendant was represented by his wife, who said her husband was ill in bed. Mudge was stated to have offered mackerel for sale at 1d each, calling out the price The control price of the fish was 8d per lb. When Inspector Snell stopped him, Mudge asked him to “take a shilling and say no more about it.” Inspector Snell refused, and took defendant's name and address, after which Mudge continued selling his fish—The Chief Constable said the case was not one of selling fish above the maximum price, but was aggravated the attempted bribery.– Mudge was fine 10s. and allowed 10 days in which to Pay.
Western Times - Wednesday 24 September 1919

Exeter Housing

To the Finance, Estates, Housing and Town Planning Joint Committees of Exeter City Council, the Town Clerk has reported that the Ministry of Health had signified their provisional agreement to the proposal of the City Council to erect 1,000 houses.
The Sites Sub-Committee reported upon their negotiations for the purchase of sites for the houses, in which they had received valuable assistance from the Inland Revenue District Valuer. An agreement had been arrived at for the purchase of the main portion of the Polsloe Priory site for the sum of £2,150 and costs. The Committee will recommend the Council, on Tuesday, that application be made to the Ministry of Health for their sanction to the purchase of the fields or plots of ground near Polsloe Bridge numbered 169, 170, 186, and 220 on the ordnance map, and comprising an area of approximately 15.213 acres, at the sum £2,150, and the borrowing of the sum to cover the purchase money and conveyancing costs.
Town Clerk reported that the owner of the strip of land which intervenes between the land above mentioned and the highway required the sum of £350 and the conveyance to her by the Council, free of cost, of one quarter of an acre of the adjoining land which the Council proposed to purchase. This land, with the two dilapidated cottages thereon, have been valued for the City Council at the sum of £160. There was no prospect of agreeing the purchase price. It was resolved that, subject to the approval the Ministry of Health, the City Council put in force their compulsory powers for the purchase the strip of near Polsloe Bridge with the two cottages thereon, being part of the land numbered 220a on the ordnance plan, and comprising an area of about one rood.
The Sites Sub-Committee submitted plan land adjoining Buddle-lane, which they recommended should be acquired as a housing site. It was resolved that the Joint Committee authorise the Site Sub-Committee to proceed provisionally with negotiations for the purchase of the land now designated, comprising an area of 46a. 1r. 8p.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 27 September 1919


The Exeter City Council having received a letter from the Ministry of Health asking local authorities when filling vacancies of their staffs to give preference to competent disabled ex-Service men, and to give an undertaking to employ not less than 5 per cent, of men, the Town Clerk has informed the Finance Committee that the Council are at present employing a greater proportion of disabled men than 5 per cent. The Committee recommended that the undertaking be given.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 27 September 1919

Exwick's War Memorial

The Rev. H. C. Brenton (Vicar) presided meeting in the Exwick Sohoolroom on Thursday to consider the question of a war memorial for the parish. Opinion seemed to be divided between the proposal for a recreation room and the erection of a granite cross in the churchyard. After considerable discussion the cross was chosen. It was decided to leave the design to a representative committee. A suggestion that the names of the men of the parish who lost their lives in the war should be inscribed on a plinth was left to the decision of the men’s immediate friends. It was agreed that any balance of money after meeting the cost of the cross should be devoted to the provision of a recreation room for the parish.
Western Times - Saturday 27 September 1919

Road Transport Board and| Motor Service

Fortunately for the public food supply, the Motor Transport Service appears to be well organised. One of the first intimations received at the various garages on Saturday from the local petrol firms was that all sale of petrol retail had been stopped at the order the Government.
The local offices of the Road Board prements (sic) to meet the situation were being made presented a busy scene in the morning. Arrangements between Exeter and the various districts in the area, which comprises about a third of the county, mainly North and East Devon. Colonel Wadmore and Lieut. Keates have been here for several months engaged in organising the area with the object of ensuring the public food supply in the event of an emergency. The bulk of the food supplies for the area come from Bristol, and it will be conveyed to Exeter by a fleet of motor lorries. We are officially assured that there will 'be an adequate service. There are plenty of motor vehicles at the command of the Board. Early on Saturday drivers were applying to be engaged. It is probable that women drivers will be enrolled for light lorries, which range from seven to ten cwt. The Road Board's motor vehicles will pick up all kinds of farm produce from the country districts and convey it to the towns.
… Enrolled on the books of the Corps are from 150 to 160 men, comprising owners and drivers of motor cars, motor lorries, and motor cycles. It is expected that plenty more volunteers will be forthcoming in the event of their being required. The motor cyclists will be at the service of the Road Board to act as despatch riders. It will be remembered that the Motor Volunteer Corps rendered valuable service when the brief strike on the Great Western Railway occurred during the war, when, at the request of the Royal Army Service Corps, they conveyed supplies to the Prisoner War Camps.
There seems to be a fair stock of coal in the City. Indeed, the stock is much better than it is some towns. An emergency stock of 1,000 tons, about a week's supply, will be available. A large number of people have already a fair stock of coal in hand.
Most bakers, we understand, have a couple of weeks' stock of flour in hand. The manufacture of bread depends a great deal upon the supply of yeast, and the question now arises as to whether sufficient supplies will come through to meet the demand. Local mills will run as long as the supply grain lasts.
The butchers have been receiving 40 instead of 50, per cent, English meat, but if the strike continues a larger number of locally-fed animals will be available for local consumption, because of the absence railway transport.
At St. David's Station St. David's Station a number people called during yesterday afternoon in the hope that there might a train running the town to which they wished to travel. One party, who were anxious get to London, were greatly disappointed learning that a train had set out for the Metropolis just before one o'clock. “Will there be another train for London to-day?" they asked. The officials duty at the gate could give no assurance, and the party made up their minds that their chance of getting to their home that day had been missed. About three o'clock a train nine coaches from Birmingham via the Severn Tunnel steamed into St. David's Station. The engine appeared to be in charge of a regular driver and fireman. A large percentage of the passengers were soldiers and naval men returning to Plymouth from leave. The train also landed at Exeter a large number of heavy bags of mails. After about an hour's wait at St. David's the train proceeded to Plymouth. Several uniform men were on duty at St. David's Station, and only people who had business there were admitted.
The London weekly papers did not reach Exeter until four o'clock yesterday afternoon. They were conveyed by motor vehicles. The passengers who arrived at Exeter by train on Saturday night spoke the highest praise of the efforts of Mr. Lea, the stationmaster at St. David's, to ensure their comfort. arranged for an ample supply of hot tea and coffee and plenty of sandwiches to be prepared at the refreshment rooms, had fires lighted in all the waiting rooms, and even ascertained what beds were available near the station for the benefit those who required them. The passenger, who were very hungry and fatigued, expressed their warm appreciation.
City Not Entirely Trainless
There were very few incidents at Exeter yesterday, but it transpired that the City was not entirely trainless. In the early morning the London and South Western Company managed to run a milk train in the direction of London, though there was no information as to whether it arrived or not.
From St. Davids several passengers managed get some way on their journey. A train carrying mails, which should have reached Exeter at 2.45 a.m. Saturday, shortly after the strike started, did not put an appearance till 3.15 Saturday afternoon, when she left for Plymonth with mails and a few passengers. Another train arrived at St. Davids at 10 p.m. on Saturday night, but did not leave again for Plymouth till 7.45 yesterday morning. In the morning a third train arrived from London about 10 a.m., and afterwards went on to Plymouth. At 12.45 p.m. train was started from Exeter, due to stop at Taunton and Bristol. Its destination was London, but there was considerable doubt whether would complete its journey. About 60 passengers and a quantity of mail left the City on this train.
Progress is necessarily slow, as there are no signalmen on duty, and in view of this the Board of Trade will not allow trains to run after dark. The idea is therefore run trains, as far as possible and then wait in the nearest station all night, and continue in the morning. The drivers and guards on duty are all men with considerable amount of service in.
Train from Exeter to London To-Day
It is expected that a train will leave St. David's Station, Exeter, about noon to-day for London. No definite hour can be stated, but readers who desire to get to either Taunton, Bristol, or London would do well to make early enquiries at the station.
Truckload of Cattle at Queen Street Station
Several truck loads of cattle were seen to standing in the goods yards at Queen-street Station. Exeter, on Saturday, and inquiry as to what was being done in regard to the animals elicited that the Strike Committee had allowed the Station cattle man to feed and water beasts, and this had been done.
Western Times - Monday 29 September 1919

Reliability Run to Falmouth and Back

The Exeter Motor Cycle and Junior Car Club held a reliability trial Saturday to Falmouth and back, the return journey commencing yesterday. The start was made from London Inn Square, where Captain Menzies got the riders away in good time. Seventeen entered, but only ten faced the starter. The journey to Falmouth was made via Okehampton, Bodmin, Fraddon, and Truro, the first man being timed to reach the latter town at 5.37. The run home to Exeter from Falmouth yesterday was through Truro, Fraddon, Bodmin, Liskeard. Callington, Tavistock, Two Bridges, Ashburton. Chudleigh and Haldon.
Fine weather was experienced by the riders throughout the run. Of the ten started all timed in, except one, last evening, Alphington Cross. They were Messrs Hartree (Triumph), Mooney (Scott), L Jones (A.J.S. combination), E. H. Claridge (Harley Davidson combination), G. R Claridge (Triumph), J. Eddy (Diamond), E. Wood (Metro Tyler), E. A. Hughes (Blackburne), E. M. Mvottt and H Biffen (Sunbeam). The official figures will made known after due verification.
Western Times - Monday 29 September 1919


The railway strike enforces reduced sugar ration. We can meet the difficulty. Honey Sugar, 21bs. 1s 8d (no coupons), particularly suitable for all sweetening purposes, Cakes and Fruits, etc. “The Golden Teapot" Stores, Pinhoe-road, Exeter, close to Bridge Halt.—Advt.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Monday 29 September 1919

Strikers Watch Train Starting for London

In Exeter there was little change in the situation yesterday. Groups of strikers congregated on the streets discussing the latest phase of the struggle. In the neighbourhood of Queen-street Station, many of them were greatly interested in the movements of a long passenger train which was being shunted to the platform set out for Waterloo. On the platform was a, large crowd of passengers, who ultimately got off by about 10.15. In conversation, the strikers professed to be unconcerned about the passenger traffic. They trust for the success of the strike to their ability to stop the transport of goods necessary to other industries and foodstuffs. This traffic, they argue, cannot possibly be met by road transport. The principal item of interest to the strikers yesterday was the publication at the headquarters at the Victoria Hall of telegram from their leader, Mr. J. H. Thomas, assuring them that he had done his utmost to avert the need for a strike, and that there was no change in the situation in London so far.
Prom the General Post Office, Exeter, mails were despatched to London, Portsmouth, Southampton, and Salisbury, by a train which left Exeter yesterday morning at nine o'clock. The mails at the Post Office are being cleared as quickly as possible in the circumstances. Mails were also sent South Devon motor, which left Exeter at 8.45 a.m.
The telephone and telegraph systems are still very congested, and the staff are ably dealing with the difficulties arising from the pressure on these systems. The public, instead writing letters, are now using the telegraph extensively. They are requested not to use either the telegraph or the telephone except for business of urgent importance…
Western Times - Tuesday 30 September 1919

Blind Man Found With His Throat Cut

A sad affair occurred in Clifton-street, Newtown, a populous district of Exeter, at about 9.30 a.m. on Friday. Mrs. Skelton, who lives at No. 19, found her husband, who is totally blind in one eye, and nearly blind in the other, in the back bedroom with a severe wound in his throat. She raised an alarm, and several neighbours went to the man's aid. A medical man and the police were fetched, and Mr Skelton was removed by Supt. Dowden, of the St. John Ambulance, to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, where it was found that the cut in his throat, believed have been caused by razor, was of a serious character.
Skelton, who is 43 years of age, formerly resided near Kingsbridge, where, it seems, he lost the sight of one his eyes through some artificial manure which he was using on the farm where he was employed affecting the eye-ball. His other eye became weakened later, and a few months ago he underwent a course of treatment at the West of England Eye Infirmary. Recently he has been able to see very little. He has just returned from a short holiday at his home in South Devon. About four years ago Skelton came to Exeter to be trained at the Devon and Exeter Institution for the Blind at St. Davids-hill. After about a year's training he became an excellent workman at basket-making, and for about three years he has been engaged at the institution as a journeyman. He was able to earn his livelihood and keep his wife and three boys. Of late, however, is said to have been much worried over domestic affairs, and had to be carefully watched.
On inquiry the Royal Devon and Hospital last night we were informed that Sklton was going on favourably.
Western Times - Tuesday 30 September 1919


Ancient Exeter.Western Times - Friday 22 August 1919The above photographs do not illustrate scenes in devastated France, or the results in an air raid, but depict the ruins in and around Maddox Row, Exeter. The property was condemned some years ago, and demolition started early in 1914. The space originally occupied by the houses demolished is now utilised as a dumping ground for relics of buildings, etc., while around this square are houses, in more or less ruinous condition. It is alleged that the garden of one of the inhabited houses has been partially destroyed owing to the protecting boards erected by the council being blown down. During the day the yard and the empty houses are the happy hunting ground of children, and it is a wonder no accident has occurred. Traders in the vicinity are suffering from loss of custom on account of Exeter’s "deserted village,” which although are within a stones throw some of the city's chief buildings, is rarely in the tour visitors to the"Ever Faithful" make under the care of an experienced guide. Readers of the"Gazette" can judge for themselves whether the houses around are likely to tumble down, while they can form a good idea of the safety or otherwise of the now" famous” lamp at the entrance to the Row. The communications we have published from correspondents in the "Gazette" have condemned the present state of the property in no uncertain terms. One of the worthy members of the Exeter City Council has, however, characterised these communications as an "absolute lie." We leave our readers to judge from the photographs which of the two parties has properly described the position.
"Gazette" photos.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 27 September 1919

August 1919

Fire at Exwick

While Mrs. Annie Belcher, of 17, St Olave's-square, Exeter, was passing No. 10, St. Andrew's-road, Exwick, Saturday afternoon, she noticed that the roof of that house was on fire. She immediately raised the alarm, and the Exeter City Fire Brigade under Supt. Pett. were promptly on the scene. In the meantime the roofs of the two cottages on either side of No. 10 caught fire, but the furniture of all was safely removed, and fireman J. Teed, Exwick, smartly got to work after connecting the hose with the hydrant. On the arrival of the Brigade, Supt. Pett and his men attacked the flames with several jets, and the fire was soon extinguished. The damage to the properties which are owned by the executors of General Sir Redvers Buller, is estimated at £100, the loss covered by insurance. No. 10, Andrews-road, which is near the County Steam Laundry, was occupied Mr. Fredk Quick, a coachman.
Western Times - Monday 04 August 1919

Women's Section and the Wounded Soldiers

In order to complete the work of the Exeter Waste Paper Depot, and inaugurate the work the local branch of the Women's Section of the Comrades of the Great War, a highly successful tea and social gathering was held at St. James' Institute, Exeter, yesterday afternoon. Over a hundred ' wounded soldiers and repatriated prisoners were entertained, and after tea those able to do so engaged in a dance.
Mrs. Pastfield, who organised the event, explained that during the two and threequarter years that the work had been carried on no less than £446 had been raised. No less than £231 had been handed over to the Prince of Wales' Fund earmarked for Red Cross work. In money and equipment £170 had gone to Red Cross work in Exeter, and £53 had bean paid to the Roy Scouts as commission for collection. From the sale of silver paper and rags £8 was realised, and with this material was purchased, and made up by the children at the Episcopal School, Mount Dinham. At a sale of work this showed a substantial profit, which had paid the expenses of an outing for 200 wounded and prisoners war, and the balance was used to pay the expenses of yesterday's event…
Western Times - Thursday 07 August 1919

Man of Ninety-Eight Wins a Sprint at Wonford

An interesting event in the programme of sports at Wonford Monday was the 55 yards' race for old men, the winner, A. Evans, being 98 years age. The second and third in the race were Merrith and Lake (68).
Western Times - Friday 08 August 1919

