Page updated 5th January 2015
Return to Retail Exeter
Endicotts, the government surplus business that
seems to have
inhabited the same
site for more years than some care to remember, was first opened in
1937 at
3 Milk Street, between
a tobacconist and a china dealer. It was started by Lennox
Endicott who specialised in selling ex-police equipment and later
general government and army surplus. In the 1939 Kelly's directory, the
shop is
listed as Mrs Susan Endicott, outfitter. After five short years, the
business aspirations of Lennox were curtailed, when this part of Exeter
totally destroyed during the May 1942 blitz. According to family
legend, Lennox continued to trade out of a wheelbarrow.
In the late 1940's Endicotts was re-established at 57 West Street,
just at a time when there was a lot of government surplus coming on the
market. The shop was next to Cecil Brewer, boot repairer who was noted
for supplying pigeons to the RAF during the war, and who extensively
photographed the moving of the Merchants
House in 1961.
It was with the move to West
Street that Raymond Endicott joined his
father's business straight from attending the Episcopal School. Raymond
briefly left to do his National Service as a storeman in the RAF,
returning to Exeter in the early 1950's. It was in 1950 that 2 West
Street, on the corner of New Bridge Street, the present shop, was
Raymond married in the mid 1960's and Kevin his son
was born in 1968.
Both Kevin's mother and grandmother worked in the shop at this time.
The 1960's were a busy time for the business, as the baby boomers
became mods and rockers. All well dressed mods had to have an
ex-US forces parka, and who was better equipped to provide them in
Exeter, than Endicotts who had plenty in stock for 69/11 (£3.50 in
modern money). Eventually the supply of the genuine article dried up,
and 'commercial' parkas were
sold, but they marked you out as a bit of a loser.
Kevin tells of his father purchasing hundreds of pairs of Levis as
seconds, because they had twisted seams. Forty years later, and Levis
produced jeans with deliberately twisted seams, which enabled Endicotts
to sell the last of their first batch! During the 70's, jeans of every
description were purchased in their thousands - some with flares that
would go around your waist.
And then disaster struck in October 1973 when an arsonist set fire to 57 West Street, which was being used as a warehouse at the time. The sixteenth-century, four storey building was gutted causing £45,000 of damage and a loss of £4,000 worth of stock. It is thought that the fire was set at 1am, with the alarm raised by the 78 year old Cecil Brewer who escaped, with his wife as flames leapt through the roof of Endicotts. Six fire appliances and a turntable ladder attended, but were unable to prevent severe damage. Cecil Brewers shop suffered bad water damage, collapsing a ceiling in one room, and the picture framing business of J W Urch on the other side was also damaged. The fire service was stretched that night, as arsonists also set fire to a building in Swans Yard off Okehampton Street and the Devon and Exeter Savings Bank in Cowick Street.
The 1980's was the decade when military style
clothing became
fashionable, another
trend that was well suited to government surplus. In 1984, the
young Kevin Endicott joined the firm straight from school - he claims
that he deliberately did badly at job interviews as he knew that he
really wanted to work in the family business.
When Kevin had left school, his father set him up in his own shop,
at 4
West Street. This modest start in the world of Government Surplus
netted £283 on its first Saturday.
For many years the shop did not have a telephone,
as Raymond Endicott
could not see the sense of the cost. Kevin tried for several years to
persuade his Dad to have a phone installed, but he always said "NO, NO" and "NO" again.
Having nearly given up on the idea, Kevin had one last try to
him, by saying the "The business
could afford £99 PLUS VAT, couldn't it?" .
Raymond replied "Of course, why?"
Kevin did not tell his Dad what the money was for, but he
went to BT and arranged for them to fit the line, and supply a
memorable number - 433331.
The phone was fitted without a fuss from Raymond, as the thought of
"getting the VAT back" was more
than enough to
persuade him.
The main business grew with stock deliveries sometimes measured in tons. One stockroom was full of thousands of socks in a pile over six feet high. Stock control was not sufficient for the job at the time, so in 1990 Kevin spent a considerable time in the present store, rebuilding shelving and storage to cope with a very diverse range of products. He needed to, as their stock of boots went up to size 17 as well as stocking that well sought item, a top rotor protector for a Lynx helicopter.
Raymond Endicott died in May 2007, leaving the business in Kevin's capable hands. For those who enjoy the outdoor life, or just want good, honest work clothes, or are after some military gear, Endicotts, one of the longest established businesses in this part of town, is the place to go, and you will be supporting an old, independent trader who is part of the fabric of Exeter.
Source: Express and Echo and Kevin Endicott
Kevin Endicott in the shop.
The shop at 2 West Street.
The shop at 2 West Street.
The shop in West Street, 1961. © Michael T J Wride.
The Endicotts Website is an Aladdin's Cave of army surplus.
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