Old Lady Suffering from Delusions Hangs Herself

Mr. Gilbert H. Stephens (Deputy Coroner), held an inquest at No. 12, Monmouth-street, Topsham, Tuesday, touching the death of Mrs. Isabella Bartlett, aged 75, who was found hanging from her bedroom door, in her daughter's house, on Monday. Mrs. Goss, daughter, deposed that deceased, not feeling well, had gone to bed a little before 1 o'clock. Mrs. Goss went to call her at 5 o'clock, for tea. As Mrs. Bartlett was deaf, it was of no use knocking, so witness entered the bedroom and saw her mother hanging by a violet coloured ribbon, to the door. She called for neighbour. For the past month Mrs. Bartlett had been-suffering from delusions, but had never threatened to take her life.—A verdict of "Suicide during temporary insanity" was returned.
Western Times - Friday 08 August 1919

Exciting Incident in an Exeter Street

An exciting incident was witnessed in Exeter High-street yesterday 11 o'clock. A party of the Torpoint Church Loyalty Guards, now camping at Teignmouth, who are spending a day in Exeter, were marching down the street. Just around the corner of Queen-street, on the Guildhall side, a man was working on the top ladder. The band frightened a pony attached to a cart. The animal bolted and made straight for the ladder. The somewhat elderly officer (Rev. G. May), leading the procession, made a dive for the pony and reached its head just as the cart struck the ladder, knocking the bottom of it away. The man at the top clutched the top of the scaffold pole and thus saved himself a dangerous fall. The band stopped, the cadets passed on, the pony was quietened, the ladder straightened, and the excitement was over. The man on the ladder, however, can congratulate himself on a very fortunate escape.
Western Times - Friday 08 August 1919

No rear light

At Exeter Police-court, yesterday, Howard Varley, Ebrington Lodge, Alphington-road, was summoned for riding a bicycle in Sidwell-street without a red rear light. Defendant was stopped by two constables in different parts of the city the same night riding without a red rear light. A fine of 7s 6d was imposed. Charles William Palmer, 34, Exwick-road, was summoned for allowing an unmuzzled dog to be in St. Andrew’s-road on the 3rd inst. A fine of £1 was imposed.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 09 August 1919

Two Exeter Vendors Fined for "After Hour" Sale

Two ice-cream vendors, John Casalucci, 17, living at 3, Guinea-street, and Cecil Woodman, 21, of Rack-street, were at Exeter Police Court yesterday summoned for selling in the Fair Feld, Pinhoe-road, on the inst., after 8 p.m.—They pleaded guilty, and the Chief Constable (Mr. A. F. Nicholson) stated that the summonses were issued under Home Office Regulations requiring all shops to be closed at 8 o’clock. In the Fair Field people selling from stalls closed at 8 p.m., but defendants continued to vend ice-cream from their barrows. They were warned by a police officer, but still went on. one of them until 9.15 and the other until 10 o'clock. Complaint was made by stallholders, one whom had been summoned at Newton .Abbot for similar offence, amd that he naturally thought it unfair that the two present defendants should be allowed to go on selling after he closed.–The magistrates (Mr. P. Holland and Mr. B. Upright) imposed a fine of 10s each.
Western Times - Wednesday 13 August 1919

Man Killed in Clay Pit Yesterday

John Kibbey, aged about 45, of 8, Northstreet, Heavitree, was killed by a sudden fall of earth, while he was at work at Messrs. J. Hancock and Sons' brickworks at Clifton-hill, Newtown, Exeter, yesterday.
About three o'clock Kibbey was at work with several other men the clay-pit near the junction of Gladstone-road with Polsloe-road, when suddenly a small quantity of material gave way a few feet above where he was working. The material which, consequence of the dry weather, was very hard, fell on Kibbey,, who was engaged in shovelling. It struck him in the back as he was stooping. Assistance was quickly rendered, but Kibbey was found to be unconscious. Restoratives were administered, but the unfortunate man did not regain consciousness. Dr Duncan arrived within fifteen minutes of the accident, but Kibbey had expired.
The brickworks was opened a few months ago, and work has been in full swing turning out bricks at the order of the Government. The excavations which have been carried on the spot for something like a century, are very deep, although the material slipped and struck Kibbey was only a few feet above him. The works hitherto have been immune from serious accidents, the present fatality being the second that has happened during half a century.
Kibbey, whose body was removed to the mortuary, is a widower, and resided with his only daughter, who has, it is said, now lost her husband, mother, and father within a few months.
Western Times - Thursday 14 August 1919

Where Citizens Can See a Large Drawing

A large cartoon drawing of the beautiful War Memorial which Mr. John Angel has designed in memory of men and women of Exeter and Devon, who gave their lives for England during the Great War, 1914-1919 is now being exhibited in one of the windows of Messrs. Green and Son, Ltd., High-street, Exeter, and will doubt attract great attention even in the torrid conditions now prevailing.
Mr. Angel's conception is noble and touching. As has been explained, there are, in all, five figures—a central Victory, and four figures around the base representing a sailor, a soldier, hospital nurse, and a prisoner of war. The figure Victory has her foot upon a prostrate dragon. In her left hand she holds a great sword of justice, at rest, and in her right hand there is a laurel spray, which she holds aloft. Her head is raised heavenwards, and the Whole figure is straining upwards in an ecstasy of thankfulness "Not to us, O God, not to us, the glory. Thanks to God, Who giveth us the Victory." That so clearly the idea conveyed by Mr. Angel's " Victory" figure, and it realises what we all feel.
Of the figures around the base, three are seen, the fourth, course, cannot indicated a fiat surface. In the middle is a hospital nurse in uniform, and holding a bandage as the mark of her calling. The sailor, on the right, has a warship as his emblem, and the soldier, left, holds aloft a flag. Neither of the latter figures is in full uniform, and the sculptor has an opportunity for some exquisite modelling. Around the base raised letters runs the motto: "In proud memory all men and women of Exeter, and Devon, who gave their lives for England during the Great War, 1914-1918. "Their name liveth for evermore."
The column and steps will be of granite, and the figures of bronze, and there will a bronze capital, which the sole decoration of a design whose note is simplicity and dignity.
Now, the cost this Memorial is estimated at £5,000, a large sum; but seeing that quite small towns are raising £1,000 and £2,000 for Memorials, are confident £5,000 is not beyond the resources of the Capital City of Devon. We trust that it will supported by every citizen. It cannot be done with the big cheques of a few generous people, although these are very welcome, but the Committee appeal for the offerings of everybody, rich and poor alike. The poorest can spare a shilling in honour of the dead. Let this Memorial is a tribute to all our heroes from all for whom they fought and sacrificed their lives. We want everybody to have a hand in raising this Memorial.
There are many amongst who, happily, have been spared the grief of utter loss. Their men have come back to them. These fortunate ones will surely wish to contribute a thank offering.
We understand that a sum about has been subscribed in the last few days— the first list will appear due course—but that is only a start. We want every man, woman and child to come forward, to pay their tribute of love and admiration to our heroes…
Western Times - Friday 15 August 1919

Return from Camp on Saturday evening

About 9 o'clock on Saturday evening the Exeter Cadet Battalion returned from Dartmoor, where they have completed eight days' camp. The train was considerably late, but notwithstanding, there was a large crowd at the station to give the Cadets a welcome. Little time was lost in detraining, and on the word of command, the Cadets smartly sprang to attention, sloped arms, and marched off headed by their bands. All the lads looked in splendid fettle, showing that their training on the moor has done them a world of good. On Saturday morning, reveille sounded 6 o'clock, camp was smartly struck, and the several miles march to the station soon afterwards commenced, the lads doing, the journey in capital time considering the heat. On Saturday evening, the line of route from St. Davids was crowded, and the lads were accorded a hearty reception, the cheers in Queen-street being particularly hearty, All down High-street and South-street, the crowds grew larger and the cheering greater. Arriving at Lucky Lane, Major the Rev. H. de Vere Welchman, 0.C., the Cadets and Captain G. de Vere Welchman, thanked the Cadets for the way they had conducted themselves. Before dismissal the Cadets gave hearty cheers for the commanding officer, Capt. de Vere Welchman, and the battalion officers.
Western Times - Tuesday 19 August 1919

Motor Car Obstructions Exeter

Before Messrs. P. Gayton and P. Kelland at Exeter Police Court yesterday, Winifred Grace de Rewzv Martin, Osborne Hotel, Torquay, was summoned for obstructing High-street with her motor car. Mr. A. Martin Alford appeared for the defendant, and pleaded guilty. The car was left standing outside Bruford's from 10.45 a.m. to 1 p.m. while defendant with some friends proceeded to do some shopping. Defendant had been driving a car for seven years in foreign parts, and only recently had she driven in England. She thought if she put the car in the widest part of High-street she could do her shopping without interference.—The Chief Constable (Mr, A. F. Nicholson) said it was very inconvenient to leave motor cars standing for such a long time. To leave them standing for short period was bad enough—A fine of 20s was imposed.
Western Times - Wednesday 20 August 1919

Long Distance Event the Exe Last Night

There was a crowd of several thousand people the river banks at Exeter last night, when Exeter Swimming Club revived their long distance swimming race. This time the course was from Seven Stars to Port Royal and back. It had been intended to swim the race in the opposite direction, but the members the Exeter Rowing Club were unable to permit the use of their boat-house for dressing-room.
The handicapping was done by Mr. P. H. Matthews, Mr. A. J. Tucker acted as starter, and other members the Club who were not competing acted as stewards. There were thirty-one starters, and the race was a good one, the back markers being among the limit men at the finish. The competitors who finished among the first half-dozen, were remarkably close together…
Western Times - Thursday 21 August 1919

Heavitree Show

In view of the trying time experienced by horticulturists as a result of the drought—which, however, appears now to be coming to an end—l am told that the exhibition of vegetables and garden produce generally, at Heavitree, was remarkable for the high standard of articles shown. That allotment holders in the vicinity have not become discouraged was evidenced by the fact that they not only rendered the award of prizes in their own particular sections a difficult matter, but also, instances, competed with success in the open classes. No doubt the call of the country for cabbages and carrots was responsible for the small number of floral exhibits in the classes reserved for them, but it is hoped that next year will see an exhibition equal in every respect to those of pre-war days. And it should be mentioned, in this connexion, that thanks are due to Messrs O. and 0. W. Burton for the enthusiasm they have displayed in keeping the competition alive during the troublous days of war.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 26 August 1919

Team to Meet Southampton in the Opening Match

The team to represent Exeter City in the opening match against Southampton at the Dell on Saturday has been selected as follows : Colebourne, Strettle; Rigby (captain), Popplewell, Mitton; Connor, Makin, Goodwin, Loveet, Dockray. The kick-off is timed for 3.30 o'clock, and the match will be refereed by C. W. Gillett of London.
The City team will leave Queen-street Station at 10.15 on Saturday morning for Salisbury, whence they will proceed to Southampton in motor cars. They will return in the same way in the evening, and are due to arrive at Exeter at 10.30 p.m. Mr. . Arthur Chadwick will accompany the team, and it is hoped, Mr. M. J. MvGahey.
Western Times - Wednesday 27 August 1919


Mr. Andrew Craig, aged 60, of 26, Cowick-street, St. Thomas, Exeter, died suddenly yesterday at St. Thomas Railway Station after having apparently hurried to catch a train. »
Mrs. Jane Hester Thomas, aged 59, was found dead in a bath at Wonford House, where she was a patient, yesterday morning. Both inquest will be held to-day.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 29 August 1919

Hurrying Up Causes Heart Failure

The Exeter Coroner, Mr. W. Brown, held an inquest yesterday on Andrew Seaton Craig, aged 60, draper, of Cowick-street, who died suddenly at St. Thomas's Station on Thursday after hurrying up the station steps to catch a train. Dr. Black said deceased suffered from diabetes and a weak heart. In this condition his hurrying up the steps would cause syncope. A verdict "Death from natural causes" was returned.
Western Times - Saturday 30 August 1919

Exeter's Beautiful Design for Commemorating the Honoured Dead.Western Times - Friday 22 August 1919 The above photograph gives excellent idea what Exeter War Memorial will look like. Designed by Mr. John Angel, a brilliant sculptor of whom Exeter is rightly proud, the conception is at once original and extremely artistic, and gives an expression to thankfulness tor dangers escaped the aid of Divine Providence. The central dominating figure Victory instinct with this spirit. One foot presses on the neck of the dragon, her great sword is rest her left hand, and she is straining upwards in an ecstacy of gratitude heaven the laurel in her raised right hand. Around the plinth are four lesser figures—a sailor, soldier a hospital nurse, and a prisoner of war. The poses are heroic. The monumentis to be carried out in granite and bronze, and round the base will run the legend lettering: "To the proud memory men and women Exeter, and of Devon who gave their lives for England during the Great War 1914-18 Their names liveth for evermore." Won't you help with subscription memory your boy?
Western Times - Friday 22 August 1919

July 1919

Exeter Labour Party and Industrial Alliance

A meeting was held at Exeter Guildhall last evening in connection with the Industrial Alliance, meeting of employers and employed with a view to the amicable settlement of mutual difficulties. Dr. T. Ernest Jackson addressed the meeting, and Mr. Chinn, Chairman of the Exeter Trades and Labour Council, announced that the local Labour Party would have no connection with the scheme in order to protest against the attitude the City Council had taken up towards their employees.
Western Times - Wednesday 02 July 1919

Topsham Mother and Her Children

A labourer named John Tancock, of Whitestreet, Topsham, was summoned at the Castle of Exeter yesterday for neglecting to send his children, Alfred and Edith, regularly to school. Defendant did not appear, but the mother sent a letter stating her willingness to send the children regularly in future. It was Stated that she had been fined several times before. P.C. Membury told the Bench, in answer to questions, that the mother remained in bed until 10 o'clock the morning, and the two children, who were aged 12 and 13, and who were respectively in the fifth and sixth standards, were left to run about. A third child aged seven, said the Attendance Officer, attended school regularly.—The Chairman remarked that it was evident from the standards that the two children referred to in the summons were pretty bright, and they must be given their fair chance.—The Bench made an order for the children to attend school, and intimated that defendant would have pay a fine of 30s in respect of each child if the order was not complied with.
Western Times - Wednesday 02 July 1919


To the Editor of the Daily Gazette.
Sir,—May I, through your columns, make to the authorities of the Devon Roads how very dangerous the bit is between Alphington and Exminster where the Countess Wear road enters it? I was the spectator, last week, of very nasty accident there between two motor cycles. It is a corner which has much traffic, and during the few minutes I was there great numbers of people passed in many kinds of vehicles. A motorist cannot see what is coming round the corner until touches it, and it is rather difficult to hear the hooter. If the hedge could be lowered, or a wider opening made into the entrance of the main road, it might save many an accident. At present it is a very dangerous place.
Yours truly,
July, 1919.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 03 July 1919

Alleged Attempted Suicide at Marsh Barton

A sensational discovery was made at Exeter yesterday, a middle-aged lady visitor to the City being found in a shippen at Marsh Barton Lane, Alphington, with her throat cut.
By her side was found a bloodstained carving knife, with which it presumed the terrible gash in the woman's throat must have been inflicted. The woman's clothes—she was but partly dressed— were also covered with blood.
The police were informed, and Sergt. Banbury was quickly on the scene. An urgent message was also sent for Dr. Stokes who, having attended the woman's injuries, ordered her removal to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
Western Times - Thursday 03 July 1919

Fireworks at Exeter

At Exeter Police Court on Saturday, Charles Richard Burridge. aged 17, of 36, Manston-road, Exeter, was fined 5s for discharging fireworks in on the 27th June last. Defendant did not appear, but his father wrote a letter, which the magistrates. Mr. W. Bradley (Deputy Mayor). Dr. C. J. Vlieland. Messrs. P. and H. Munro. considered a satisfactory explanation. It appeared that the lad. accompanied by two others, was seen to discharge a firework which made a deafening explosion. He was reprimanded by a police officer and expressed regret. The Chief Constable said that fireworks variety, which made an exceptionally loud report, were dangerous to the public. The Chairman, in imposing the fine, said that as this was a minor offence the boy would be leniently dealt with, but he wished it to known that the next offender would be severely fined.
Western Times - Monday 07 July 1919


Announcement is made of a special tour to the Belgian battlefields, leaving London every- Tuesday and Friday until September. At a cost of £9 only, those interested will be furnished with return tickets Bruges from London, via Dover and Ostend, seven days' free accommodation at a pension at Bruges, excursions to Ypres, and the Mole Zeebrugge (of imperishable memory to Britishers), taking in Roulers, Courtrai, Knocke, etc. Fuller details the arrangements may be obtained from the Shipping and Touring Offices of Messrs. Park and Co., 83, Queen-street, Exeter. For those who wish to join a Devon party an opportunity is given to join the tour leaving Exeter on August 15th (joining with the London party the following morning, under the personal direction of Mr. Park who will accompany the party throughout. As the accommodation in each party is limited, it is essential that early application should be made.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 08 July 1919

Property Sale at Exeter.

At the Bude Hotel, Exeter, yesterday, Messrs. Whitton and Laing sold by auction 24, Union-road. Exeter, Mr. W. H. Stone (for a client) for £690; a piece of freehold garden land in Culverland-road to Mr. Hooper for £125; 43, Powderham-crescent, to Mr. Hamlin for £460; No. 70, Atherton-road, Mr. Kerswill for No. 22 Little Silver, to Mr. Williams for £100; No. 14. Spring Place, to Mr. Kivell for £80; No. 53, Portland-street, to Mr. F. E Sleeman for £325; 55, Park-road, Polsloe Park, Mr. Coombes for £293; 57, Park-road, to Mr. W. George for £292. The solicitors were Mr. E. M. Ford, Messrs. Gould and Stephens Messrs. Geare and Mathew, and Gilbert Babbage and Co., all of Exeter.
Western Times - Friday 11 July 1919

North Devon Servant's Robbery

On the table of the Exeter Police Court, on Wednesday, was a miscellaneous collection of articles which had been stolen by a servant from her employer at Heavitree. It included some hand-worked Italian embroidery, lace, table-cloths, cups and saucers, soup tureens, cruets, spoons, knives and forks, numbering altogether 149.
The accused was Gertrude Sobey, aged 20, domestic servant, belonging to Copplestone, and employed by Mrs. Vaughan Robinson, at Heavitree House. Church-street, Heavitree, and she was charged with stealing within the past six months the articles, which were of the total value £11 17s 9d
The accused pleaded guilty. Detective-sergeant Edwards said accused, who was born at Spreyten, remained at home with her parents till she was 15, when she took a situation at Teignmouth. Mrs. Robinson, who was told the girl had a good character, did not think accused quite realised what she had done. Accused had, according Mrs. Robinson, done stupid things at times, and did not seem responsible for her actions. She had respectable parents, and a good home.
Mrs. Robinson said she had always trusted the girl in every way, and she could not understand the reason of the theft.
The accused's mother told Bench that her daughter had been keeping company with a young man but “it had been broken off."
The Bench fined the accused 20s., the father agreeing to enter into recognizance in the sum of 40s., for his daughter's good behaviour for twelve months. The articles were handed back to the owner.
Western Times - Friday 11 July 1919


Ernest Evans, a youth, of Rack-street, who slipped while leading a horse attached to a waggon in Fore-street, Heavitree, the other day, and fell under the vehicle, died at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital last evening tram his injuries.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 12 July 1919

Exeter Tragedy.

An inquest will probably held to-day on the body of a man, found by Mr. J. Shorland, of Drawbridge, Exminster, about 200 yards from Countess Weir Bridge, on Saturday. The man, believed to be a discharged soldier, having served in the R.A.F., was seen near Double Locks on Saturday morning. Papers in his possession appear to show he was an Australian by birth, and had attempted unsuccessfully to join the A. I. Forces. One of the papers gave as his residence Coombe-streat, Exeter, and described him as a schoolmaster, but nothing is known him at the address given. In his possession were two empty bottles, believed to have formerly contained methylated spirit.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Monday 14 July 1919

Plans Adopted for the First Batch of Houses

Plans for the first batch of houses to be constructed in connection with the Exeter Housing Scheme have now been adopted by the City Council and are this week to be forwarded to the Housing Commissioner for approval. The site is known as the Pince's Nursery, and is situated at the junction of Regent-street and Priory-road, St. Thomas.
Regent-street will lead on to the end of an open space, green 38 yards by 50 yards planted with trees. Round this a carriage road will run, and standing back from the road from 15 feet to 33 feet are three blocks of houses containing, respectively eight, six, and three houses. Each house will be provided with a garden at the back, and the spare land at the rear of the houses has been split up into allotments of the size.
The houses are built of stone and bricks and each will have a parlour, living room, scullery, wash larder, coal house, bath room, and three bedrooms.
Bricks for Exeter Housing
A letter from the Director of Supplies the City Council states that provision in regard to bricks had been made with the local brickyards for the City's requirements. Mr. Widgery informed the Council that the plans for the housing scheme in Pince's Gardens, St. Thomas, were now open for inspection at the Surveyor's office.
Western Times - Thursday 17 July 1919

Cowley-road accident

Yesterday Richard Bennellick. aged 16 years, residing at Preston-street, Exeter, and employed Mr. Willis, butcher, Sidwell-street, Exeter, fell out of a trap while unloading in a field at Cowley-road, and sustained a severe cut over the right eye. He was taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital suffering from shock, was attended to, and detained.
Western Times - Tuesday 22 July 1919


Colonel Blake (Governor) presided at a meeting of Exeter Guardians yesterday. Mr. Nethercott in moving the adoption the report of the Management Committee, referred to the celebration of Peace by the inmates of the Workhouse, which it was decided should take place on Monday, the 28th. This was the only convenient day. The programme, which had been approved by himself and the Master, that there should be a dinner for the inmates at 12.15, sports from 2 to 3; a concert by Mr. Harry Punchard's party, 3 to 5; tea at 5.30; concert by members of the Army Pay 6.30; Cadet band, 7.30 onwards. If fine, it was intended have the inmates out in the front, Tea and sugar would be provided for the women, and tobacco for the men. The committee would be pleased see any members present on the occasion, and also glad of any help in regard to money prizes etc. With regard the proposed outing of inmates to Mamhead (Sir Robert Newman’s seat). Mr. Lumley had met the Master and himself on behalf of Sir Robert, and said the only day that would be convenient was Saturday, August 2nd, as Sir Robert wished to be among them to give a welcome. The Board approved of the arrangements for the outing to Mamhead to the Chairman of the Management Committee and the doctor.


All those who have not yet done so should pay a visit to the Exeter Empire Picture Palace this week, where there is an opportunity of seeing a film production of the London Victory March. The scenes are clearly screened and excellently photographed. "Maciste," a five-part production, is full of thrilling incidents, and features Italy's strongest man The comic subject "The Honeymoon," while the "Topical Budget” depicts scenes from all over the world.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 23 July 1919

Demand for Hotel Accomodation Unable To Be Met

It was stated at the Exeter Police Court yesterday morning, during the transaction of licensing business, it being transfer day, that the demands at the present time for hotel accommodation in Exeter was unable to be wholly met by the existing houses. Applicants for rooms were, it was said, being turned away daily.
Mr. McGahey applied for the consent of the Bench to the extension of the premises of the Great Western Hotel, which, he said, was run under the Public Trust Company, and which was near St. David's Station. He explained that the proposal was to pull down a garage and erect a restaurant and bedrooms over it.
Mr. McGahey also made similar application in respect of the Bude Hotel, belonging Mr. W. Norman. He produced plans, prepared by Messrs. Cole and Jerman, the proposed extension, and explained that the arrangement was to connect the Bude Cafe with the hotel; to add to the hotel premises the whole the upper portion the premises of Mr. Sloman, chemist (who would, however, continue to occupy the shop); to give up the Tap in Paris-street, and cover in the hotel yard with a glass roof and provide corridor and lounge. In future, under the proposed re-arrangement, there would he considerably increased bedroom accommodation, people staying at the hotel would not have to go round into Southernhay to reach their rooms in the Cafe; and there would be oi.ly one entrance for the whole of the premise. The Chief Constable said there was no objection to the plans from the police point of view. In answer to the Bench, Mr. McGahey said the facilities for drinking would be decreased rather than increased.
The Chief Constable said there could no doubt additional bedroom accommodation was required in Exeter.
The Bench concurred with the plans in regard to both the Great Western and the Bude Hotels.
Several transfers of licenses were granted.
Western Times - Thursday 24 July 1919


Wm. John Carter, staying at the King's Head Inn, Sidwell-street, Exeter, summoned at the Exeter Police-court, yesterday, for deserting his wife, Florence Amelia Carter, had a separation order made against him by the Magistrates requiring him to pay per week maintenance. He was also ordered to pay the costs of the case. Mr. A. Martin Alford, who appeared for complainant, said the parties were married in 1914. Defendant was then a stoker in the Navy. He was now employed at a laundry and earning £2 7s 6d. There had been no children. Complainant was now living with her mother. She had had to go out to work not only to keep herself but also to keep defendant. Defendant had ill-treated her on different occasions. He had also been seen in company with a woman who bore an unfavourable character. He had not lived with his wife since May 20th.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 31 July 1919

EXETER PEACE CELEBRATIONSExeter Peace Celebrations1 General view of the decorations and crowd in High-street
2 The Artillery passing the “Gazette” office
3 The Lord-Lieutenant of Devon (Earl Fortescue) taking the salute at Bedford-street
4 Infantry passing down High-street
5 The Mayor (Sir James Owen) took the salute at the Guildhall, the Artillery passing.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Monday 21 July 1919

June 1919


During March and April 149 surrenders of unwholesome meat were made at the Exeter Abattoir.

Electricity Committee recommend City Council to advance the salary of the Electrical Engineer to £750 a year.

An offer of the War Office to present two German field guns to Exeter has been declined by the Estates Committee the City Council.

The expenditure on elementary education in Exeter for the past year was £42,564, and on higher education at £17,906. The income elementary was £41,504, and on higher £18,502. The debt outstanding the end of the year was £52,907.

The National Baby Week Council has expressed a hope that a Baby Week Celebration should be held in Exeter this year. The matter has been referred by by the Infants’ Welfare Committee of the City Council to the Committees of the various centres for consideration, as has also been a suggestion that the Health and Child Welfare Exhibition should be held in the city in September next.
Western Times - Monday 02 June 1919

Birched for theft

At Exeter’s Children's Court, yesterday, a lad of 13, summoned for stealing from the premises of Walter Otton, 135, Fore-street, Exeter, £1 15s on May 24th, and £1 11s on May 3rd was ordered to receive six strokes the birch, and to be sent back to school until he attained the age 14 years. He had been in the employ of the firm for a week, and obtained access to the premises by scaling walls and roofs on Saturday afternoon.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 03 June 1919

Double Locks

Exeter’s favourite boating resort is Double Locks Hotel, Exeter Canal. Speciality, Teas and Devonshire Cream.—Advt.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Tuesday 10 June 1919


The question of a permanent service of cars on Sundays been considered by the Exeter Tramways Committee, but, in view of the curtailed supply coal, came the conclusion that such a service could not be adopted at present.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Monday 16 June 1919

Another Exeter Bride for Australia

A pretty wedding of considerable local interest was solemnised on Saturday at St. Sidwell's Wesleyan Church, Exeter, Rev. W. W. Barnes officiating. The contracting parties were Lns-Corpl. G. P. Jordan, A.I.F., second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jordan, of Mackay, Queensland, and Miss Daisy Maunder, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maunder, of Belmont-road, Exeter. The bride, who was given away her father, was prettily gowned in white silk, trimmed with silver lace. She wore her mother's bridal veil under a wreath of orange blossom. The bridesmaids were Misses Elsie and Mabel Webber, cousins of the bride, and were attired in voile, trimmed with hand embroidery, with hats to match. They carried shower bouquets of carnations and pink sweet peas, and wore gold brooches, gifts of the bridegroom. Archie Maunder, lately returned from the East, acted as best man. Later in the day the happy couple left for Torquay, where the honeymoon is being spent, the bride travelling in a shantung silk costume with saxe-blue Georgette hat.
Western Times - Tuesday 17 June 1919

Farmer Fined for Drunkenness While Driving at Exeter

At Exeter Police Court Saturday, before Messrs. H. J. (in the chair). P. Kelland. T. Bradley Bowe, and C. J. Vlieland, M.D , a farmer, named Wm. Thomas, of Honiton Clyst, was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and trap in Fore-street, Heavitree, on 16th May. On being asked to plead, prisoner said he certainly had had some liquor, but he was not drunk.
P.C Peed stated that at 6.35 p.m. on 10th May, he saw defendant a driving horse, attached a two-wheeled trap, down Fore-street, As he passed witness, who was standing opposite the Horse and Groom Inn, the defendant swerved on the seat. Witness shouted to him, and followed him until at the bottom of the hill he stopped, and witness then took him into custody. When witness told him he was drunk, priisoner said, "No' Me drunk ? I was never drunk in my life.”
Inspector Snell and Inspector Lewis also gave evidence.
Defendant admitted that had had something to drink, but he was not so bad as the prosecution had suggested.
The Bench imposed a fine of 20s, and ordered defendant pay the doctor's fee.
Western Times - Tuesday 17 June 1919

Moreton Lady's Accident at Exeter

On Wednesday a lady named Harriet Gay, of Lyme-street, Moretonhampstead, was walking up High-street, Exeter, and when near the General Post Office she slipped and fell, sustaining an injury to her right hip. First-aid was rendered by P.S. Underbill and S. C. Andrews, and the lady was taken by cab to the residence of her sister, Church-street, Heavitree, where she was examined by Dr. Whaite.
Western Times - Friday 20 June 1919

Council's Programme for the Forthcoming Celebrations

The Peace Celebrations Committee of the Exeter City Council have resolved unanimously that a one-day celebration be arranged for, and that their previous resolution be amended accordingly. The Committee submit the following programme, with the estimated cost, and ask the Council to arrange for providing the cost:
(1) Children's entertainment. Cathedral service at 9.30 a.m. (This service would be for older scholars only). Tea for 8,500 children ls per head, £425. Sports and amusements for 8,500 children at 6d per head, £212 10s. Medals, £100. Tea for (say) 500 extra children not attending elementary schools 1s per head, £25. Sports and amusements for ditto at 6d per head, £12 10s. Total £775.
(2) (2) General athletic sports at County Ground for soldiers and sailors past and present, and military display for entertainment of, and tea too, wounded, £100.
(3) (3) Bonfire (in connection with National Movement) near grounds of Exeter Golf Club. Estimated cost of haulage and sundries, £25. (Wood and timber given by a gentleman of the City free of charge).
(4) (4) 200 rockets in connection with National Movement and 20 flares (already ordered from Naval and Military Authorities) to be let off in vicinity of bonfire, £20.
(5) (5) Music; five bands of music to play at children's entertainment, sports and concert, £82 12s. (Should celebration take place on August Bank Holiday, one band would not be available, thus reducing the cost by £20). Music for grand concert of 1,000 voices, with band, at the Devon County Cricket Ground, and arranging music for band, £32 10s. Room for rehearsals and incidental expenses, £10. Total £125 2s. Sundry expenses, printing, etc., £25. Grand total, £1,070 2s. Mr.Albany Ward has expressed his desire of giving free matinees at the Palladium for children on each of the days over which the celebrations will spread.
Western Times - Saturday 21 June 1919

Exeter Ladies in Conflict Appear at Police Court

At Exeter Police Court. before Messrs. H. G. Munro and Mr. G. T. White, Henrietta Phillips, of 2, Colleton Grove, was summoned for assaulting Rhode Rowe, 3, Colleton-crescent. Mrs. Rowe was also summoned for assaulting Mrs. Phillips.
Mr. F. appeared for Mrs. Phillips.
Mrs. Rowe said defendant entered her kitchen, seized her by the hair, and pulled her out of the room into the passage.—Mrs. Phillips, whose eye was discoloured, said complainant was the aggressor. She went in to request Mrs. Rowe to stop scandalising her. Mrs. Rowe's daughter struck her. She replied, and Mrs. Rowe struck in. All three struggled fighting the door.
Mrs. Phillips was fined 5s, and the summons against Mrs. Rowe dismissed.
Western Times - Tuesday 24 June 1919

Wembworthy Woman Fined at Exeter Yesterday

Caroline Hookway, 49, of Rose Cott, Wembworthy, pleaded guilty at Exeter Police Court yesterday travelling on the L. and S.W. Railway without having previously paid her fare, and with intent to avoid payment. Mr. S. Ernest Crosse defended. Mr. M. J. McGahey, who appeared for the prosecution, said that the 27th inst., Mrs. Hookway had entered the station at Ford and had said that she wished to go to Exeter. As the train had been signalled out, the stationmaster said that she could pay her fare at Queen-street. When, however, defendant arrived at Queen-street, she paid for a fare from Crediton, and was allowed to go. She returned later for her luggage, but meanwhile enquiries had been made, and she was accused of travelling from Ford and only paying the fare from Crediton. Prisoner offered to pay her correct fare. Later she wrote to the stationmaster at Exeter enclosing £1, the balance (about 14s) to be used for payment for the trouble she had caused.
S. Ernest Crosse said that the offence had been committed on the spur of the moment. Immediately on leaving the station she had fully realised her guilt, but had not had the courage to return to the collector and confess. She was in a very delicate state of health, being now under treatment by two doctors.—A fine of 20s was imposed.
Western Times - Tuesday 24 June 1919

Fierce Fight in Kitchen Over a Cat

How the trespass a cat led to a great fracas between neighbours at Exwick was told at Exeter Police Court yesterday, in the course of the hearing of cross-summonses.—Harry Nichols, living at 8, the Square, Exwick, was summoned for doing malicious damage to a picture, of the value of 5s, belonging to Samuel George Mead, also with assaulting Elizabeth E. Mead. There was cross-summons' against the latter for assaulting Ada E. Nichols, and Samuel George Mead was summoned for assaulting Harry Nichols. —Mr. M. J. McGahey appeared for the Meads, and Mr. S. Ernest Crosse for Nichols and his wife.
Mr. McGahey stated that the trouble arose over a cat belonging to Nichols. On June 20th the cat was seen by Mrs. Mead in her front garden, and she was about to drive it away when she saw Mrs. Nichols in the garden. She twice told her to go out, but as she refused to leave Mrs. Mead took her by the shoulders and gently pushed her out. Later in the day, Mr. Nichols, who was the worse for drink, opened the door of the Mead's house, walked through the passage to the kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Mead were sitting. He at once struck Mrs. Mead a fierce blow between the eyes, knocking her down. While she was down he brutally kicked her. She got up, but was promptly knocked down again, and this happened six or seven times. Mr. Mead was a somewhat delicate man, who suffered badly from rheumatics, but he got hold of a stick with a view to defending his wife as best he could. His wife took it from him to defend herself, but it was afterwards wrenched from her by Nichols. The latter hit Mir. Mead with his fist, blacking one eye. He also struck Miss Hunt (sister of Mrs. Mead) on the head with the stick when she tried to intervene. Mrs. Nichols at last came in, and she and Miss Hunt got him to go away. As he left he tore a picture from the wall, threw it down, and smashed it, and said "he wished he could strangle all of them.”…
The Bench, after a retirement, decided that a technical assault was committed by Mrs. Mrs. Nichols, and she was fined 7s 6d. They dismissed the charge assault against Mr. Mead, but Mr. Nichols they considered committed a very disgraceful assault on AMs. Mead, and for that he would be fined 40s. He would also be fined 5s for damaging the picture, and would have to pay 5s, the value of the picture.
Western Times - Wednesday 25 June 1919

How Exeter Greeted the Devon Yeomen

A civic and really hearty welcome was accorded the cadre of the 16th Battalion Devon Regiment on its arrival at Exeter on Saturday afternoon, after a glorious record of active service in many theatres of war. Thousands thronged in the streets, which were gaily decorated with flags and bunting, and there was quite a large gathering outside St. David's Station when the train steamed in at a quarter to three…
Headed by the Band of the 1st Battalion Devonshire Regiment, under Bandmaster J. W. Cox, the cadre briskly marched, via St. David's-hill and Queen-street, to the Guildhall to receive the city's official felicitations and welcome home. Crowds cheered them along the route, and the scene which met their eyes as they turned the corner of Queen-street into High-street must have stamped itself on their memories, so animated it was, so picturesque, so vibrant with joyous emotion.
Waiting at the Guildhall
Under the portico of the ancient Guildhall, standing on a baize-covered platform, were representatives of the civic body, the Right Worshipful the Mayor (Sir James Owen), and the Sheriff (Councillor W. Townsend), standing between the central pillars. In front and on either side were the quaintly garbed bearers of the city relics…
The speech-making was delightful for point and brevity. In a concise word picture the Mayor glanced swiftly at the magnificent record of the men in Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, and France; paid a fitting tribute to the fallen; and cordially welcomed the men before him.
Lieut-Colonel Holley responded in a happy vein, and spoke of the gratitude which all men of the Devonshire Regiment felt at the many kindnesses they had received, especially at the hands of the Mayoress of Exeter's Committee.
A Good Time in Store
Three cheers having been given for the Mayor and Mayoress, the cadre marched to the Drill Hall, where they were entertained to an excellent dinner, through the hospitality of the Mayoress of Exeter's Depot. Lady Owen here extended personal welcome to the men, and hinted that even a more enjoyable time still would be their share on the occasion of the forthcoming victory march. And the bronzed faces round the festive board beamed forth the delight and happiness which was within them.
Western Times - Friday 27 June 1919


At Exeter Police Court, Saturday, Charles Lyons, of Edmund-Street, who was represented by his mother, was fined for having his dog unmuzzled West-street on the 16th inst.

James Nightingal, 79, of 3, Hertford Place, Bartholomew-street, Exeter, whilst chopping sticks on Saturday, by some means slipped and fell, breaking his leg. He was yesterday removed to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and detained.

Ellen Way, married, Cricklepit-lane, Exeter, pleaded guilty at the Police Court Saturday of being drunk and disorderly on the 17th inst. Her defence was that some girls had laughed at her in a sneering fashion, and this had irritated her. On the night in question she had been out with a married couple, and they had had two or three bottles of stout. She promised never to touch drink again.—Fined 20s and given 10 days in which to pay.

We understand that the very fine and well found schooner, David Morris, has just sailed from Exeter on a voyage (prior to her being sent by her owners, the Newfoundland and Labrador Fish and Oil Co. Ltd., to Newfoundland for cargo of Labrador codfish for this market) to Portugal and Spain, to load return cargo of sherry for the well known firm of wine and spirit merchants, Messrs. Carr and Quick, of Queen-street. Now that peace will shortly be an accomplished fact, it is to be hoped that we shall once again see our Canal (which, by the way, is the oldest in the country) developing a considerable business both in the home and foreign trades.
Western Times - Monday 23 June 1919

Royal Smile Which Won All Hearts the WestPrince at St DavidsTHE Prince of Wales concluded his Western tour on Friday with a visit to Plymouth. The Prince passed through Exeter Saturday afternoon, on his way back to London, and received a cordial reception St. David's. In the above photo, which was unavoidably held over from last week, Mr. Sampso,. Chairman of the Newton Abbot Urban Council, is seen introducing the Prince to his fellow Councillors. Our photographer has been able to catch that sunny smile with which the Prince has won all hearts in the West.
Western Times
 - Friday 20 June 1919

May 1919


In connection with the strike at the Exeter Asylum the advertisements inviting applications for the vacant posts have had a big response, and the only vacancies remaining last evening were those for a few female nurses. Pickets were on duty in the vicinity of the Asylum yesterday. Mr. E. Edmonson, the organiser of the National Asylum Workers Union says he has been assured of the support of the workers at Exminster Asylum, but it was not his intention bring them out. A meeting of the Exeter Trades and Labour Council was held last evening to consider the position, and it was suggested that the Mayor of Exeter be approached to see if an amicable settlement could be arrived at.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 02 May 1919

Ladies' Opening Dip at Exeter

The opening dip of Exeter Ladies' Swimming Club was held at the Corporation Swimming Baths. Exeter, last evening, there being a largo number of members who took the plunge. Mrs. Andrews, who had been elected President, was first to enter the water, being followed by the officers and Committee. Two races were held and the results were:— Championship. Miss Saunders. Juniors, Miss Guppy. A very clever demonstration of life-saving was given after the races. Mrs. Andrews with a few well chosen remarks congratulated those taking part in the display on their efficiency. She proposed to have a President's medal each year to jibe given to the one who made most progress during the year. She was surprised see so many members in the water, and hoped that before long the membership of the club would reach the thousand mark.
Western Times - Saturday 03 May 1919

Peace Ball

The Peace Ball arranged to take place at the Victoria Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday promises be the best organised by the officers of the Cadet Battalion. Special attention is being made to the floor, and Capt. Edgar Plummer has kindly consented to supply the material to make it par excellence for dancing. Seven prizes, kindly given by the officers of the battalion, are being presented to those in fancy dresses. The whole of the proceeds will be handed over to the Recreation Club funds, and citizens are urgently invited to patronise the cause. Prices of admission are advertised in another column.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 03 May 1919


The last performance of "Aladdin" by St. Sidwell's School boys, at the King's Hall, Exeter, went remarkably well. During the interval the Princess (Master Reggie Squires) presented Mr. Percy F. Nicholls with an attache case on behalf of the staff and boys in acknowledgment of the manner in which he trained the boys. Lady Florence Cecil congratulated Mr. Nicholls and the boys on the success of the performances.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 03 May 1919


There is unlikely to be any special development in connection with the Strike among employees at the Exeter Asylum, Digby's, during the week-end. Our representative was informed, yesterday, that Mr. H. Shaw, Assistant-Secretary of the National Asylum Workers' Union, had been sent to Exeter Executive Council to co-operate with Mr Edmondson, and to decide with him what form of future action should take. The strikers are convinced that the principle concerned is an important one, and which warrants a firm stand. Information the standpoint of the Asylum is to the effect that the situation at the institution is satisfactory, and, when a few female nurses are procured, all the vacancies in the staff will have been made good.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 03 May 1919


Considerable, activity is in evidence at Docks, which have been closed for several years—since Messrs, Holman ceased their shipping work in the town. The place is now being transformed into a cider store or manufactory. The old dry dock, which was filled with a large quantity of soil and converted into a garden, is now being excavated again, it is stated, for use as a barrel store. The work is being done for a well-known Exeter firm, and it is employing a fairly large number of demobilised men who would otherwise some difficulty finding work in the town.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 08 May 1919

Boxing Tournament at Exeter

The boxing tournament held last night at the Victoria Hall, Exeter, in aid of the local branch of the Discharged Sailors' and Soldiers' Federation, attracted a big attendance, and provided first-class entertainment. A 6-round contest between Kid Kelly, C.B.C., Plymouth, and Young Toms, St. Thomas A.C.. Plymouth, resulted in a victory for the former on points, whilst another 6-round fight between the midget champions of England—Tim O'Leary and Nipper Brown, both aged 11 years—was similarly won by O'Leary after some very spirited boxing. Taff Gardener, Cardiff, met B. Stoneman, Exeter, in 10-round contest, and the honours were fairly evenly divided until the sixth round, when the local man was compelled to surrender owing to an injury to the left hand. Bugler Lake, who won the Army Southern Command Championship at Portsmouth in February last, experienced difficulty in overcoming T. King, of Plymouth, the boy fly-weight champion of the West. The tit-bit of the tournament was 15-round contest between Signaller Wilkinson, K.N.. Navy and Marine welter-weight champion, and Seaman Fredk. Richmond, middle-weight champion of the Grand Fleet. Wilkinson put in a particularly fine performance, despite the fact that he was handicapped by an old injury to his right hand, sustained in the Portsmouth contests early in the year. Wilkinson was the better boxer, and was leading on points when, in the fourteenth round, he had to give in, owing to his hand being again incapacitated. The programme was brought to a close with 3-round exhibition fight between Seaman Sammy Bucknill, Plymouth, and Sergt. Ponsford, Exeter.
Western Times - Friday 09 May 1919

Museum of Bygone Trophies at Exeter

Mr C V. A. Peel has offered to present to Exeter, his museum of big game trophies at present housed at Oxford. The collection is unique of its kind and its acquisition would be a valuable addition to the attractions of the city. The difficulty in the way of its acceptance is the want of accommodation for the exhibition, and also, the very limited financial resources of the Exeter Museum. Enquiries are being made to the cost of providing an army hut for the temporary storing of the collection, and an application being made to the Board of Education for a grant in aid of the cost of exhibiting the gift. Sir E. Chaining Wills has made valuable suggestions for providing an army hut for the temporary storing of the collection and upon this recommendation the committee asked the R.A.M.. Governors to consider the establishment of an endowment fund for the maintenance of the museum.
Western Times - Saturday 10 May 1919

Crediton Motorist Fined at Exeter

Pte. Gough, of the Agricultural Co., Churchstreet, Crediton, pleaded guilty at the Exeter Police Court, Saturday, to driving a motor-car in High-street, Exeter, without having fixed to the front and back the plates forming the identification marks, on the 3rd May. P.C. Parker said defendant, in reply to questions, told witness he had come to the right quarter as it was a Government car. There were three numbers on the car, and defendant said one was a serial number.—The Chief Constable said he had brought forward the case in order to show that the authorities were as amenable to the law as other people. Several cars of the Government department had got departmental numbers as well as identification numbers. No one could understand which of the three was the registration number. Serial numbers, if necessary, ought be affixed to the side the cars. Another car belonging to the Agricultural Company was pulled up a few days later. The explanation seemed to be that a number belonging to one car had been put on another. He did not press the case; he should content with having ventilated it.—Defendant was ordered pay the costs (4s), which the Bench told him he would recover from the authorities.
Western Times - Monday 12 May 1919

Exeter Trams.

At the meeting of the Exeter City Council last evening, Mr. Varwell, moving the adoption of the report of the Tramways: Committee, alluded to the proposed motor bus service between Torquay and Exeter. He said the suggested restrictions cover the service when in the Exeter area were recommended to prevent competition with the trams. He was glad to say that employees of the tramways had been demobilised from the Army and had resumed their work.
Mr. Seaton asked the men who had resumed their employment had been given the same job as before they joined the Army, Mr. Varweli replied that thought he might say that they had resumed their ordinary duties, except those who had grown too old to be conductors. There were one or two men who had not resumed their service as drivers, but were given work they were able to discharge…
Mr. Varwell, alluding to the recommendation that advertisements be allowed on the decency boards of the tramcars, said income derived would be about £600 a year for advertisements on 20 cars.
Mr. Widgery spoke strongly against the advertisements being placed on the outside of the trams. He said the matter had been discussed by the Council on three previous occasions, and the short memories of some people surprised him. Within the last few years the Council had prohibited advertising contractors from earning an income by advertising in the main streets. The Council; should be consistent, and failed see how they could approve the recommendation. Advertisements on the board around the tops of the trams would vulgarise the whole appearance of the streets. He moved an amendment that the advertisements be confined to the inside of the cars. Mr. Alford seconded. He said there was bye-law in force in the city which prohibited travelling advertisements in the streets, and failed see how the Council could allow advertisements to be placed the outside the cars.
Mr. said it was absolutely essential that the revenue of the tramways should be increased. Advertisements were placed on cars in other large towns, and he failed see why a similar course should not he adopted at Exeter.
Mr. Ross said Council should never have had such a hideous railway running through the beautiful streets of the city. Now the undertaking was in a bankrupt condition could see it was absolutely essential that, more money should come from other sources to help the Committee out their difficulty. The time was coming when the internal combustion engine so completely oust the tramway system that it would be sold for scrap iron.
The amendment, was lost, thirteen voting for it, and the report was adopted.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 14 May 1919

Topsham V.A.D. Hospital.

Topsham V.A.D. Hospital has now been closed after four and a half years valuable work. The number of resident patients under treatment since November 4th, 1914, was 767. The number of beds at the commencement was 15, increased to 24 in June, 1915, and to 30 in 1916. The owner of No. 3, Mr. Harbottle, generously lent that house during the whole period free of rent. The medical officer, Dr. Ashford, in a letter thanking those who subscribed and arranged entertainments for the extra comforts funds, quotes the words of an Australian sergeant when calling on the men for three cheers for the hospital: "Boys is the best front we've struck since leaving home." Dr. Ashford and the Matron (Mrs. Ashford) did their utmost to make the patients comfortable.
Western Times - Wednesday 21 May 1919


Another shortage of beef in Exeter is foreshadowed for the next six weeks. It is pointed out that conditions have been altogether against the fattening of cattle. The spring is very late, hay has been scarce for cattle, and the beasts have now been turned out to grass in poor condition. Only fat beasts were driven into Exeter Market yesterday for grading, and these had to be divided between Exeter and St. Thomas rural area. Fortunately, Mr. Boon, the official buyer for the Exeter butchers, secured 25 fat bullocks at Kingsbridge Market on Wednesday to eke out next week's supply in Exeter.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 24 May 1919

Tribute of Children of the Red Cross Guild

In charge of Mrs. Wallers, of Bramdean, Heavitree, the children of the Red Cross Guild visited the Exeter Higher Cemetery Saturday, and placed laurel and flowers the graves of the men of the Services who are buried in the section of the ground specially set apart for the interment of those who died in the service of their country. The plot, which is opposite the chapel, has been well nigh filled, and on it a fitting monument is to raised in due course. The children, who took part in to-day's ceremony, attended a short service in the Cathedral, where the prayers were said by the Succentor (the Rev R. C. B. Llewellyn). A procession, which included wounded soldiers and men in "civvies," who bore marks of war service, was formed in the Cathedral yard. Headed by the 1st Devon Band, it moved by way of Broadgate and High-street to the Higher Cemetery. Under a blazing sun, the quick step at which the band marched made it trying for the processionists, especially the children, some of whom were very young,, and had great difficulty to keep up. The party later returned to the Victoria Hall, where tea was served.
Western Times - Monday 26 May 1919

Reopening of Queen Street Post Office, Exeter

As a result of representations made to the Authorities by the City Chamber Commerce, Queen-street Post Office, which has been closed during the war, is to be reopened on June 10th.
Western Times - Thursday 29 May 1919

How Exwick Will Celebrate Peace

The Peace celebrations at Exwick are to be carried out on the same lines as at the Coronation of King George, and a large committee was appointed to make arrangements. The Vicar (Rev. H. C. Breton) has been appointed Chairman and Mr. A. H. Rousham hon. secretary. It has been decided (1) provide a meat tea to all adults in the village, and a tea to the children; (2) make house-to-house collection for subscriptions; (3) to provide sports, etc., for adults and children. The Vicar has offered his lawn for the tea and, Mr. L. Cornish his Coronation Field for sports. A permanent war memorial will be placed in the village. Several schemes have been suggested, the one finding most favour being a large cross, with names of villagers who have made the supreme sacrifice inscribed on it, to be placed in a prominent position.
Western Times - Friday 30 May 1919

Soldier in Exeter in Trouble Over His Name

With a curious combination of English and Russian in his name, John Gerskwitch, a private tin he Royal Fusiliers, pleaded guilty at Exeter Police Court yesterday to travelling on the G.W.R. from Devonport to Exeter the previous day without paying his fare, and also with being an absentee.—Detective Vowles, of the G.W.R., stated that at St. David's defendant produced a pass which was originally a local one, and had been altered to enable him to travel to Glasgow. Defendant told him that himself made the alteration. —Defendant now stated that when he enlisted four years ago, he had to change his name because his own was too Russian. He therefore enlisted as Gasson. Now there was a difficulty of identification in regard to demobilisation, and he wanted get to Glasgow to obtain certain papers to clear this up. —He was fined 10s on first charge, and handed over to an escort in waiting on the second.
Western Times - Saturday 31 May 1919

Thousand Houses.

A report is be presented.at the meeting of the Exeter City Council on Tuesday from the Finance, Estates, and Housing and Town Planning Committees. The Sites Sub-Committee report that they have inspected various sites for the erection of the 300 houses which the Council had decided to build, the Local Government Board agreeing to defray three-quarters of the loss on schemes approved by them. The Council resolution had authorised the Joint Committees take immediate steps for the purchase of sites for this number of houses in the neighbourhood of the tram termini in Pinhoe-road and Cowick-street, and the neighbourhood of Barrack-lane of the tram terminus at Cross Park. Three sites had commended themselves the Sub-Committee—(1) land on the west side of Buddle-lane, near the junction of that lane with Cowick Street; (2) and near Polsroe-road railway bridge, on the north side of the road leading to Whipton; (3) land adjoining the Heavitree Pleasure Ground. For the number of houses included in the Council scheme they recommended, the purchase of sites Nos. 1 and 2. The land No. 3 possesses many advantages, but would not economical as a site for a small number of houses owing to the cost of road-making. The Sub-Committee made an inspection of the site in Claremont-road, and, owing its restricted area, they recommend that it not be for the erection of houses, in the course of their investigations the Sub- Committee became more and more impressed with the need for the Council to consider the desirability of extending their proposals for the erection of 300 houses for the city…
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 31 May 1919


The Reconstruction Committee of the Exeter City Council state having received reports from the Surveyor and Architect of works under consideration when the war broke out. The Streets Committee had given instructions for the submission of an application to the Road Board for a share of the grant of £10,000,000 provided the Government in aid of expenditure incurred by highway authorities in the reinstatement of through traffic roads. In the opinion of the committee the following works may be proceeded with at the earliest practicable date, and that the Committees in charge be informed:— Extension of the waterworks; re-modelling of the heating apparatus at the Mental Hospital: widening of Bartholomew-street West and of Paul-street, except the upper portion of the latter street; building works reported by the Architect to be urgently required, except as to the boundary wall of Northernhay, which is referred to the Estates Committee for their consideration.
In the opinion of the Committee the execution of the following works should be deferred in view of other more urgent requirements, and that the Committees in charge be also informed: widening the tramway track in High-street; erection of a refuse destructor; reconstruction of the sewage disposal works at the Mental Hospital; Haven-road widening and paving; Exe Bridge and Commercial-road improvement scheme.
The Committee express no views in regard to the other works mentioned in the Surveyor's report pending their consideration by the Committees severally responsible.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 31 May 1919


EMPIRE DAY AT EXETEREmpire Day at Exeter The children of St. Sidwell's Schools celebrated the occasion with their usual thoroughness.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 24 May 1919

April 1919


Much success is attending the exhibition of the film entitled "The Female Pirate" at the Exeter Empire Theatre this week. The setting and photography are of a very high standard. The nautical element is to the fore throughout, and it can be said with confidence that "The Female Pirate” is a picture well worth witnessing. The giant airship R34 figures in the "Topical News” item, and is to be seen both in the air and entering its enormous shed. On the comic side there is "He Married His Mother-in-law,” which is bound to cause merriment. The eighth episode “Cab 13" is also on view. The management announce for next Monday the beginning of a new serial, entitled “The Olive."
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 02 April 1919

Caused by an Escaped Lunatic from Exeter Asylum

People walking in Topsham-road and Weirfields yesterday morning were much alarmed by seeing a man about fifty years of age, shouting and singing, and waving a short hedge stick in an excited manner. He was without a coat and hat.
He left Topsham-road near the Half-way House Inn, and entering a lane, reached Weir-fields, where passed one or two people, who were much frightened, by his antics.
He entered the Sewage Works, where he was stopped by one of the employees, Mr F J. Escott, who concluded from the behaviour of the man and that he was an escaped lunatic. In conversation, the man admitted that he had escaped from Digby Asylum, and taking to the fields, reached Topsham-road. He also vouchsafed that he threw away his coat to escape from a ploughman who attempted hold him up on crossing a ploughed field. While the employees at the Sewage Works engaged the in conversation, Mr. Escott got into communication by telephone with the Police Station, from whence a message was sent the Asylum.
Subsequent two attendants arrived at the Sewage Works on bicycles, and took the man who who belongs to Exeter, back to the institution. It transpired that he had broken away while engaged on the farm attached to the Asylum.
Western Times - Saturday 05 April 1919


Mr. J. W. Billiatt, Last Survivor of the Stuart Expedition
Mr. J. W. Billiatt, the last survivor of the Stuart Expedition which crossed Australia in 1861-62 and opened up the continent for telegraph and railway, died at Exeter on Sunday, aged 76.
Western Times - Tuesday 08 April 1919

Case of Polio Euciphalitis (sick) in the St. Thomas District.

At the St. Thomas Rural District Council on Friday, Mr. J. H. Ley presiding, the Medical Officer (Mr. Black) reported, that a case of acute polio euciphalitis had been reported that morning in the district. It had been isolated. He had hoped to remove the case to the Exeter Isolation Hospital that afternoon, but the City Authorities were unable to take it owing the difficulty of obtaining nurses. The person attacked was a lady.
In answer to Major Thomas. Dr. Black said the disease was not, fortunately, quite so infectious as cerebro (sick) meningitis.
Western Times - Tuesday 08 April 1919


The mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Hilda May Searle, wife of Mr. George Searle, tobacconist, of Heavitree-hill, Exeter, is still unsolved. Up to yesterday no satisfactory news had come to hand, and she has been missing since Friday, March 28th, her husband and friends are, naturally, in an alarmed condition. Any rumours have been diligently followed up, only to result, so far in disappointment. Mrs. Searle had been unwell for some time, but carried on the business during her husband's absence on active service. She suffered from nerves and depression. It is thought she may be wandering about the country districts. Any information will be gratefully received by Mr. Searle. Mrs. Searle is 31 years of age, 5ft. 4in. in height, has dark hair and dark brown eyes. When she left home she was dressed in a long brown coat with a dark fur collar, and wore a small grey hat.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 12 April 1919

Big Crowd Refuses to Assist a Police Constable

There was an unusual and regrettable scene at Heavitree, Exeter, last night, the sequel to which will be heard in the City Police Court.
It appears that about half-past nine P.C. Bishop bad occasion to take a man into custody. Two men were about to enter a public-house, and one of them was advised by the constable not to do so. His companion joined in an argument with the policeman, and eventually the first man was taken into custody.
A large crowd soon gathered, and assumed an attitude hostile to the constable. Not only did they refuse to give any assistance, but also stated they set on P.C. Bishop and did all they could to get the man away. A number of women joined the fracas, and the policeman was thrown to the ground and, it is said, repeatedly kicked. His whistle was snatched away from him, and somebody else seized his helmet.
When P.C. Bishop had succeeded in getting the man outside the police station there was a renewal of hostility. Mrs. Snell, wife of the Inspector in charge, came into the street and appealed to a number of young men in the crowd to assist the constable, but they all refused, and eventually she herself had help P.C. Bishop bring the arrested man into the station.
His companion soon after came to the Police Station and was taken into custody. Both were later removed to the City Police Station.
Western Times - Thursday 17 April 1919

Three Australian Generals at Exeter

Saturday the Mayoress of Exeter (Lady-Owen) had the unique experience of being visited by no less than three Generals of the Australian Imperial Forces. The Australian military authorities have a very high opinion of the way in which Exeter has cared for the Colonial soldiers, and it is within the recollection of everybody that about twelve months ago they presented their flag to the Mayoress of Exeter in recognition of this kindness. The ceremony was performed by General Sir James McKay. On Saturday he returned to Australia, and General Birdwood, General Sir William Rosenthal, and Brigadier-General McGlynn proceeded to Plymouth to give him a send off. General Birdwood went straight through, but the others stopped at Exeter to call the Mayoress, who was photographed in their company together with Mrs. Balsom, of her Depot Committee, by one of the Staff Officers.
Western Times - Monday 21 April 1919

American's Thanks to Exeter Nurses
To the Right Worshipful the Mayor of
Exeter, Exeter, England.

The Mayor of Exeter has received the following letter from American soldier who was a patient at No. 2 Hospital, Exeter, last October:
Sir, —In October of 1918, while serving with the 27th American Division Headquarters in France, it was my misfortune to be taken sick. I was sent to Rouen, and then, via steamer Gloucester Castle, England, and Exeter.
Now that peace has returned once more and I am again at home, I look back the days spent in No. 2 V.A,D. Hospital with anything but sorrow. Such names as Sisters Rendell and Williams, Nurses Spencer, Clapp, Reed, and Molineaux will ever remain with me in evidence of that unfailing care and hospitality so characteristic of the English V.A.D. nurse.
451 West, Street. New York City,
New York.
April 10th, 1919.
Western Times - Wednesday 23 April 1919

The Visit to Exeter Recalled : A Whipton Incident

As reported in yesterday's paper, Vedrines, the famous French airman, was killed, together with his mechanic, through his machine crashing to earth, while on an attempted flight from Paris to Rome.
Paris, Tuesday.
Vedrines' machine crashed into a vineyard sixty kilometres from Lyons. The bodies, badly mutilated, were recovered from the wrecked machine. Vedrines had both legs and both arms broken.—Reuter.
Flying Without Engine or Propeller
The Journal states that Vedrines had been, working on a winged machine with neither engine nor propeller. During the first trials of this new type of aeroplane, which were very successful, Vedrines succeeded on leaving the ground several times, and in travelling a distance of 72 metres in the air.
Vedrines was one of the first airmen to be seen in the West of England, and only by two or three minutes missed the distinction of being first to reach Exeter.
It was on the occasion of the first race around England, and early one morning, a great crowd, which had waited all through the night on the aviation ground at Whipton, saw two little specks in the sky in the direction of Tiverton getting bigger and bigger.
There were two parties of mechanics on the ground who got very excited. One party belonged to the French Lieutenant, Beaumont. They were provided amply with everything they required.
The other party consisted of one youth, an excitable French lad, who had only a few things to get together, for Vedrines had no money to waste. He had been busily engaged ripping the top from tin of petrol before the aeroplanes were sighted, and when they got near enough, he asked quietly for the loan of a pair glasses. They were handed to him, and passed back again after a glance. He had made out his hero's plane, and was about kindle a fire of sticks on the ground. The officials, who knew nothing about flying, or the requirements of aviators, prevented him. He argued and remonstrated, getting more and more excited. The smoke was to he his landing signal. Vedrines would not come down till he saw it. They were spoiling his chances. Still they refused.
Then the lad resorted to strategy. He assumed indifference, rolled a cigarette, and borrowed a match from one of the officials. This he threw carelessly on a piece of newspaper, and then suddenly, without any warning, at the first sign of the gathering flames, he threw over it all the of two gallon tin petrol. Thus Vedrines had his fiery welcome after all.
This slight delay enabled Beaumont to land first. Vedrines was only a few minutes after him, but he was obviously annoyed at being kept waiting. He was typically French, as impetuous and irritable as they are made, and that morning he was so short tempered almost rude to everybody. Still, he was fighting against big odds. He had so little money, and his competitors everything they wanted. And, despite it all, victory was almost within his grasp when he saw it slipping from him.
Western Times - Wednesday 23 April 1919

Death Rate of Exeter

The last weekly official return of the death-rates of great cities in the country presented Exeter in a very unfavourable light. Enquiries made yesterday, however, go to show that there is nothing to cause alarm nor, in fact, despite the figure, is the death-rate in the city other than the ordinary. Figures cannot always be taken as giving a true explanation of affairs, especially weekly returns. Supposing the return to be made up Monday. Deaths which may have taken place on a Sunday would be registered on Monday, and inflate the next return. A monthly return is more reliable, and the last published shows the rate at Exeter to be 25.27 per thousand, against 30 per thousand average for the great cities.
Western Times - Thursday 24 April 1919

An Open Verdict Returned at the Inquest

At he Church Institute, Alphington, Tuesday, an inquest was held by Mr. H. W. Gould (sitting without jury) on Ethel Florence Millie Godfrey, 33, the wife of Mr. Mark Godfrey, tailor, of No. 150, Church Path-road, St. Thomas, Exeter, whose body was recovered on Sunday evening from the Exeter Canal Salmon Pool Bridge. Deceased was stated to have been depressed of late, but the Coroner stated that from the evidence he was unable to determine whether it was a case of suicide or accident. He therefore returned open verdict of "Found drowned."
Western Times - Friday 25 April 1919

Heavitree Dog's Delight on Losing Its Muzzle

"This is certainly case which differs from any dog muzzling case that has previously come before the present Bench," remarked the Mayor (Sir James Owen to a lady of who was summoned at Exeter Police Court yesterday, for disregarding the Dog Muzzling Order. The facts were that the lady set out from Heavitree to visit the City to do some shopping, taking a dog, which she was taking care of for a friend, with her. The dog wore the muzzle as far as Sidwell-street. There the lady entered a grocery establishment. On coming out she noticed that the dog was prancing about a good deal, and then saw that it was without its muzzle. The Mayor: Was it prancing because its muzzle was off?–Defendant: Probably so.–The Clerk: Or was because of your being in a butchers –Defendant said that she had just come from a grocer's shop then.–In the course of further conversation transpired that the unmuzzled dog was seen by P.C. Kelly who followed it into Paris-street, whither defendant was taking it in order get a new muzzle. Attempts of the policeman catch it failed, and ultimately defendant caught it for him. She purchased a new muzzle for the animal, and had no idea of what became off the old one, which disappeared from the dog in so unaccountable a manner.–“A case of misfortune," remarked the Mayor.–The defendant was ordered to pay the posts only (4s).
Western Times - Friday 25 April 1919

Pathetic Case at Exeter

At Exeter Police Court, Saturday, before H. J. (chairman). Mr. P. Kelland, Mr. T. Bradley Rowe, and Mr. C. J. Vlieland, Dora Kingdon, 22 married, of fixed address, was charged with sleeping in a shed in Sweet Briar-lane, East Wonford, at 12.10 that morning. The constable said he found her asleep in a trap in the shed. She said that she had nowhere to go, and had money in her pockets was a sum of 3s 5d.— The Chief Constable said defendant, who was a daughter of a farmer at Chittlehamholt, married a gardener, who formerly resided in Southernhay, Exeter, and later at Heavitree. Her husband was, he believed, now living at Tiverton, where she had frequent quarrels with him. Ultimately, her husband's mother turned her out, and since then defendant had stayed in different places in the city at night, and had been in the companionship of a woman at Heavitree by day.—The Chairman remarked that it was a pathetic case.—The Bench granted a remand till to-day, and authorised the Chief Constable to send her parents home Chittlehamholt if the father was prepared to take her.
Western Times - Monday 28 April 1919

Lecture on Australian Life at Exeter

In connection with the Colonial and Continental annual meetings at Exeter, a lecture was delivered at the Barnfield Hall yesterday afternoon by Rev. H. S. Begbie on the "Romance and call of the Australian Bush." Rev. J. F. Sheldon, rector of St Leonard's, presided. The Sheriff of Exeter (Mr. W. Townsend) took the chair last evening when some excellent lantern slides were shown. The lecture was followed with great interest by a large audience.
Western Times - Wednesday 30 April 1919

Proposal to Co-operate With the County

Convened the Right Worshipful the Mayor (Sir James Owen), A public meeting was held in the Guildhall, Exeter, yesterday, to consider what action the City should take in regard to a War Memorial. The attendance, though not large, was representative. The Town Clerk announced receipt of a number of letters from prominent citizens who were prevented from attending. Several of these expressed their desire to contribute to any memorial which might be decided Upon.

Committee Appointed
Mr. J. Stocker moved that the following Committee to act with the Mayor in inviting subscriptions, and to consult with the County representatives…
Mr. W. Browne seconded, and it was carried.
Answering the Dean, the Mayor said they could not invite subscriptions until they had met the County representatives and some decision had been arrived at as to the form the memorial should take. A vote of thanks was accorded the Mayor for presiding.
Western Times - Wednesday 30 April 1919

Collapse of Exeter Tenements.Collapse of Exeter Tenements. THE collapse of the tenements Spicer's Court, Exeter, has brought great hardship on the occupiers, all of whom are in poor circumstances. The houses were smashed from ceiling to floor and the furniture destroyed. The Chief Constable has expressed his willingness to receive any contributions which charitably disposed persons would care to send him for allocation.
Western Times - Friday 25 April 1919

March 1919

Exeter Camera Club

Exeter Camera Club has just its annual general meeting. Like as many other similar institutions, it has suffered badly from the war, and the membership has been very seriously reduced. The Committee of Management have, however, determined to use every effort to bring this once popular Club up to its old standard, but to enable them do this new members, who will take an active interest and will assist, must be found. It is feared it will not be possible to arrange an exhibition of photographs this year. Funds are too low an ebb, but some very pleasant outings will arranged for the summer months, and interesting and instructive lectures for the next winter season. Photographers residing in or near Exeter are asked “join up" and help. The Treasurer is A. J. Tucker, 67. High-street, Exeter.
Western Times - Saturday 01 March 1919

Presentation to Exeter Postwoman

None of women workers in Exeter who have taken the place of men in industry during the war have earned more appreciation from the public than the temporary post-women. So when it was known that one them, Miss F. Milton, of 1, Albion-street, St. Thomas, whose round lies in the higher part of the city, was relinquishing her war-work to be married, the resident of the streets concerned decided to mark their recognition of her conscientious performance of her duties, and her pleasant and obliging manners, by making her wedding gift, Miss J. Pope, of Salisbury-road, acted as hon. secretary of the fund, and subscriptions came in so readily that a handsome presentation of a charming tea service, dessert service, a pair of artistic vases, and glass water jug, was made to Miss Milton Saturday. The gifts, for which the recipients expressed cordial were accompanied by an address of good wishes, "from the friends you have made in Mount Pleasant district your postal round."
Western Times - Monday 03 March 1919

Naval Armistice Celebration That was Delayed

At Exeter Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. H. Hall (in the chair), T. Loram. H. J. Munro, and G. T. White, Benjamin Phillips, and G. T. White.
Benjamin Phillips, an A.B., of Plymouth, for being drunk in Broadgate the previous evening, was fined 4s.—P.C. Gribble stated the facts.
Percival Howe, of Howe's Garage, Tiverton, was ordered to pay 10s. for driving a motor car in Red Cow Village on the night of the 23rd February, using headlights the glass of which exceeded 5 inches in diameter, and was not obscured.—P.C. Acland proved the case.
Sidney Cleave, a youth, 8, Milford Cottages, Commercial-road, who was wearing naval uniform and three chevrons on his sleeve, was summoned for letting off fireworks in High-street on 21st February.—P.C. Reed said he heard a loud explosion near the Guildhall, followed by two others farther up the street, one being at the entrance to a Picture Palace. He found defendant with a rocket in his hand.—Defendant expressed regret and said he was celebrating the armistice.—The Chairman said his celebration was a bit late, and might have caused a panic at the Picture Palace. He must pay 5s.
Western Times - Tuesday 04 March 1919

Re-opening of St. Thomas Station, Exeter

Without any formal ceremony—but not without incidents of interest—St. Thomas Station, Exeter, was re-opened yesterday. The station has been closed as a result of shortage of labour during the war, and, as it was very much used, the inconvenience was greatly felt.
Although the reopening was advertised, the fact did not seem to be generally known, or perhaps it is that habit really does become second nature. In any case, yesterday quite a number of regular travellers who previously used St. Thomas Station for years found themselves at St. David's. They laughed against themselves when they discovered they could have saved the long walk, and St. David's will see them no more.
Half a dozen passengers caught the early train at 6.53 a.m. and the first ticket was purchased by Councillor T. Howard, who was largely instrumental in hurrying the reopening of the station. Cheers were raised as the train ran in to be renewed with vigour as she started off again. At 7.28 a.m there were twice as many passengers, and as the day wore on business increased.
Mr E. Charming, formerly a booking clerk at Taunton, and an Exonian, is the new station master, and Mr. L. Lea, from the St. David's Staff is the clerk. A familiar face is that of Mr. S. Pentecost, the parcels department, who has served the Company at St. Thomas for years, having been employed at St. David's during the war…
Western Times - Tuesday 04 March 1919

Floods Reported in Exeter and District

As a result of the continuous and heavy rainfall in Exeter and district yesterday, the river Exe rose very rapidly last evening, and overflowed the banks at several points. The boat landing stages near Exe Bridge were submerged, and there was some flooding in the low lying ground of the St. Thomas district, especially about Alphington-road. At Alphington village the brook overflowed, and the road near the bridge was reported to be flooded, the water being more than a foot deep. At Ide the brook at the bottom the village rose very rapidly and overflowed the banks, covering much the roadway. The Exminster marshes and the large stretching valleys of the Exe and the Clyst, were flooded.
Western Times - Thursday 06 March 1919

Death of Inspector James Way of Exeter

We regret announce the death Inspector James Way, of the Exeter Force, which took place his residence, No. 7, Rugby-road, St. Thomas, Exeter, early Wednesday. Deceased, who was 57 years of age, had been in ill-health for some time, but had only relinquished his official duties about a week since. The sincerest sympathy will be extended to the widow and son in their bereavement.
Inspector Way was formerly in the Devon Constabulary and served various parts of the county. He was a sergeant in the Force, and stationed at St. Thomas at the time of the annexation that district the City in 1900. He then transferred to the Exeter City Force, and on the retirement of Inspector Wotton was appointed an Inspector. Deceased had served in the two Police Forces altogether for 36 years. A genial disposition, exceedingly obliging, and tactful, he was much liked by the members of the Police Force, and also very popular with the public. His death will be widely deplored.
Western Times - Friday 07 March 1919

Child Wellfare at Exeter

The committee of St. Olave's Home, Exeter, have asked for the assistance of the City Council in boarding-out illegitimate children. At present there are 20 such children boarded out in Exeter, the mothers contributing from 3s 6d to 6s per week, according to their means. The Infant Welfare Committee recommend that the Council should contribute assistance in kind through infant Welfare Centres to such an amount as will bring the total sub scribed by the mother up to 7s 6d per week in approved cases, subject to satisfactory reports from the Centre in regard to the care of the infants. The committee has also recommended that a sum not exceeding per week for a total of four weeks prior to confinement, and £2 2s per week for three weeks during confinement, and 5s per week for four weeks after confinement be made to St. Olave's Home in respect of city cases admitted there.
Western Times - Monday 10 March 1919

LIGHTING-UP TIME. Vehicles must be Lit—6.42.

Exeter Dispensary return for the week ended Saturday:—Remaining on the books the previous week, admitted this week, 38; discharged cured, 11; benefitted, 27; no return, 2; remaining on the books, 245.

There are in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital 177 patients, including 28 discharged soldiers. The number of outpatients on the books is 2,380. There are 56 patients waiting for admission into the Hospital, including 30 children under six years of age, and three discharged soldiers.

Messrs. Whitton and Laing offered, at the Seven Stars Hotel, Exeter, yesterday, three freehold properties. Hazeldene, 4, Okehampton-road, let at £15, was sold to Messrs. James and Snow, for a client, at £320. Sunnybank, 8, Okehampton-road, let at £17, went to Messrs. Cocks and Tucker, a for client, at £355. No. 44, Churchill-road, Park House Estate, let to Mr. E. Hart at £11 10s, was sold to the tenant for £220.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 13 March 1919

To Remain Open Until 10 p.m on Week Days

Exeter Magistrates decided yesterday that the time for closing of licensed houses in the city should be, as from Monday next, 10 p.m. on week days and 9 p.m. Sundays. Mr. A. Alford. on behalf of the licensed holders, informed the Bench that the licensees did not wish to go back to 10 p.m., and if the Magistrates would alter the hour to 10 p.m. on week days, as they promised, as far as was possible, to bind themselves in any way, that they would not revert to 11 p.m., even if they had power to do so. The Chief Constable, replying to a question put by the Mayor (Sir James Owen), said so far the police were concerned—and only from the police point of view—they were well satisfied with the present arrangements. Mr. Nicholson added that in fairness to the licensed victuallers, he must say the houses Exeter were well conducted every way, and drunkenness in the city was lower than it had ever been in modern history. It was not for him (the Chief Constable) to make any recommendation to the Bench, but the facts were as stated. After a private consultation, the Bench, consisting the Mayor, Messrs. P. C. M. Veitch, H. B. Varwell, J. Stacker. J. Gould, H. Campion, P. Kelland, H. J. Munro. G. T. White, T. W. Ainge, F. Hughes and P. Durden, fixed the closing hours above stated—10 p.m. week days and 9 p.m. Sundays.
Western Times - Friday 14 March 1919

Departure of Devon Regiment Band

There was a large crowd at Queen-street Station, Exeter, last evening, when the Band of the 1st Battalion Devon Regiment departed to join the Battalion in Belgium. In addition to a large-number of friends and relations, there were present on the platform the Adjutant of the Depot, Captain A. Reed, Regimental Sergt.-Major G. Trivett, and, among other N.CO.s, Regimental Sergt.-Major Brown, Royal Fusiliers, who until a comparatively recent date held a similar position in the 3rd Battalion Devon Regiment. The Band is accompanied by Bandmaster Cox.
Western Times - Saturday 15 March 1919

Gallant Exeter Soldier's Death
Shortly After Demobilisation

After serving for about three years in the Army with much credit to himself, Mr. John Bulley, of Wellington-road, St. Thomas, Exeter, was demobilised a short time ago. A week later he was stricken down with influenza, and his strength, enfeebled no doubt by his lengthy service in Mesopotamia, was not sufficient to pull him through. His death occurred on Thursday last at the age 38, and he leaves a widow and two children. Mr. Bullev about thirteen years ago entered the service of Mr. F. T. Depree, J.P., and returned to his duties on demobilisation. He was beloved by his employer and by all with whom he came in contact, and the greatest sympathy has been extended to the widow. Mr. Bulley in 1915 joined the Army Service Corps motor traction, and rapidly rose to mechanical sergeant-major. Practically the whole of his service was in Mesopotamia, where he was highly commended by his officers. He was home on leave at Christmas last…
Western Times - Tuesday 18 March 1919


There are two brick manufacturers in the City itself—the Exeter Brick and Tile Company, whose yard is in Pinhoe-road, and Messrs. J. Hancock and Son's works on Clifton-hill They are both yards of considerable capacity, with up-to-date appliances, capable of an output in normal times of about four million bricks a year. Neither has, of course, during the last four years been working, and there is no reserve of stock. While the management have been approached on behalf of the Government as to output and the number and price of bricks which could be supplied, no definite order has been placed. There is the sufficient reason for this that the preliminary information as to price, etc., could not be furnished…
Making a Fresh Start
Preparation is now going forward for restarting the local works, although the kilns have not actually been lighted. It will be at least seven weeks before bricks or tiles can be supplied for building. Whatever may have been the course adopted by the government in regard to manufacturers in other parts of country all that has reach the Exeter firms has been, as we have stated, the nature of inquiry. Among the questions asked are the name and situation of the works, whether on a siding or near a railway station, the number of bricks that can be supplied, and the price. Conditions of purchase are certainly satisfactory The Government will pay 90 per cent, of the price when the bricks are made and stacked in the manufacturers’ yards ready for despatch, and the other 10 per cent, on delivery. Inquiry has been made as to the total output, but naturally the makers would hesitate to hand over their whole production to the to the exclusion of local needs and private customers. “It is not clear," a member of one firm said “whether the Government contemplate taking our whole output, but we certainly should not be agreeable to having our ordinary customers and local authorities left in the lurch." He added that already they had been asked to quote terms for a large supply of bricks to the City Council, but for reasons already indicated no definite reply could at present be given. The position appears to be anything but satisfactory, and the sooner the Government give a clear lead in the matter the better. The uncertainty that now exists is not in the best interest of reconstruction and that great housing . scheme which is urgent and imperative, neither is it helpful to a large and very important industry.
Full Steam Ahead at Pinhoe
Mr. Saunders, of the Pinhoe Brickworks told our representative that he had an enquiry from the Government some time ago and replied that they had only just resumed brick-making they were not in a position to say when they would have bricks at their disposal. The Pinhoe brickworks had now been in full work six weeks. The output in normal times was about 4,000,000 bricks a year. He had not heard of any orders having been placed locally. The average output of bricks in the Exeter district was 12,000,00 and Exmouth 10,000,000.
Western Times - Wednesday 19 March 1919

Local Butchers Reject Frozen Mutton

Exeter and surrounding towns have been placed on frozen meat for a fortnight, the object of the controlling authorities apparently being heavy stocks. This is not the first occasion that local consumers have been restricted to this particular Kind of meat, which has invariably evoked a chorus of complaint. The butchers, of course, are not responsible. They are helpless in the matter, as they are able to supply their only with what is allotted to them.
As soon as it becomes known that the supply is restricted to frozen beef and mutton, the consumers rush for pork, and the pork butchers quickly sell out. The first experience of the frozen meat which Exeter had to put up with was such that nobody wanted a repetition.
The frozen beef, said leading butcher last night, is not sufficiently bad to reject, but it is not the sort of meat local consumers have been accustomed to. He pointed out that a largo number of the patrons of Exeter butchers' shops on Fridays are people who come into the city from the country. They will not purchase the frozen meat. Generally , they are in a position to get either rabbits or some other substitute. Townspeople are, however, not so favourably situated, and the majority have to take the frozen article.
This week Exeter, which is entitled to about 320 sheep, was limited to 50, but these carcases were in such an unsaleable condition that Mr. A. W. Boon, the group buyer and Secretary of the Devon and Exeter Butchers' Association, felt bound to reject them. The carcases, he informed our representative, were big and fat, and so dirty, and had so much waste about them, that he could not allow, them to be his shop. He felt that what was too bad for his customers was also unfit for the customers of his fellow butchers, and he rejected the lot. About a hundred sheep which were sent from the same source to neighbouring towns would, he thought, be worse, because they would reach the butchers a day later…
Western Times - Friday 21 March 1919

Thefts from Topsham Barracks Allotments

Complaints which had reached the Exeter Police regarding the pilfering of vegetable from fields belonging to the Topsham Barracks authorities led the the appearance of the Exeter Police Court on Saturday of Harold Beal. a Wonford youth. He pleaded guilty to stealing eighteen-pennyworth of greens from one of the fields question on March 11th. A constable stated he stopped the defendant, as he was carrying cauliflower and other greens in a bundle under his arm. At first Beal said he got them from "Cooper's," but later he admitted he stole them from one the Barrack's field.—Defendant told the Magistrates that he thought the greens were wasting, and he went into the field and picked them on the spur of the moment.—The Chief mentioned that the lad, since the theft had joined the army,—was find 10s, the Magistrates being Messrs. T. Bradley Rowe (in the chair), P. Kelland, H. J. Munro and C. J. Vieland.
Western Times - Monday 24 March 1919


Thanks to the prompt manner in which it was reported to the Exeter Fire Brigade and dealt with by them, a fire in Castle-street, soon after five yesterday evening, was extinguished before a great amount of damage was done. In connection with the Military Hospital the College Hostel in Castle-street, an annexe in Little Castle-street is used, consisting of an upstair and a downstairs room, both of which are used as wards. The annexe is quite separate from the main building approach, being gained by stone steps near the Hostel. Adjoining the annexe are some tenements, and one occupier, Mr. G. Welsman having his suspicions aroused, communicated with the police. P.S. Hurford telephoned to the fire station, and Supt. Pett cycled down. By this time a considerable quantity of smoke was coming from the roof between the annexe and Mr. Welsman's room, and Mr. Pett immediately sent for the engine. Meanwhile, the staff and patients removed the beds, etc., from the wards which were all made up for the night. There were 27 of these, and had the outbreak occurred a few hours later, a serious fire, with possible loss of life, might have occurred. As it was the beds had scarcely been removed from the corner of the upstairs room nearest the fire when a large portion of the ceiling and roof collapsed within a few inches of where Supt. Pett was standing. Fortunately, a good supply of water was available and the fire was soon extinguished. Temporary arrangements were made for housing the patients for the night. Th damage was confined to the roof and ceiling. Among the police who rendered valuable assistance were P.S. White, Acting-Sergt, Elford, and P.C.’s Whitfield and Gribble.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Monday 24 March 1919

Accident at Exeter

Yesterday afternoon Frank Eakers, of Peamore Farm. Alphington, was driving a horse attached to a cart (in which there were some pigs) over Exe Bridge, when the horse bolted along Alphington-street. Just beyond Haven-road Eakers fell off the cart, the near wheel of which passed over one of his legs. He was picked up by a constable, who took him in a motor-car to the Royal Devon and Hospital. He there received attention and was made an out-patient. The horse galloped as far as Willeys Avenue, where, in turning a corner, a shaft of the cart was broken. The horse and pigs were apparently uninjured.
Western Times - Saturday 29 March 1919

Model N Tractor adWestern Times - Friday 14 March 1919

February 1919


Number of Enginemen Cease Work at Queen Street Station
We understand that a number of enginemen on the Loudon and South Western Railway at Exeter struck work late last night, and it is anticipated that their numbers will be increased to-day. Our representative, making enquiries early this morning, was informed that the mail train left Queen-street as usual, but no guarantee could be given regarding the running of the later trains.
Western Times - Thursday 06 February 1919

Motor Accident at Heavitree

Shortly after noon yesterday an accident occurred at the Livery Dole cross-roads, Heavitree. F. Manley, in the employ of Mr. Williams, motor engineer, Catherine-street, was driving a car towards the City. When near the cross roads a motor cycle ridden by Dr. Truman, proceeding up Barrack-road, came into sight. In trying to avoid an accident, Manley turned the car into Polsloe-road, with the result that he collided with a shop corner, the property of a boot repairer named Searle. The car was damaged, and the wind screen smashed. A man named Lascelles, in the motor car, received injuries from the broken glass, and was taken to the Devon and Exeter Hospital and detained.
Western Times - Friday 07 February 1919

Soldiers Burial at Exeter

The friends of Lnc.-Corpl. Harry Bissell Jennings, of the 9th Devons, late of Crediton. will he grieved to hear of his almost sudden death. A monumental mason, worked for some years for Messrs. Mitchell and Sons, Exeter, and one of the first to answer the appeal for men of the Mayor Exeter, being afterwards drafted to the 9th Buller's Own, being later transferred to the 9th Battalion. He saw service in France and Italy, and came home January, after spending nearly two years the latter country, looking quite healthy and none the worse for his campaigning. About three weeks since he went to London to rejoin his unit, and was drafted to Salisbury Plain. After a short stay there was demobilised and returned home. Unfortunately he contracted a chill at Camp, and had to take to his bed immediately on his arrival in Exeter. His condition not improving was removed to No, 1 Hospital, where he passed away on Tuesday. Deceased leaves a widow and one son. The funeral took place on Saturday at the Exeter Higher Cemetery.
Western Times - Monday 10 February 1919

Knocked down

While playing in Queen Street, Exeter, Frank Liveridge, aged 14, was knocked down by a G.W.R. parcel van, which was being led by Albert Crocker, the wheels of the vehicle passing over his arms and leg. After being examined by Supt. Bowden of the St John Ambulance, he was taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital by P.C. Windeatt, where he was made an out-patient.
Western Times - Wednesday 12 February 1919


To the Editor of the “Western Times."
Sir.—May I be allowed to take the means of writing through your paper to express to many (whom it is felt, can only so reached) a few words of grateful thanks for various help given since the war began collecting the sphagnum moss, and making the dressings, supplied through this Central Depot, which was organised originally by Miss Buller, requisition, and the letters of appreciation Voluntary Organisations.
Now, that the time has come when these are no longer required, it will no doubt interest many, who have spent hours gathering and preparing the moss, for others to make into pads, to know that since Spring of 1915 up to the present time, 830,520 moss dressings have been forwarded to 165 base hospitals, casualty clearing stations, field ambulances and military hospitals France, Salonika, Mesopotamia and Great Britain. Judging from the repeated requisitions, and the letters of appreciation received, much good service has been rendered by those who responded to the appeal for this help in the beginning, and considerable economy effected by the use of these dressings, a time when this was of the most urgent importance.
There has been an ever increasing band of workers for this cause, from the oldest to the youngest, all generously giving their time one way or another, either at their local Depots (of which there have been 25 in four Counties), in schools and institutions, by the loan of premises, motor cars etc.. and it is to all these we would express our indebtedness for the hours of labour and fatigue, so willingly given. It would be impossible to enumerate the many different ways which assistance has been offered, but the gathering of the moss, in remote and often very inaccessible places, its conveyance to the centres, where it would be dried and prepared, the making of the dressings, and their final despatch in large quantities comply with requisitions often received at the shortest notice, has involved the co-operation of an immense number of people and much strenuous work, the extent of which can only be appreciated by those brought into direct contact with it.
Yours truly,
Hon. Organising Secretary.
Devon Sphagnum Moss Central Depot.
Sphagnum Moss Depot.
145, Sidwell-street. Exeter.
17th February, 1919.
Western Times - Friday 21 February 1919

Exeter Tram Fares

Exeter Tramways Committee have adopted a list of revised tram fares to be put in force as soon practicable. The highest of the proposed fares is 3½d for the journey from Cross Park to Dunsford-road, an increase 1d. Cross Park to Exe Bridge is to be 3d, an increase of 1d, and from Cross Park to the Guildhall 2d, increase ½d. Pinhoe-road to Alphington-road is to be 3d, an increase of 1d. Pinhoe-Road to Belmont-road to be 1d; ditto to Guildhall, 1½d; ditto Exe Bridge, 2½d ; Belmont-road to Alphington-road, 2½d; top of Paris-street to Alphington-road, 2d. Queen-street to St. David's station be be 1½d an increase of ½d. Dinner returns are to be the equivalent to singe fare and half. Workmen's fares to be on the same basis as at present with a minimum if 1d. Children s fares also to on the same basis as present, but with a minimum 1d.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Farthing Breakfasts

We have received 70 farthings from Francis Brewer, Bath-road, for the Exeter Farthing Breakfast Fund.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Unlit bicycle

Exeter Police Court yesterday, Nurse Rowe, Belmont-Road, was summoned for riding a bicycle at night without a light and was fined five shillings.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Horse sale

Trade was good at Collins’ Horse Repository, Paris Street, Exeter, yesterday, when 117 horses (107 from the Food Production Department, and 10 privately owned horses were sold). The horses were mostly suitable for agriculturalists and others. Among the many satisfactory prices realised by the food production horses were 72gns, 19gns, 105gns, and 130gns. A privately owned bay cart mare realised 98gns. Next Friday 100 army horses from France will be offered, by order of the Secretary of State for War.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Blanket Society

The annual report of the Exeter's Blanket Society, to be submitted at the annual meeting, states that 2500 blankets were issued on loan to poor people in 1918. There is a balance in the hands of the treasurer of £119 12s 4d. No expenditure has been incurred for renewals of blankets during 1918, and as this will involve a heavy outlay in 1919, the surplus balance is carried forward in reserve for this purpose.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Illegal lights

A motor driver, Philip Travers, Sidwell Street, was summoned at Exeter Police Court yesterday for driving a car at night in Exeter the headlights of which had glass exceeding 5 inches in diameter, and not obscured. He was fined £1.
Western Times - Saturday 22 February 1919

Belgian Retuqees Leave Devon for Home

There was pathos as well the natural joy and hope of exiles on the verge of repatriation, in the setting-off, Saturday, the first large party of Belgians who have found refuge in Devon during the war. For, while they were going "home," the names Ostend, Antwerp, Liege, etc., on their hand-luggage represented, one knew, houses, streets, and places, which, even if they are themselves intact, are surrounded on every hand by evidences of the fiercest ravages of war. In addition the mourning garb—a great deal heavier than is usually chosen by English folk, in these days—worn by several of the travellers was eloquent of the fact that our Allies are leaving some of their dear ones at rest in strange soil. There is, indeed, a small colony of Belgian graves in the Higher Cemetery at Exeter, a touching memento in our midst for all time of the tragedy that temporarily broke the gallant little nation in 1914.
The first contingent of the refugees left St. David's Station for their native land after nine on Saturday. The train by which they journeyed started from Newton Abbot and picked up parties at Teignmouth, Dawlish, and Starcross (one family), before reaching Exeter, and afterwards received reinforcements at Hele, Cullompton Tiverton Junction, and so on. A second train, from Bere Alston, Gunnislake, Caliington, Tavistock, and Okehampton, left Queen-street Station at 10.40, having picked up Exmouth and Lympstone parties, as well as some passengers from the city, at Exeter. Belgians also joined at Pinhoe, Broadclyst, Sidmouth Junction (from Ottery St. Mary and Sidmouth), and Seaton Junction (from Seaton, Axminster. etc.). At 12.30 a third train set out, also from Queen-street, this containing refugees from Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford. Lynton, Combe Martin, etc…
Extremes of Youth and Age
Many interesting incidents marked the departure of the Refugees. Citizens who had made warm friendships with some came to see them off, and the farewells were very cordial. Little girls might noticed with ribbons of the crimson, yellow and black Belgian “colours" tying their hair. As the trains steamed out from the stations, not only handkerchiefs, but also small Union Jacks, with which some the travellers had provided themselves, and their own Belgian flags, were waved from the windows as long as the platforms were in sight.
Many the little people accompanying the Refugees will be seeing their own country for the first time when they reach Belgium. For death has taken its toll among the subjects of King Albert while they have been in this country, there have also been the happier events births and marriages to chronicle too. Probably the youngest of the travellers was a baby of two months from South Devon, though a bonny little girl (rejoicing the English Christian name of Jessie) from Exmouth ran her close by having only another extra month's existence to her credit. At the other extreme of life was a passenger from Ilfracombe, an old gentleman of no less than 101 years, who has been in Devonshire since his 99th birthday. He was conveyed with every care on a stretcher in a first-class carriage, with a special nurse, sent from Exeter, in attendance, besides members of his own family. From Tavistock, too, came M. Maes, who forced by the brutal invaders to fly from his country at the age of 79, is now returning safe and sound at 84…
Western Times - Tuesday 25 February 1919

Wonford Sessions

Two more dog muzzling eases were beard Sessions at the Castle Exeter yesterday, before Colonel Blake {in chair), Messrs. A. C. Byrom and H. G. Morgan, the defendants being (Charles Hy. Goss, Longdown, and Alice Bishop Starcross. Regret was expressed at the occurrence, and in the case Goss a fine of 5s was inflicted, while the latter defendant was fined £2.
Richard J. Newberry, senr., was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Alphington on Feb. 15th. Defendant was seen by Police-Sergt. Banbury coming from Exeter and was making a great noise, bawling and shouting. There were previous convictions for similar offences. When asked for an explanation defendant said he could recollect nothing whatever of the occurrence.–Fined 10s.
Western Times - Wednesday 26 February 1919


Moving the adoption the Navigation Committee's report, Mr. Garnsworthy said the estimated cost for the proposed alterations and repairs at Turf. viz.. £120, was partly for papering and for the re-opening of windows, and partly for the extension of the scullery. Mr. Lucas remarked that every time Turf changed hands they always had a big expense for repairs and alterations, and the place was never left in the order it ought to be. He was not saying the present man should not given a fair chance, but the Council should safeguard themselves when they had a tenant going in by requiring the deposit of a sum of money so that when he left they could take any for dilapidations out of it.
Mr. Stocker, referring the recommendation of the Committee that the application of the lock-keeper at Double Locks be declined, said that doubtless the Committee had some reason for refusing the application but it was not a living wage. He thought they should know why the increase was not granted.
Mr. Hamlyn, said he was sorry Mr. Stocker had raised the question; there were reasons why they did not propose to raise the salary.
Mr. Gayton said that did not answer the question. He was given to understand the lock-keeper had received no consideration whatever since the war had been on, and if that was so he was the only employee of the Council in that position. If it was necessary to keep a man there the Council should be prepared give him the consideration to which he was entitled.
Mr. Stocker moved that the matter be referred back to the Committee. Mr. Alton seconded.
The Mayor asked whether there was any shipping in the Canal now.
Mr. Garnsworthy replied in the negative. The Council must bear in mind it was not a matter of £50 alone. Thcere was, in addition, a house and something like three acres of land, of which there is three-quarters of an acre of garden, and a similar proportion of grazing, so that he was enabled to keep one or two cows, and for this for the last three or four years he had done nothing for the Council. He did not think anything could done by referring it back, as the committee considered the matter for the year or so.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 26 February 1919

Exeter War Memorial

At a meeting of St. Sidwell's traders, the question of the City war memorial was considered, and a suggestion was made that it should recommended to the Mayor that it should take the form a handsome bandstand with a portable glass wind screen attached to same, erected on the site at Northernhay, and that the German and other war guns placed around the stand, alter being suitably painted or bronzed. A shilling subscription list to be opened, a person being allowed give any number of shillings. “Grecian" proposes that among other things there should be a book kept at the Guildhall, in which the names of the fallen heroes could be entered. The original idea is that there should be a complete record of all citizens who served in the war.
Western Times - Thursday 27 February 1919


Good Bye and Good Luck LADY OWEN, Mayoress ExeterLADY OWEN, Mayoress Exeter, who was the pioneer of schemes for entertaining soldiers travelling on troop trains, fed over a million men. The Canadian, New Zealan,. Australian, and South African Contingents have officially presented her with flags to mark their appreciation. She is here seen entertaining the Australians at St. David's Station, Exeter, on their way home to Australia.
Western Times - Friday 14 February 1919

January 1919

Engine Driver's

An inquest was held at the Exeter Court House, yesterday, on James Widgery, Pinhoe-road, engine driver in the employ of the L. and S.W. Railway, who collapsed at Queen-street Station while on his engine attached to the afternoon Plymouth express on Tuesday, and died shortly atterwards.
Albert Harding, Normandry-road, Heavitree, said he was fireman with the deceased. They started at 1.30 p.m.. and deceased then seemed alright, though he complained of a touch of indigestion. He brought the engine from the Junction to Queen-street Station, where it was coupled to the train, and started towards St David’s. Witness was looking for a signal, and turned round and found deceased had collapsed. He stopped the train, and deceased was assisted to the stationmaster’s office. Drivers were not periodically examined until they attained a certain age.
Dr. Pereira Gray said all organs were perfectly normal except the big blood-vessel of the heart which was diseased. The heart itself was all right. Death was due fro angina pectoris.
The Deputy Coroner (Mr. Hamilton Brown) returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes."
Sergt. Luher, of the Company's police, expressed the regret of the Company at the death of such a valuable employee. Mr. C. W. Jarman representing the deceased's Union, associated himself with the expression.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 02 January 1919

Bad Half-Crowns in Circulation at Exeter

More bad half-crowns are circulation Exeter. Recently we warned city trade-men about these spurious coins, and for a while further cases were reported to the police. Now, however, others have arisen, and a well known Fore-street draper on Tuesday had one of the bad coins tendered in payment of an account. The coins are undoubtedly imitations and would deceive anyone at a casual glance. The relief impression, in fact, both back and front, is almost perfect. The weight (or lack of it) and the dull sounding “ring" give the show away.
Western Times - Thursday 09 January 1919

War Memorial for Heavitree

The question of the erection of a suitable war memorial for the parish, was considered at a meeting held in Heanton Church Rooms, over which Sir Fredk. Williams, Bart, presided. After considerable discussion, it was decided, on the motion of Mr. T. Dunn, Heanton Court, seconded Mr. Huxtable (Marsh Farm) that a reading room should be erected in the village (on piece of land generously given by Sir Frederick Williams) the memory of those men of the parish who had fallen in the war. A tablet is also to be erected in the church.
Western Times - Friday 10 January 1919

Horse Sale at Exeter

On Friday 50 artillery and 19 privately owned horses were put up for sale at Collings' Horse Repository, Paris-street, Exeter. The army horses realised from 10gns. to 42gns., bidding not being brisk. Of the privately owned horses, a bay mare realised 44gns., and a bay gelding 54gns. Next week a batch of 100 horses from Topsham Barracks will be offered.
Western Times - Tuesday 14 January 1919


A Lunar rainbow, which was visible for about three minutes, was seen from Exmouth at 6.10 last evening, in the direction of Haldon.
Mr. J. A. Fitchett, manager of Exeter Hippodrome, was last night reported to be in much the same condition—if anything, a shade better.
The Distinguished Conduct Medal has been awarded 30262 Frivate (Lance-Corpl.) E. The funeral of the late Mr. John Warren, of 51, Summerland-street, Exeter, for fifty years employe of the Exeter City Council, has taken place the Higher Cemetery The service was conducted Rev. F. Jones, Rector of St. Sidwell's. Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 17 January 1919

Exonian Charged with Theft of Fowls and Rabbits

Before Messrs. P. Kelland (in the chair), J Stores and P. Durden, at the Exeter Police Court yesterday, John Stamp. 17, Church-road, Exeter, was charged with being in possession of seven fowls and four rabbits, believed to have been stolen, in Magdalen-road on the 21st inst.—P.C. Wood stated that early that morning he saw defendant in Magdalen-road wheeling a bicycle with two bags. The smaller bag contained two fowls and the large one five. Four rabbits were hanging on the handlebars of the cycle. Defendant stated f that he had been to Rockbeare to a whist drive and had stayed until 3 a.m. He said that he had bought the fowls from his sister at Rockbeare. The constable doubted this story and arrested him on suspicion.
The Chief Constable (Mr. A. F. Nicholson) said defendant had been doing a little poultry dealing, and it was rather a coincidence that poultry should have been missed from the district. The Chief Constable asked for day's adjournment so as to enable the police to make enquiries.—The adjournment was granted, and it was agreed by the Bench that if property were identified as belonging to the County it should be handed over to the Police.
Western Times - Wednesday 22 January 1919

Homeward Bound.

It was cold, bitterly cold, at 4 o'clock yesterday morning, when, somewhere in England the notes of a bugle awoke a large number of Australian soldiers. Early the hour, and cold the weather, however, these well-knit sons of Britain were in high spirits, for the sound of the "Reveille" across the parade ground emphasised the fact that they had started on "the long trail which leads to home."' For these fellows, who had rallied to the defence of the Motherland when danger was at hand, had fought the good fight; with their splendid co-operation the war had been won, and now, their duty nobly done, they were about to leave Old England's shores once more for their beloved Australia. What wonder, then, that they were in the happiest moods, with the thoughts home in their minds Soon the first parties were on their way to the railway station to commence the first stage of their journey. Plymouth was their port of departure, and some travelled via the London and South-Western Railway and others by the Great Western Railway. Naturally, by the time they reached Exeter—the train bearing the first contingent reached Queen-street shortly after 11 —they were feeling rather cold, and anxiously wondering whether it would be possible, during their few minutes' wait, to get something hot. Hardly had the train pulled up than they surged out of the carriages and noticed, evidently awaiting them, a little party of ladies, with urns of steaming hot tea and parcels of buns. They were Lady Owen (Mayoress of Exeter) and her helpers at the Depot, who throughout the war have met troop trains and cheered the men with words of welcome and appreciation, while they handed them hot or cooling drinks, according to the season, and parcels of cakes.
Founded Mrs. Kendall King, the then Mayoress, in the early stages of the war, the Hospitality Fund, during the time Lady Owen has been Mayoress, has attained huge dimensions. More than 2,000,000 men have been entertained, and among them have been our own Tommies, as well as Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians, South Africans, Americans, and, indeed, representatives of well nigh every nation or part of the British Empire taking part in the great fight for freedom. Whatever the weather, the ladies have met the trains in the early hours of the morning, as well as during the day, and acknowledgments of the hospitality received have reached the Depot from every part of the world. Many of the recipients yesterday, who passed through in three special trains, had been entertained by ladies on their arrival in England. As one fellow remarked the first hospitality they received in England was at the hands of her ladies and herself, and it was pleasing to know that a similar act should be among their last recollections of the Old Country. How the lads enjoyed their lunch !—many were the expressions of genuine thankfulness representative of the “Gazette" heard as he accompanied the men down St. David's Station.
Greatly to the London and South-Western Railway contingent's surprise, as they steamed into St. David's another train came into the station carrying some of their companions, apparently in the opposite direction. Shouts of "Where are you going?" were exchanged, and neither party could understand, until the situation was explained, how both trains could be going to Plymouth. About two things all were one mind, however. One was the kindness of the Mayoress and her ladies, and the other how good, was to be going home again. “I have not been home for four years," said one of the party, who fought at Suvla Bay and in France, "and I am longing to be home again. England is all well, but it is not Australia." And that was the prevailing note. One and all had left all at the call of the Motherland, but now that the danger was past they were eager to be home once more Our thanks go with them, with the hope that the ties of brotherhood have been strengthened during the war may grow stronger and stronger as time rolls on.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 25 January 1919

Fatal Termination to Exeter Trap Accident

Pte. Charles Wedgewood, who was thrown out of a cart in Pinhoe-road on Tuesday last, has since died in No. 3 War Hospital. Deceased and two other men were out driving when the horse bolted. One these jumped out to stop the horse, the other keeping his seat, and both were uninjured.
Western Times - Saturday 25 January 1919

Australian Band at Exeter

On Saturday there was an unusual incident at St. David's Station, Exeter. The Mayoress (Lady Owen) and the ladies of her Depot were busily engaged offering hospitality to the returning Australians, of whom three train loads passed through. In the first party was one of the regimental hands. The men were so delighted with their reception that they called for the band. The musicians "bolted" their tea, made a dive into the carriages for their instruments, and within a few minutes were playing lively tunes on the platform.
Western Times - Monday 27 January 1919

A Heavitree Defendant and the Dog Muzzling Order

The only case at the Exeter Police Court on Saturday, before Messrs. C. J. Vlieland (in the chair), P. Kelland and H. J. Munro, was a summons against Charles Smith, Cholwell Cottages, Heavitree, in respect of a dog at large unmuzzled. —P.C Harvey found defendant’s black Aberdeen terrier running about Quarry Lane without a muzzle, and when he saw Smith about the matter the latter exclaimed: "I wish had the man here who made that order—such nonsense! He wouldn't make any more." Harvey informed the Bench that defendant, at the time was working at some cow sheds and had muzzle in the sheds. It was his custom to let the dog run the roads in the vicinity unmuzzled.—Smith did not appear, and had written a letter to the magistrates stating that he kept the dog about the farm to kill vermin —The magistrates declined to accept this excuse and inflicted a fine of 10s.
Western Times - Monday 27 January 1919

Fell off chair

A little girl named Muriel Walters, residing at 31, King Edward-street, Exeter, fell from a chair at her home yesterday and located her right arm. She was taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital by Special Constable Steer, and after receiving medic attention was made an out-patient..
Western Times - Monday 27 January 1919

POW returns

Among, prisoners of war who recently returned home to Exeter was Pte. Stanley Pinn, of the Somerset Light Infantry, whose parents reside at 38, East John-street. He was captured in the enemy's last big push, on March 21st, 1918, and for ten weeks his parents heard nothing of him. His postcards and letters never reached home: he was posted as “missing” by the War Office, and was given up by all his friends as lost.
Western Times - Monday 27 January 1919

How They Were Stranded at Exeter

As result of either culpable neglect or unpardonable ignorance on the part of authorities at one of the dispersal centres, nearly a hundred demobilised men were stranded in Exeter on Sunday. Fortunately, they were well looked after, and yesterday returned to their respective homes quite happy. That however, was the outcome of the energies exerted by a number of ladies and gentlemen who have been engaged in caring for the soldiers at Exeter ever since the war began, and no thanks are due to the military authorities whose business it would seem to be.
It appears that on Sunday morning the men were dropped down on Queen-street Station from a special train from Salisbury Plain. They were for various parts of the county, and found as a time-table would have told the Transport Officer at the other end, that there were no trains to take them further. Their first call was to the Y.M.C.A., where the caretaker, understanding that they wanted transport, suggested that they should see the Mayor.
Accordingly a deputation was sent to call on Sir James Owen and were fortunate enough to meet him and Lady Owen on their way home from the Cathedral. The first thought was to provide them with food, and the deputation were taken to the Mayor's residence, and there entertained. Meanwhile, efforts were made to get motors, but it was impossible to “rise" them for such a large number, and the men were advised to go to the Y.M.C.A. All shops and restaurants were, of course, closed. The Y.M.C.A. however, rises superior to all difficulties in the way of commissariat. In order to make quite sure that there would be supplies, the Mayoress obtained from her Depot a quantity of tinned provisions.
Mr. E. S. Plummer Mr. Arthur Thomas, and Mr. May (secretary) were soon on the scene, and dashed all over the City in motors collecting the voluntary staff of ladies to provide for the requirements of the men. Later in the afternoon another batch arrived.
Most of the men wanted to be sent home at once, but all the motor volunteers had already gone into the country on their usual overnight week-end service, and so was impossible to oblige them in this way.
The “sleeping" of such a large emergency party was a problem, but with the aid of the temporary quarters at the old “Nugget” in Queen-street, everybody was made comfortable.
Yesterday, after breakfast, the men left the City by the early trains.
We understand that the Mayor Exeter has already communicated with the Secretary of State for War protesting against men being stranded in this way. It is hoped that the result will be that the military authorities will be instructed not to turn men out of the dispersal camp on Sundays unless arrangements have been made for them to reach their destinations.
Western Times - Tuesday 28 January 1919

An Important Case to Motorists at Exeter

A case of some importance to motorists was heard before Messrs. J. Stocker, in the chair, H. B. Varwell. and H. HalI, at Exeter Police Court on Friday. Robert Wilson, Kingsteignton, was summoned for driving a motor car in Sidwell-street, and using an electric lamp, the glass of which exceeded five inches in diameter, and was not obscured.
The Chief Constable explained that this summons was taken out under an amended Lighting Order, issued last December. It was advertised locally, and the police had given many warnings, but cases still arose.
Mr. Varwell: it a war measure?
The Chief Constable: It is under the Defence of the Realm Act. Certain lighting regulations were withdrawn and some remain in force. I fancy this particular restriction was provided for temporarily, in order eventually to do away with the very big glaring headlights which were used before the war.
The Chairman: They were dangerous both to drivers and people meeting the cars carrying them.
The Chief Constable: That is so.
Defendant did not appear in the present case, and was stated that when P.S. Underhill stopped him driving with the head-lights which were an infringement, he said at once that he thought all restrictions had been withdrawn.
Western Times - Tuesday 28 January 1919

Unmuzzled dogs

Elizabeth Knowles, the Victory inn, St. Sidwell’s. and Augustino Casalucci, 7, Guinea-street, Exeter, were fined 20s and 10s respectively, at Exeter Police-court, yesterday, for allowing dogs to go unmuzzled on January 24th.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 30 January 1919

Accident at Exeter

Mrs. Baker, widow, aged 82, residing with her daughter, Mrs. Davis, 30, East John-street, Exeter, fell out of the bedroom window last evening between 9 and 10 o'clock, and pitched into the street. She fractured her left arm, and was also suffering from an injured head and shock. She was attended by Dr. Brash, and conveyed to the Devon and Exeter Hospital on the police ambulance, and detained.
About 4.30 yesterday afternoon Ernest Williams was driving a horse and empty lorry up Summerland-street. Exeter, when Frederick Palfrey, aged seven years, of No. 7, Summerland-street, ran out from Bishop’s-court and collided with the lorry, the hind wheel of which went over the lad. He was taken to his home and examined by Dr. Brash. It was found that the boy had, fortunately, only sustained bruises.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Thursday 30 January 1919

"Ancient" Exeter Ancient housesThe above photographs do not illustrate scenes in devastated France, or the results of an air-raid, but depict the ruins in and around Maddock’s-row, Exeter. This this property was condemned some years ago, and demolition started early in 1914. The space originally occupied by the houses demolished as a dumping ground for the relics of buildings, etc., while around this square are houses, in more or less ruinous condition. It is alleged that the garden of one of the inhabited houses has been partially destroyed owing to the protecting boards erected by the Council being blown down. During the day the yard and the empty houses are the happy hunting ground of children, and it is a wonder no accident has occurred. Traders in the vicinity are suffering from loss of custom on account of Exeter’s “deserted village,” which, although within a stones throw of some of the city’s chief buildings, is doubtless rarely included in the tour of visitors to the “Ever Faithful” make under the care of an experienced guide. Readers of the “Gazette” can judge for themselves whether the houses around are likely to tumble down, while they can form a good idea of the safety or otherwise of the now “famous” lamp at the entrance to the Row. The communications we have published from the correspondence in the “Gazette” have condemned the present state of the property in no uncertain terms. One of the worthy members of the Exeter City Council has, however, characterised these communications as an absolute lie. We leave our readers to judge the photographs which of the two parties has properly described the position. “Gazette” photos
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Saturday 27 September 1919



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